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ActionBubbleType - Action bubble type

The bubble type defines the search order for an event action. Before looking for the action in the bubble type order, the action is searched in the context of the current control. When the action could not be found, or when it returns -1 after execution (not executed), the action will be searched according to the defined bubble type.

Enumarators overview

Enumerator details

  1. ABT_undefined - Bubble type depends on other settings

    When a bubble path has been defined, bubble type ABT_local will be used. Otherwise, bubble type ABT_never is assumed.

    Code: 0
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  2. ABT_local - Search in local context

    The bubble type is set in connection with a bubble path. When defining a bubble path, bubble type should be set to ABT_local or ABT_undefined . Otherwise, the bubble path will be ignored.

    Code: 1
    to list
  3. ABT_upwards - Look for action in parent hierarchy

    The action is searched in the context of all parent controls. When a bubble path has been defined, it will be ignored.

    Code: 2
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  4. ABT_parent - Look up action in parent context

    The action is searched in the context of the parent control. When a bubble path has been defined, it will be ignored.

    Code: 3
    to list
  5. ABT_never - Look in current context

    When selecting bubble type never, the action is searched in the context of the current control. When a bubble path has been defined, it will be ignored.

    Code: 4
    to list