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Property :: eventHandling - Event handling property

The event handling property indicates, whether events are sent to event handlers installed by application. In contrast to context event handlers, application event handlers are called, when the top transaction (inclusive read transactions) is closed. Typically, application event handlers are used to control the ODABA GUI framework. Thus, event handling may be disabled in order to prevent GUI elements from being affected by data source events.

In client/server applications, events are blocked on both sides.


In order to provide specific application event handlers, the system interface is required (PropertyHandle), which provides necessary functionality. So far, generic event handlers are not supported by the odaba interface.

Return value:  Enable resource ( bool  )

In order to enable the referenced resource true should be passed. Passing false will disable the resource.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get event handling state
    bool Property  :: eventHandling (  )

    The function returns true , when event handling is enabled and false otherwise.

  2. to list
  3. Enabling/disabling events
    bool Property  :: eventHandling ( bool bEnable )

    Event handlers installed by the application can be blocked temporarily by passing false in bEnable . In order to reactivate event handlers, true has to be passed in block_opt ;

    • bEnable - Enable resource

      In order to enable the referenced resource true should be passed. Passing false will disable the resource.

  4. to list