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_OptODE - ODE options

ODE tools can be controlled by a set of options, which are stored in the application database. Options might also be used by any other application using the ODE GUI framework.

There is a default option dialog copied to the project resource database when initializing a GUI project. In order to define an option schema for the application, one has to define a hierarchical classification/enumeration, which reflects the option structure. Each option is represented by a category definition, which may contain a default value in the condition field. The explanatory text can be shown in the option dialog.

Option definitions are used in order to initialize new user configurations in an application or to update user configurations after being extended. The name of the options or configuration template can be set in the DEF_CONFIG_TEMPLATE option in the configuration file passed to the application. The default name is _OptODE, i.e. as long as you call your option hierarchy (enumeration) _OptODE, the DEF_CONFIG_TEMPLATE option need not to be set.

Internal options (options in this hierarchy) might be defined also in the configuration file. All options defined on the top level belong to the ODE section and can be referenced directly by name. Sub-options defined in sub lists have to be references by their full hierarchical name (e.g. Options.Design.Autoinitialize.BottomMargin).

In order to initialize application options from option settings of the current configuration, initializeOptions() should be called in the doAfterHandleActivated() handler of the application ProjectContext class.

In order to read options from additional configurations, one may call initializeOptions() several times. This makes sense, when the application refers to some default and user independent options (e.g. email server access options).

When setting an upper option in the option hierarchy to ignore (case insensitive), all subordinated options will be disabled and application standards will be used instead. Normally, application standards should correspond to that what is described under default. Practically, the default describes the default value set for the option, which might differ from application defaults for undefined options.

int32 pStdProject :: doAfterHandleActivated ( ) {

// initialize common options


// initialize email options





The default project context

When setting options in OShell or within an OSI script, options may refer to shell or script variables. In order to set constant string values, those have to be quoted.

OShell example: set Options.Documentation.HierarchyTopic='My top topic'

Enumarators overview

Enumerator details

  1. DSC_Language - Application language

    Application resources (labels, messages etc.) might be defined multilingual. In order to chose the language for running an application, this option has to be set.

    Default: English


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  2. DEF_CONFIG_TEMPLATE - Default configuration template

    In order to define default options and settings, the name of an enumeration can be defined in the resource database. The category names of this enumeration (sys_ident) refer to the option variables, the condition contains the default value for the option.

    By defining sub values, a hierarchical option schema might be created. Enumerations for configuration templates should be defined in the global namespace.

    The option template referred to by the name set in this option is used for initialization or updating application options.

    Default: _OptODE


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  3. CONSOLE_APPLICATION - Console application

    This option is required for ODABA GUI framework applications in order to run an ODE application as console application. Typically, for running OSI debugger for ODE applications, this option has to be set to true (YES) in order to activate console input and output. When setting this option for an ODE application not being started as console application, setting this option to true may cause hanging application.

    When setting the console application mode to AUTO (automatic), the system decides whether messages are passed to console or the GUI applications output area.

    Default: AUTO

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  4. DefaultEncoding - Default text encoding

    The default text encoding is used in order to set properly coded values for STRING data type properties. Typically (default) is local encoding, i.e. the character encoding currently set for the computer. The may result in displaying invalid characters when data for STRING properties has been stored with different default.

    Usually, it is suggested not to use STRING data type but the more qualified encoder data types (ASCII, LATIN1, UTF8, UTF16, UTF32 or LOCAL). The option is also used for recoding error text information (Error::GetText()).

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  5. Implementation - Option for implementation

    Implementation options mainly affect the behavior of the ClassEditor. These Options influence, however, also the designer, when one may also implement classes (Application context classes.

    Implementation options affect initialization of implementation resources (classes, functions etc), naming conventions and behavior of the GUI.

    Default: ACCEPT

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  6. Documentation - Options for Terminus and documentation

    Below, specific options for terminus and document generation can be provided. Documentation options are rarely required and need usually not be set. When using document generation features, these options should be checked.

    Default: ACCEPT

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  7. Schema - Options for schema development
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  8. Design - Options for Designer

    Designer options control the behavior and default settings for the designer. Subordinated options need to be checked, only, when running the ODE Designer.

    Default: ACCEPT

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  9. strech - Stretch


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  10. GUI - GUI framework Options

    GUI framework options allow controlling appearance and behavior of a GUI application designed using the ODE GUI framework. Thus, GUI options are used by ODE tools, but also by any other application using the ODE GUI.

    Default: ACCEPT

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  11. Settings - Common GUI settings

    GUI settings are used to control, whether current position and size of lists, docking areas and other will be saved when closing an application and restored when starting the application again.

    An application is identified by the project name passed in the configuration file when starting the application, but not by the database accessed in the application. Thus, one may run, e.g. the Class Editor for different development projects, but you will get always the last settings for the Class Editor independent on the development project. In order to distinguish settings between different databases referred to one may assign a section name to the settings. In this case, settings are stored in the registry section passed as name.

