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_TPL_Dialog - Pattern for simple dialog froms (internal data type)


Simple dialogs are used in order to display simple user dialogs without transactions. Typically, simple dialogs are called in order to request data by the user (e.g. process information). Usually, the simple dialog window contains a OK and a Cancel button in order to decide whether to continue or not.


The form consists of edit control, which is supposed to contain the dialog data area. The OK/Cancel buttons are defined in the edit_frame and might be removed or replaced by other buttons.

Data source

By default, the data source from the parent control calling the window (action) is passed to the dialog. The data source might be assigned by the context, also, in which case the data source should be set in the doAfterOpen() handler. In order to set the data source in the context class, the data source for the edit_frame has to be set to user-defined.

Changing size

In order to change the size of the pattern controls, you have to decrease or increase the size for the all controls defined in the pattern class. The size for the Edit window is calculated from the size of the edit_frame control (when set to 0) or should be larger..


The edit control has to be filled with content after initializing a design class with the template. In order to add more buttons, one may increase the horizontal grid size for the edit_frame control.