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BuiltinActions :: SetDisplayLevel - Set display level

ODABA applications allow defining display levels for controls in a form. The default display level is 0, i.e. the field is visible on all display levels. Field defined with a display level greater that 0 become visible only when the appropriate display level has been selected for the control.

Display levels are also defined for tab controls, where display levels 1 and higher refer to the first tab, second tab and so on.

Setting the display level to a certain value activates the controls or the type for the defined level. In order to prevent users or application rules from providing display level numbers, the SetDisplayLevel action is provided as 9 actions with names SetDisplayLevel n ., where n refers to the corresponding level number (1 ... 9).

Return value:   - internal feature (not documented) ( logical  )

Implementation details

logical BuiltinActions  :: SetDisplayLevel (  )