    When setting this option to false (NO, false), no settings will be saved when closing the application. When leaving the option empty or setting it to accept (AUTO), "run Software-Werkstatt GmbH" is used as section name in the registry and settings are saved to this section.

    Default: AUTO


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  12. DockArea - Save settings for docking areas

    When the option is set to true (YES, true), current settings for docking areas (size and position) will be saved when closing the application and restored when restarting the application.

    Default: YES


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  13. Bookmark - Activate bookmarks

    Bookmarks can be used for lists and trees in any running application in order to explicitly remember entries of interest. In order to set a bookmark, an appropriate action can be activated via the standard context menu for trees and lists.

    When this option is set to true (YES, true), bookmarks are saved when closing the application and will be restored, when restarting the application.

    When running the same application for different databases, e.g. executing Class Editor for different development projects, bookmarks are stored independent from the development project.

    When bookmarks are not activated, bookmarks can be et while running the application but will not be stored when closing it.

    Default: YES



    Bookmarks are stored as navigation path in the tree and can be located later on, only, when the tree has coreresponding entries (same tree path).

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  14. History - Activate history

    The history is used for lists and trees in any running application in order to remember entries that have been selected in a list or tree. Each entry, that has been selected is stored to history automatically, when leaving the tree or list.

    When this history option is set to true (YES, true), history settings are saved when closing the application. Thus, history settings are available, when restarting the application.

    When running the same application for different databases, e.g. executing Class Editor for different development projects, history settings are stored independent from the referenced database.

    When history are not activated, the history is maintained while running the application but lost when closing it.

    Default: YES


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  15. MultiLineEdit - Store setting for multi line edit fields

    When this option is set true (YES, true), current settings, i.e. the current cursor position and visible area in a multi line edit field are saved when leaving the field in order to restore it, when displaying the same content again. Settings are stored for each instance that has been displayed in the area. The instance is identified by the local unique database identity (LOID).

    Settings are saved in the registry when leaving the field and will be restored also, when restarting the application.

    Default: YES


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  16. Splitter - Save settings for splitter

    When the option is set to true (YES, true), current settings for splitter windows (size and position) will be saved when closing the application and restored when restarting the application.

    Default: YES


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  17. DragAndDrop - Drag and drop settings

    This section contains some settings for controlling drag and drop behavior.

    Default: ACCEPT


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  18. TreeMove - Set Move as default when draging from a tree

    By default, objects dragged from a tree are copied instead of being moved. The move operation has to be activated by pressing the shift button in addition. In order to change the default operation to Move, this option must be set to true (YES, true). Than, the default operation is to move the dragged object. In order to copy it, the Ctrl key must be pressed in addition.


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  19. ApplicationTitle - Application title options

    Application title sub options allow controlling the information displayed in the application title. The following information might be displayed in the applications title bar:

        database_path : selected_project - application_name [selected_instance]

    Options are in effect for all ODE tools, but not for customer applications running in the ODE GUI framework.

    Default: ACCEPT

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  20. HideDatabasePath - HideDatabasePath - Hide database path in application title

    The database path is the database path for the database, which has been opened as application database. Typically, the is the path passed in the %DATABASE% option in the configuration file for the application. By default, the application database path is displayed in the title bar.

    Default: NO


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  21. HideSelectedProject - HideSelectedProject - Hide name for selected project

    The selected project it the project currently selected from the project selection list or set as %CurrentProject% option in the ProjectManagement options section. By default, the project name is displayed in the title bar.

    Default: NO


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  22. HideApplicationName - Hide the application name

    The application name is the name passed in the %PROJECT% option. By default, the application name is displayed in the title bar.

    Default: NO


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  23. HideSelectedInstance - HideSelectedInstance - Do not display selected instance in title bar

    Usually, the selected instance is added to the title bar, when the application sets the title() property for the project control.This can be suppressed by hiding the selected instance display.

    Default: NO


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  24. Actions - User defined action shortcuts and action state

    For each action described in the action reference a specific shortcut might be defined. In order to define a user or application specific shortcuts, the shortcut values have to be assigned to the corresponding action name as sub options for this option. Default shortcuts are described in the action's documentation.

    Instead of the shortcut, the action might be suppressed OT the initial action state might be set. In order to suppressor the action completely, the action state might be set to 'suppress'. "hide" might be for initially hiding this action. "disabled" might be set for disabling the action. These settings are not case sensitive and will overwrite the default shortcut.

    Setting a state for an action might be overwritten by setting states for specific action items implementing this action.

    Default: ACCEPT





    An action is the name of the action to be executed, but not the name of the action item implementing the action. Thus, within a menu one may define a menuitem 'English' which calls the action 'SetLanguage'.

