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BaseContext :: permitted - Check access permission

The function returns, whether the application is allowed to call the action passed in sActionName ( true ) or not ( false ). The function is called internally before executing an action or function.

By default, the function returns true . In order to perform permission checks, the permitted() function can be overloaded in a user specialized context class.

When the context handle does not refer to a valid context instance the function throws an exception.

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

Implementation details

bool BaseContext  :: permitted ( odaba::String &sActionName )
  • sActionName - Action name

    The action name is a name of an action implemented in the context class related to the database source or implemented as default action. Actions can be implemented as expressions, as C++ functions or as .NET function.

    In order to pass no action name, an empty string ( String () ) may be passed.