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ADKS_Progress - Progress Style

Inherits:  ADK_Style

The Progress style allows designing progress bars, which provide progress information for running actions or processes. Progress bars usually run from left to right (or from bottom to top). In order to invert the default progress direction, one may set the inverted attribute to true .

The direction of the progress bar is defined in the field definition ( ADK_Field ::allign.arrange ) in the arrangement attribute:

  • AT_Horizontal - horizontal progress par
  • AT_Vertical - vertical progress bar

In order to change the text direction for vertical progress bars, one may set the vertical position in the field definition:

  • VPS_OuterTop - Text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise (top to bottom)
  • VPS_OuterBottom - Text is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (button to top)

A progress bar is used for visualizing the progress of an operation. In order to display progress properly, the progress bar requires minimum and maximum value beseides the current position (value). As long as minimum and maximum are fixed, those can be provided in the data format field ( ADK_DataFormat ) of the data source ( ADK_DataSource ::data_format ) in ADK_Field ::data_ref .

There, one may also define a literal to be displayed aside the progress bar by defining a format string. When the Format-String is not empty, it will be placed according to your operating system or Qt style. The content of the text can be customized referring to the following variables:

  • %p: Percentage
  • %v: Value
  • %m: total number of steps

The format string us used for initializing the progress bar. It will be ignored for displaying progress information. In order to change the displayed text, one may re-initialize the progress bar.

Often, minimum and maximum are not fix but variable values determined at run-time. Therefore, the progress control refers to data set at run-time in the progress data structure ( ProgressData ), which is the data source for the progress bar. The ProgressData instance passes progress data to the progress bar and allows initializing progress settings as well as setting current progress states.