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  25. ApplicationIconPath - Path where the application icon file is stored

    By default, the path for loading the image is the current work directory. In order to refer to an image at a different location, one may pass the folder path containing the image in this option.

    Default: ApplicationIconPath=current_work_directory



    The path should only contain application icons. This is not the path for the common ODE action icons (DESIGNER_RES)

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  26. ApplicationIconName - File name for application icon

    The application icon will be displayed on the left side of the title bar in the project window. It will also be shown in title bars of all subordinated dialog windows.

    When a pixmap resource has been created with the name %PROJECT%_icon, i.e. Designer_icon for the project Designer, the icon is loaded from this resource. This is the suggested way for providing an application icon.

    When no appropriate pixmap resource has been defined or when another pixmap should be used, the complete icon (resource) name may be set via this option value. When referring to a file name, the file extension becomes part of the icon name.

    Default: ApplicationIconName=%PROJECT%_icon



    The file passed as icon image has to be an .xpm file.

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  27. SplashPath - Directory containing the splash screen image

    By default, the path for loading the splash image is the current work directory. In order to refer to an image at a different location, one may pass the folder path containing the image in this option.



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  28. SplashName - Name for the splash screen image file

    The splash screen is displayed during the loading phase of an ODE application. The top left corner of the splash image is used to display the loading status. Splash screen images should not exceed 800 x 600 pixel.

    When a pixmap resource has been created with the name %PROJECT%_splash, i.e. Designer_splash for the project Designer, the splash screen is loaded from the resource. This is the suggested way for providing splash screens.

    When no appropriate pixmap resource has been defined or when another pixmap should be used, The complete (resource) splash name may be set via this option value. When referring to a file name, the file extension becomes part of the splash name.

    Default: SplashName=%PROJECT%_splash


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  29. Appearance - GUI application appearance options

    Appearance sub options allow defining start (splash) screen locations and application icons.

    Default: ACCEPT

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  30. NoticeSignature - Create option signature

    When updating notices, an author line may be inserted automatically before saving the notice:

    Username @ Thu, 27 Sep 2012 ~20h 

    This is the message added ...

    The signature makes sense, when extending notices always on top. No signature will be inserted when the signature did not change. In order to activate generating signatures, the option has to be set to YES (true).

    Default: NO

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  31. ProjectManagement - Option for the implementation project management
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  32. SystemIO - System input/output options

    System input/output options allow controlling the behavior of writing messages to the system output area and receiving information from there. System input/output is directed to console for console applications and to designated controls in GUI applications.

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  33. Progress - Progress display options

    Several utilities support progress information. The way of displaying progress information depends on the settings for the progress options in the SystemIO section.



    The Progress section is a subsection of the SystemIO section. Usually, progress information is configured in the SystemIO section defined in the configuration or ini-file passed to the utility. Within an ini-file, subsections are not supported directly and have to be defined by preceding section names:



    Some utilities, however, do not refer to a configuration file. In this case, progress options might be set as environment variables, e.g.



    The progress display types are not case sensitive. The following display types are supported:


    Automatic progress information display tries to select the optimal way of displaying progress information, which depends on the number of items to be copied.


    Progress messages in percent display the estimated percentage of work that has been done. The option will be changed automatically to rotator, when maximum number of items is not supported by the utility.


    The dots-progress display just writes a series of dots. Typically, dots are displayed, when a number of items defined in the SystemIO.Progress.Modulo option has been processed.


    The rotator displays an rotating line in the system output in order to show progress speed.


    The elapsed time will be displayed on system output area.

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  34. Protocol - Additional protocol output

    Normally, program messages are written to system output area, which is the console for console programs and the output area control for GUI applications.

    In addition, system output might be written to a protocol file. When defining a complete path to a protocol file, system output will be written to this file, too.

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  35. Suppress - Suppress system output

    In order to suppress program output to the system output area, the suppress option might be set to true (YES).

    Default: NO

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  36. Distance - Display frequency

    The value determines the frequency of displaying the progress message. In case of percentage, it is the distance between two percent values (e.g. displaying a message each 5 percent). For all other progress display types it is the number of items to be passed before displaying the next progress message (e.g. display a progress message each 100 records copied).

    When not defining the Distance option, an optimal distance value is determined by the system.

    Default: 10

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  37. NewLine - Each progress message on separate line

    Display messages on the next line. When this option is set to false (NO), each progress message will be displayed on the same line deleting the content of the previous message. The option will be ignored, when the display type is dots.

    Default: NO

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  38. Remaining - Display estimated remaining time

    In order to display the estimated remaining time in after the type specific progress information, the option might be set to true (YES). The option will be ignored, when the display type is dots.

