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ADK_ComponentClass - Component class reference

Inherits:  SDB_Resource

In order to copy parts of a class (function or implementation), a class component may refer to a function group, a single function and a function implementation. Implementations may be referenced only, when a function has been selected. When selecting a function group, neither implementations nor functions can be selected.

Implementation classes may be provided with different programming language versions. In order to support different programming languages for a component, different implementations of a class contain a programming language identification string. Language identification strings checked are:

  • * CppStd * - C++ classes
  • * CSharpStd * - C# classes
  • * OSIStd *- OSI classes

When selecting a component, the programming language might be selected and the component copy function tries to replace OSIStd by the appropriate programming language identifier. When a class with the name created does exist, it will be copied instead of the class referenced. Otherwise, the class referenced will be copied.

These prefixes also have to be used, when providing context classes with different language implementations. Since context classes are referenced explicitly by development resources as data type or property definitions, those have to be replaced by the proper implementation class reference when being copied for a specific programming language. When the referenced class is not available in the required programming language, it will be copied as being referenced in the resource.
