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Line :: property - Get property handle for selected item

The function returns the property handle for the attached list item (line). When no line is attached, the function throws an exception. Requesting a property for static or head lines (line type Static or Headline ) will through an exception.

virtual int32 cList::doBeforeDataSet ( ) { // OSI fragment


  Property             prop;


  if ( !line.isValid() )                            LEAVE;

  if ( line.type == odabagui::LineTypes::Static )   LEAVE;


  prop &=;

  ... do something




The selection in the property handle does not necessarily correspond with the list item data. Only for the current line the data displayed in the list item is selected in the returned property handle.

Return value:  Propery handle ( odaba::Property & )

Implementation details

odaba::Property & Line  :: property (  )