    Default: NO

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  39. Trace - Write progress massages to error log

    For displaying progress messages in the error log in addition, this option should be set to true (YES).

    Default: NO

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  40. Count - Maximum number of items

    When the number of items to be processed cannot be determined by the program, an estimated number of items can be set as progress options. This allows configuring specific processes by passing the estimated number of items to the function.

    Default: 0

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  41. overline - Overline property

    The option causes glyphs to be displayed with a line above, when the property is set to true.

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  42. _std_font - Font example

    The font settings below defines the font options, which might be defined in order to overwrite font settings for an application.

    In order to support users, fonts defined in an application should be referenced by understandable names and the number OS used fonts should be limited (not more than 5-10). Font names defined in the application might be added to the option template, which allows describing the fonts referenced. Moreover, this will prevent the user from making spelling errors when adding a font to the font option list.


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  43. prefer_quality - Prefer quality property

    When the property is set to true, best quality font is preferred. The font matcher will use the nearest standard point size that the font supports.



    Source: Qt documentation

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  44. strike_out - Strike out property

    The property causes glyphs to be displayed stroked out, when it is set to true.


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  45. family - Family name for font

    This is the family name of the font. The name is case insensitive and may include a foundry name. The family name may optionally also include a foundry name, e.g. Helvetius [Cronyx]. If the family is available from more than one foundry and the foundry is not specified, an arbitrary foundry is chosen. If the family is not available a family will be set using the font matching algorithm


    Source: Qt documentation

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  46. weight - Weight property

    We use a weighting scale from 0 to 99. A weight of 0 is ultralight, 99 will be black. Suggested weights are:

    • Light - 25
    • Normal - 50
    • DemiBold - 63
    • Bold - 75
    • Black - 87


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  47. size - Point size property

    The property contains the point or pixel size of the font, depending on the value set for the usePixel property. The size must be greater than zero. Otherwise, default settings (12) are taken.

    Changing the usePixel property in the font definition will not affect the size value.


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  48. size_is_pixel - Pixel size property

    When the property is set to true, pixel size is used instead of point size, which is used in case the property has been set to false. Pixel size makes the font device dependent.


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  49. fixed_pitch - Fixed pitch property

    The option forces characters to have the same width, when being set to true.


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  50. italic - Italic property

    The option causes glyphs to be displayed italicized, when the property is set to true. The option works for fonts, only, that support italic.


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  51. underline - Underline property

    The option causes glyphs to be displayed with an underline, when the property is set to true.


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  52. Query - Query options

    Query options might be set in order to sent queries to the user in case of critical actions as deleting data or closing the application. In order to activate query options the default value has to changed from IGNORE to ACCEPT. By default, no warnings will be created.

    Default: IGNORE


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  53. CurrentProject - Project to be selected

    The option is used to select a project when starting an ODE Application as ClassEditor or Designer.


    user dependent

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  54. RootProject - Name of the root project

    This option is set automatically when creating the first implementation project in a resource database. Some general information as the resource database path is passed to all other implementation projects, created within the same resource database.


    not user dependent

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  55. DBContextProject - Project implementing the DB Context DLL

    This option is set automatically when creating a DB Context DLL project. The name of this project is also the name of the DB Context DLL linked by this project.


    not user dependent

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  56. GUIContextProject - Project implementing the GUI Context DLL

    This option is set automatically when creating a GUI Context DLL project. The name of this project is also the name of the GUI Context DLL linked by this project.


    not user dependent

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  57. ProjectSelection - Filter option for the project list

    If the option is on (YES), the project list in the ODE ClassEditor is filtered and shows only the projects implemented by the current resource database.


    user dependent

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  58. Exit - Query before exiting the application

    In order to receive a query message before closing the application, this option has to be set to true (YES, true). Otherwise, no query massage will be shown and the application stops without warning.

    Default: YES


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  59. Store - Query before storing data

    In order to receive a query message before storing updated data, this option has to be set to true (YES, true). This allows denying storing changes. Instances will be stored only when confirming the query. When this option is not set to true, data is stored without any warning.

    Default: NO



    This option should be used with care, since it will cause a lot of messages. It might, however, be set temporarily.

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  60. Delete - Query before deleting data

    In order to receive a query message before deleting or removing data from a collection, this option has to be set to true (YES, true). This allows stopping the delete action and keep the data. Instances will be removed/deleted only when confirming the query. When this option is not set to true, data is deleted/removed without any warning.

    Default: YES


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  61. Close - Query before closing a window/dialog

    In order to receive a query message before closing a (dialog) window, this option has to be set to true (YES, true). This allows stopping the close action and keep the window open.

    Default: NO


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  62. GUIFramework - GUI framework options

    GUI framework options are options which are supported for each application running with the ODABA GUI framework. GUI framework options are optional and need not to be defined. Nevertheless, GUI framework options allow controlling basic behavior of any ODABA GUI application.

