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Example PHP Client

this is a sample from the OPIIceServer , a Ice interface that exports the ODABA functionality

    class iceT {

    private $host = "localhost";

    private $port = "10000";

    public $sessionp;

    public $sessionfactory;

    public $session;

    public $objectfactory;

    public function __construct($name){

            global $ICE;



                $sessionp = $ICE->stringToProxy("session:tcp -h $this->host -p $this->port:udp -h $this->host -p $this->port -h $t

                $sessionp = $sessionp->ice_twoway();

                $sessionfactory  = $sessionp->ice_uncheckedCast("::OPI::SessionFactory");

                $session = $sessionfactory->CreateProxy("php".time());

                $this->objectfactory = $session->CreateSession();

            } catch(Ice_LocalException $ex) {

                echo "warning impossible to continue: ".$ex->unknown."\n";






    class opiI extends iceT{

    protected $odabaclient;

    protected $dictionary;

    protected $database;


    \brief path of databases

        a location that can be accessed with the opiice user on the machine the opiiceserver is running

    \lang{de} pfad zu den datenbanken

        ein dateisystempfad den der opiice nutzer auf dem computer wo der opiiceserver laeuft lesen und schreiben darf


    protected $basepath = "/data/data/";


    \brief Konstruktor

        opens the profile "opi" /etc/ice/profile.ini

        creates empty handles from the objectfactory


    public function __construct(){


            $this->odabaclient = $this->objectfactory->GetODABAClient();

            // the dictionary is in short the structure information

            // you need it to know what is where in the database

            // technical it is just a database and can be used like it

            $this->dictionary  = $this->objectfactory->GetDictionaryHandle();

            // the database is the storage for the data

            $this->database    = $this->objectfactory->GetDatabaseHandle();



    \brief Open Data

        opens the database and the dictionary from the $this->basepath with a

        naming convention (*.dev: dictionary, *.dat: database)


    public function Open($dbname,$readonly=0){


                ,false   //net

                ,-1     //version

                ,OPI_ResourceTypes::resAUTOMATIC //resourcetype

                ,false); // sysenv


                ,false  //net

                ,false  //online

                ,-1     //version


                ,false);  //sysenv



    \brief Open a Extent

        this wraps the access to a extent (someting comparable to a table) to a single call

        the returned propertyhandle can be used for operation

    \lang{de} Oeffnet einen Extent

        Die erstellung auf eines extents (etwas vergleichbar mit einer tabelle) zu einem funktionsaufruf zusammengefasst.

        das zurueckgegebene propertyhandle kann fuer alle weiteren datenbankoperationen benutzt werden


    public function Extent($path,$readonly=0){

           $ph = $this->objectfactory->GetPropertyHandle();


                ,false //transient

                ,"");  //keyname

           return $ph;



    $action = $opi->Extent("Action");

    $note   = $action->GetPropertyHandle("notes");


    echo $note->GetString()