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InterfaceTypes - Interface types

ODABA supports several interface types in order to provide specific support for system applications. When an application refers to a context interface, IFT_odabaInterfaceCPP is the suggested interface type.

Enumarators overview

Enumerator details

  1. IFT_none - No interface support requested

    When defining a database access project, no context interface support is required and this option should be selected.

    Code: -1
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  2. IFT_undefined - Interface support not defined
    Code: 0
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  3. IFT_odabaInterfaceCPP - Support ODABA C++ context interfaces

    The resource database will be initialized for using the ODABA context interfaces (ODABA namespace, GUIInterface namespace). This allows you implementing handle classes based on appropriate C++ context classed defined in the ODABA and GUI interfaces.

    Code: 1
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  4. IFT_odabaSystemCPP - Support system context interfaces

    This interface type should be used by system programmers, only. The resource database will be initialized for using the system context interfaces (opa project classes and odcp project context classes CTX_...).

    Code: 2
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  5. IFT_odabaInterfaceAndSystemCPP - Support mixed ODABA C++ context interfaces

    This interface type should be used by system programmers, only. The resource database will be initialized for using both, the ODABA context interfaces (ODABA namespace, GUIInterface namespace) and the system context interfaces (opa project classes and odcp project context classes CTX_...).

    If support is ambiguous (e.g. initializing a context class), the ODABA context interface is used.

    Code: 3
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  6. IFT_odabaInterfaceDotNet - .Net context interface

    The resource database will be initialized for using the .Net context interfaces (ODABA namespace, GUIInterface namespace). This allows you implementing handle classes based on appropriate .Net context classed defined in the ODABA and GUI interfaces.

    Code: 4
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