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  63. Fonts - Font options

    Fonts designed as designer resource in the application might be overwritten by options. Fonts defined as resources are identified by names. In order to overwrite font settings for a specific font the font name has to be added to the subsequent list. Below the font name, font attributes might be entered in order to overwrite settings in the font resource. The _std_font described below contains the list of possible font attributes.


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  64. DocumentRoot - Document root for generated documents

    The document root should be set in order to refer to relative URLs within a documentation system. The document root replaces preceding dots in in a URL or preceded a relative path.



    Relative paths from a certain page location can be obtained for an object by calling GetURLPath(-1,true,false). Relative paths to the document root (without preceeding dots) can be optaind by calling GetURLPath(-1,false,false)

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  65. DocumentTarget - Document root for document generation

    When generating documents (office or HTML documents) the option refers to the folder (or root folder) for storing generated documents. The document root does not become part of URLs generated into files but determines the location for storing generated documents, only.



    Used for browsing generated HTML pages with ODEAssistent

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  66. AutoInitialize - Default settings for documentation objects

    In order to initialize documentation objects properly, subsequent options might be set.

    Default: ACCEPT

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  67. DocumentationLanguage - Documentation language

    Usually, the documentation language is the same as the GUI language, i.e the language in which the application is running. In order to use a documentation language different from the GUI language, this option should be set to the appropriate language value.


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  68. Templates - Location for storing document templates

    Document templates for MS Office or Open Office should be stored in project sub folder (typically .../tpl).

    According to the type of document that is generated this folder is searched for templates.


    Used for MS Office document generation

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  69. DocumentExchange - Document exchange options

    Document exchange options can be defined in order to map paragraph styles used in a document to topic elements. The ODABA document structure supports a chapter (topic) hierarchy with any number of levels.

    Below each topic, any number of sub topic levels can be defined independent on the topic level.

    Each topic or sub topic may store data in text, example, notes or others, which might be assigned to different paragraph styles as well.

    Default: ACCEPT










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  70. TOPICn - Topic headline on level n

    Headline styles define those styles, that introduce a new topic on a certain level (n).


                TOPIC1=Heading 1

                TOPIC2=Heading 2

                TOPIC3=Heading 3



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  71. SUBTOPICn - Sub-topic header on level n

    Subtopic header styles define those styles, that introduce a new sub-topic on a certain level (n).


                SUBTOPIC1=orga1;orga Char




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  72. TEXT - Topic or sub-topic text

    Text paragraph styles define styles, which will cause the content to be added to topic text (characteristic).

    Default: TEXT=Standard;orga1_erl


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  73. EXAMPLE - Topic or sub-topic examples

    Example paragraph styles define styles, which will cause the content to be added to topic example.

    Default: EXAMPLE=Progamm


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  74. NOTES - Topic or sub-topic notes

    Notes paragraph styles define styles, which will cause the content to be added to topic notes.

    Default: NOTES=notes


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  75. OTHER - Topic or sub-topic others

    Notes paragraph styles define styles, which will cause the content to be added to topic comments or other purposes (others).

    Default: OTHER=other


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  76. OnlineDocumentation - Enable or disable online documentation

    If this option is set to YES the online documentation for all resource objects (such as Structures, properties, classes, functions....) is enabled when starting an ODE applications as the ClassEditor. However you can enable and disable this feature at run-time.

    Default: NO


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  77. style_hint - Style hint property

    Style hints are used by the font matching algorithm to find an appropriate default family if a selected font is not available



    Source: Qt documentation

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  78. style_strategy - Style Strategy

    Style strategy tells the font matching algorithm what type of fonts should be used to find an appropriate default family


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  79. fg_color - Forground color

    Foreground or text color defines the color of text glyphs..


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  80. bg_color - Background color

    The background color defines the background of the current line.


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  81. AutoCreateNamedTopic - Automatically create new topis

    The option can be set in order to force Terminus assigning creating a definition topic (DSC_Topic) when creating a new topic (HierarchyTopic) in the topic hierarchy. The following values are supported:

    AUTO - you will be asked whether to create a new definition topic or not

    YES - a new definition topic with the same will be created/associated automatically and added to the NamedTopic collection.

    NO - no definition topic will be created or associated

    Default: AUTO



    AUTO does not yet work! Has similar effect as NO.

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  82. Options - Application options

    Under this section you will find a number of options controlling different ODE applications. GUI and SystemIO contain common options which apply to all applications.

    Default: ACCEPT

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  83. ProblemRelevant - Initialize all new description instances as problem_relevant

    In the ODE application Terminus this Option will be set YES, when it was not explicitly set to NO by the user options before.

    When an description instance is created by the ODABA database, it is initializes as problem_relevant, when the option is true.

