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Property :: writeProtected - Persistent write protection property

Persistent instances can be marked are write-protected in order to prevent the instance from further changes. This property manages the persistent write protection state.


In order to update persistent write-protected instances, one may call

Application ::ignoreWriteProtection(true);

Return value:  Write protection required ( bool  )

In order to activate write protection, the value has to be set to true . Passing false will disable write protection.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get persistent write protection state
    bool Property  :: writeProtected (  )

    The property returns the current persistent write protect state. The property returns true , when the instance is currently write-protected and false otherwise.

    When no instance is selected in the property handle, the function throws an exception.

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  3. Change persistent write protection state
    bool Property  :: writeProtected ( bool bWriteProtected )

    The function allows setting or resetting write protection for a persistent instance. When passing true in bWriteProtected , the instance cannot be updated anymore, until the write protection will be reset by calling this function with false .

    The function expects the property handle to be opened in write or update mode and an instance has to be selected. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

    • bWriteProtected - Write protection required

      In order to activate write protection, the value has to be set to true . Passing false will disable write protection.

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