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SDB_ST - Instance type

The instance type is stored in the structure definition ( smcb ).

Enumarators overview

Enumerator details

  1. ST_USER - Application structures

    Application structures are defined in the context of an application.

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  2. ST_KEY - Key structure

    Key structures are usually defined as substructures (subset of properties for a given structure) in the context of a structure. Key structures may contain, however, also properties, which are defined in related structures, or operations.

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  3. ST_BASE - Basic type

    Basic types are elementary types as INT or DATE . Those types do have structure definitions as well, even though they do not have members.

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  4. ST_SYS - System Structure Definitions

    System structure definitions are structures that are defined in the ODABA kernel. System structures are defined as part of the ODABA library (OPAnn.DLL) and are available in any application. An application may specialize system structures, but cannot change them.

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  5. ST_CODE - 16 bit enumeration

    Code sets or enumerations are usually simple classifications, which define categories (classes) for a group of objects.16 bit enumerations allow 16 bit code values, only, which are stored externally in 2 bytes. Internally, enumerator codes use 32 bit numbers, always.


    16 bit enumerations are supported for compatibility reasons, only.

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  6. ST_VIEW - View structure

    View structures are structures that are defined as view.

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  7. ST_CLASS - Class Structure

    Class structures are structures, which are not stored in the database but implemented as classes only (C++, document, window, expression classes etc.)

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