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  84. ActiveSuffix - File suffix for active images

    When creating a new image resource in the designer, the file path for the image to be displayed as active image is created from the image resource name and this suffix.

    Default: _16a.png


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  85. NormalSuffix - File suffix for disabled images

    When creating a new image resource in the designer, the file path for the image to be displayed as normal image is created from the image resource name and this suffix.

    Default: _16a.png


    Code: 103
    to list
  86. DisabledSuffix - File suffix for disabled images

    When creating a new image resource in the designer, the file path for the image to be displayed as disabled image is created from the image resource name and this suffix.

    Default: _16p.png


    Code: 104
    to list
  87. DefaultListControl - Default control for collections

    When a data source for a collection property is added to a form, the field will be initialized with a list control defined in the class referenced by the property (default list control). This option contains the name for default list controls. When no such list control has been defined in the class, the field will be initialized with the _List control from the COLLECTION class.

    Default: list


    Code: 105
    to list
  88. DefaultEditControl - Default edit control for complex data type properties

    When a data source for a complex data type property is added to a form (e.g. address), the field will be initialized with a complex control defined in the class referenced by the property (default edit control). This option contains the name for default edit controls. When no default edit control has been defined in the class, the field will be initialized with the _Edit control from the EMBEDDED class.

    Default: edit


    Code: 106
    to list
  89. TemplateClass - Template class for office template

    Open Office templates are inverted OSI expressions, which belong to a class, that represents the object type calling the template. The option is set in order to select the template for document generation. The option might be updated before calling a document generation action.

    Default: - none -


    Used for generating Open Office documents from Open Office templates

    Code: 107
    to list
  90. BottomMargin - Control button margins

    When creating controls in a grid form, controls automatically get a bottom margin when they are not located in the bottom grid row. The option will be ignored for forms with fixed control positions.

    Default: 4


    Code: 108
    to list
  91. RightMargin - Control button margins

    When creating controls in a grid form, controls automatically get a right margin when they are not located in the right most grid column. The option will be ignored for forms with fixed control positions.

    Default: 4


    Code: 109
    to list
  92. ResourcePath - Default resource path for image resources

    When creating a new image resource in the designer, the option name for the dictionary path for the dictionary containing the image resources might be defined in this option. This option will prefix the image paths in the image definition.

    Default: DESIGNER_RES


    Code: 110
    to list
  93. VerifyHost - Verify host certificate

    By default this option is set to 1 or 2. In order to suppress verifying name for host certificate, the option may be set to false (NO). The option will be ignored in case of external email program call via Command option.

    Code: 116
    to list
  94. VerifyPeer - Verify peer certificate

    By default this option is set to true in order to verify the peer certificate. For suppressing peer verification, the option may be set to false (NO). The option will be ignored in case of external email program call via Command option.

    Code: 117
    to list
  95. AutoInitialize - Initialize implementation resources

    In order to initialize functional model (implementation) resources properly, subsequent options might be set.

    Default: ACCEPT

    Code: 200
    to list
  96. AutoComplete - Autocomplete code

    When this option is set to true (YES, true), editing functions automatically provides selection menus for selecting member or function names, Typically, selection lists are displayed when entering a '.', '->' or '('. One may explicitly request the selection list by pressing Ctrl+space bar.

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 201
    to list
  97. AutoDeleteDescription - Automatically delete description associated with the resource

    When deleting an implementation resource as function or function implementation, the resource can be removed from the current class list, only. In order to delete the resource completely, this option might be set to YES. When not deleting the resource (NO), it can be reactivated by associating the resource with the same name to the list, again.

    • A(SK) - The application asks whether to delete the resource or not
    • Y(ES) - The resource will be deleted completely without asking
    • N(O) - The resource will be removed, only, without being deleted

    Default: Ask


    Code: 202
    to list
  98. DefaultMethodType - Default method type

    ODABA supports mixed classes, i.e. classes with code implementations in different languages. In order to distinguish the implementation language, usually the programming language for the selected class is used as default (MT_ClassFunction). The default method type allows setting a different value as default (e.g. MT_OSIFunction).

    Code: 203
    to list
  99. DevelopmentEnvironment - Default development environment

    The default development environment defines the build-software used for compiling and linking classes and programs (e.g. gcc for GNU compiler or vs for MS Visual Studio). Usually, the environment is defined in each project. When creating a new project, however, this option is used to initialize the development environment value.

    Code: 204
    to list
  100. InputHelp - Activate input help

    In order to activate coding input help, this option has to be set to YES or AUTO. Setting input help option to YES requires an explicit action in order to pop up input help (Ctrl+space bar). Setting the option to AUTO will automatically open the help list, when entering ., ->, :: or (.

