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Data excahnge options

In order to control reserved characters, special data exchange options may be provided below the DATEX option (or section):

  • FIELDSEP - Field separator between field assignments or values (OIF, ESDF, CSV). In order to define tab as field separator, one may set the option to \t. Default: ;
  • STRINGSEP - string delimiters for enclosing string values. String delimiters are required, when string values contain special characters as separators or line break characters. Default: "
  • STRINGSEP_IN_STRING - presentation of string delimiters within strings. When defining a value different from default (e.g. STRINGSEP_IN_STRING="" ), default C-string conversion will be disabled. Default: \"
  • FORCE_QUOTES - string delimiters have to be set for all strings regardless whether string values contain special characters or not. When the option is set to false ( NO ), string separators are required only, when strings contain special characters. Default: false
  • REPLACEMENTS - The option allows defining replacement rules for data import. By default, C-string conversion is performed when importing data (e.g. from .csv files). Defining replacements will disable C-string conversion. Replacement rules are separated by ; and define source and target string separated by :.

; ini file example




