BuiltinActions :: BrowseDirectories - BrowseDirectory - Browse directories (Shift+Ctrl+B,D)
The action pops up with a file dialog for selecting a folder or directory from the file system.
The result will be stored to the control, which is associated with the action. Typically, the action is associated with a single line edit control.
In order to evaluate data in a more sophisticated way, one may handle the doBeforeDataStore () event and return true in order to suppress further processing of the selected file name. The selected file name can be obtained from the control by calling text() .
Since the action returns the file paths to the control's data area, the action should be called for text controls, only. When importing directories into database collections or instances, a doBeforeDataStore () event handler has to be provided for processing the path. In this case, the event handler must terminate with error (true).
// OSI implementation
FUNCTION virtual int32 myClass :: doBeforeStoreData ( ) {
if ( !text().isEmpty() )
; // do something with text()
return(true); // do not process event further on