    Setting the option to NO disables input help. The option is evaluated when starting up ODE tools, i.e. later settings do not have any effect for the running session but become active after restart.

    Code: 205
    to list
  101. ProcessQueue - Process queue mode

    For external requests as compiling or linking programs, ODABA supports a process queue. Each request is queued and processed according the process queue mode defined here (or in user specific queue settings). The following queue modes might be set:

    • GLOBAL - process queue is processed on a remote computer
    • LOCAL - process queue is processed on the local machine in a background thread
    • IMMEDIATELY - Process is executed immediately in foreground and the application waits until the process has been terminated.

    Default: IMMEDIATELY

    Code: 206
    to list
  102. AutoInitialize - Initialize implementation resources

    In order to initialize functional model (implementation) resources properly, subsequent options might be set.

    Default: ACCEPT

    Code: 207
    to list
  103. Commands - Command defaults

    The option provides command defaults for command line calls.

    Code: 208
    to list
  104. FindInFiles - Find-in-files command

    In order to run external file search, a path to an appropriate command line might be defined in this option. The search pattern is passed as parameter to the command (e.g. srce/*.*)

    Code: 209
    to list
  105. Naming - Naming conventions

    Naming conventions allow customizing names used for implementation support and program generation.

    Code: 211
    to list
  106. CSIPrefix - Prefix for client/server function implementations

    Implementations for client/server functions have to be marked with the prefix defined here (e.g. ci). This is a prefix for the function implementation name (not for the function name), i.e. a function may consist of client/server interface functions as well as of other function implementations.

    Code: 212
    to list
  107. ErrPrefix - Error macro prefix

    In C++ programming, error macros are used for leaving programs in case of errors by setting a qualified error. Such error macros have for a standard name ERR preceded by an error prefix. When using error short cuts as "ctrl+P" an appropriate error macro call (prefixERR) will be generated depending of the prefix defined here.

    Code: 213
    to list
  108. PHAccessClassPrefix - Prefix used when creating a property handle access class

    The prefix set for this option is used, when creating an implementation class in the object tree of the ClassEditor. When the name for the new class starts with the prefix set in this option, the newly created implementation class is initialized as property handle access class. PropertyHandle is defined in the ODABA system interface.

    Default: pc


    Code: 214
    to list
  109. PropertyContextClassPrefix - Prefix used when creating a property context class

    The prefix set in this option is used to initialize the name of a property context class, when creating the context class on the ODABA property definition. Moreover the prefix is used, when creating an implementation class in the object tree of the ClassEditor. When the name for the new class starts with the prefix set in this option, the newly created implementation class is initialized as property context class.

    The prefix may contain option variables enclosed in %...%. Option variables set by ODE are CLASS_NAME (implementation class owning the property) and PROPERTY_NAME.

    Default: p

    // ControlContextClassPrefix not set


    // ControlContextClassPrefix=c%CLASS_NAME%_


    Code: 215
    to list
  110. SCIPrefix - Prefix for server/client function implementations

    Implementations for server/client functions have to be marked with the prefix defined here (e.g. si). This is a prefix for the function implementation name (not for the function name), i.e. a function may consist of server/client interface functions as well as of other function implementations.

    Code: 216
    to list
  111. TypeContextClassPrefix - Prefix used when creating a type context class

    The prefix set in this option is used to initialize the name of a type context class, when creating the context class on the odaba type definition. Moreover the prefix is used, when creating an implementation class in the object tree of the ClassEditor. When the name for the new class starts with the prefix set in this option, the newly created implementation class is initialized as type context class.

    Default: s


    Code: 217
    to list
  112. PropertyAccessClassPrefix - Prefix used when creating a property access class

    The prefix set for this option is used, when creating an implementation class in the object tree of the ClassEditor. When the name for the new class starts with the prefix set in this option, the newly created implementation class is initialized as property access class.

    Default: pp


    Code: 218
    to list
  113. AutoSelectTree - Automatically select the first instance in the Tree

    When this option is set to true (YES, true), the ClassEditor selects the first class instance in the class tree. This might be little boring, when going to define the data model, since loading the function edit features may take a few seconds. Hence, it is suggested setting this option to false (NO, false) when editing the data model.

    Default: YES



    Takes slightly longer to load but increases the felt speed when working.

    Code: 219
    to list
  114. DotNetInterface - Allow DotNetInterface Generators

    Displays additional buttons/menu entries that allow the develop to generate .net interface code

    Code: 220
    to list
  115. IceInterface - Allow IceInterface Generator

    Displays additional Menu Entries that allow the developer to generate a ICE definition and wrapper classes for the current Project

    Code: 221
    to list
  116. CInterface - Allow CInterface

    Display a Menu entry that allows the developer to create a plain c interface to the current project.

    Code: 222
    to list
  117. ClientServerInterface - Allow ClientServerInterface

    Displays Menu entries that allow the developer to create Client-Server and Server-Client interfaces

    Code: 223
    to list
  118. IF_ImplementationType - Interface type for implementation

    The option is used to initialize

    • the database resources of a development database
    • implementation objects such as Classes or functions in the implementation process

    see also InterfaceTypes

    Code: 224
    to list
  119. ControlContextClassPrefix - Prefix used when creating a control context class

    The prefix set in this option is used to initialize the name of a control context class, when creating the context class on the filed or control definition. Moreover the prefix is used, when creating an implementation class in the object tree of the ClassEditor. When the name for the new class starts with the prefix set in this option, the newly created implementation class is initialized as control context class.

    The prefix may contain option variables enclosed in %...%. Option variables set by ODE are CLASS_NAME (GUI class owning the control) and CONTROL_NAME.

    Default: c

    // ControlContextClassPrefix not set


    // ControlContextClassPrefix=c%CLASS_NAME%_


    Code: 225
    to list
  120. FunctionImplementation - Default name for newly added function implementation
    Code: 226
    to list
  121. Class - Initialize newly created implementation class

    For initializing a newly created implementation class you can choose between the following options:

    • AUTO - before initializing the class, the initialize parameter are shown and can be modified
    • YES - the class will be initialized automatically with default parameters
    • NO - the class will not be initialized

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 231
    to list
  122. AutoGenDefinitionFiles - Generate external definition files for compile and link

    There are several situations (as inserting and deleting an implementation class or executable), where the Application knows that Project Definition Files have to be updated. With the %AutoGenDefinitionFiles% option the user controls the generating behavior:

    • YES - the definition files are generated automatically
    • NO - no generation is done
    • AUTO - the user is ask for generation

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 232
    to list
  123. Function - Initialize newly created class function

    For initializing a newly created implementation function or expression you can choose between the following options:

    • AUTO - before initializing the function, the initialize parameter are shown and can be modified
    • YES - the function will be initialized automatically with default parameters
    • NO - the function will not be initialized

    Template names for functions are, typically, enclosed in <...>. In order to customize function templates, one may browse or edit function templated in the ClassEditor Global Resources/Function templates.

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 233
    to list
  124. FunctionImplementation - Initialize newly created function implementation

    For initializing a newly created function implementation you can choose between the following options:

    • AUTO - before initializing the function implementation, the initialize parameter are shown and can be modified
    • YES - the function implementation will be initialized automatically with default parameters
    • NO - the function implementation will not be initialized

    Template names for function implementations are, typically, enclosed in <...>. In order to customize function implementation templates, one may browse or edit function templated in the ClassEditor Global Resources/Implementation templates.

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 234
    to list
  125. Module - Initialize newly created implementation module

    For initializing a newly created module you can choose between the following options:

    • AUTO - before initializing the module, the initialize parameter are shown and can be modified
    • YES - the module will be initialized automatically with default parameters
    • NO - the module will not be initialized

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 235
    to list
  126. Executable - Initialize newly created executable

    For initializing a newly created executable you can choose between the following options:

    • AUTO - before initializing the executable, the initialize parameter are shown and can be modified
    • YES - the executable will be initialized automatically with default parameters
    • NO - the executable will not be initialized

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 236
    to list
  127. PropertyAccessBase - Base class used when creating a property access class

    If there is no user defined base class set for this option (empty or AUTO) the property access base class depends on the interface implementation type currently used.

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 241
    to list
  128. ControlContextBase - Base class used when creating a control context class

    If there is no user defined base class set for this option (empty or AUTO) the control context base class depends on the interface implementation type currently used.

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 242
    to list
  129. PropertyContextBase - Base class used when creating a property context class

    If there is no user defined base class set for this option (empty or AUTO) the control context base class depends on the interface implementation type currently used.

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 243
    to list
  130. TypeContextBase - Base class used when creating a type context class

    If there is no user defined base class set for this option (empty or AUTO) the type context base class depends on the interface implementation type currently used.

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 244
    to list
  131. Action - Pattern for initializing a new function Action

    A name other than AUTO is interpreted as name for the global function pattern to be used for initialization. As long as AUTO is set for this option, the used global function pattern depends on the current interface implementation type:

    • <Action> for IFT_ odabaSystemCPP
    • <action> for IFT_ odabaInterfaceCPP

    Default: AUTO


    Code: 251
    to list
  132. Function - Pattern for initializing a new function

    A name other than AUTO is interpreted as name for the global function pattern to be used for initialization. As long as AUTO is set for this option the used global function pattern depends on the current interface implementation type:

    <Function> for IFT_ odabaSystemCPP

    <function> for IFT_ odabaInterfaceCPP


    Code: 252
    to list
  133. ExecFunctionAction - Pattern for creating and setup the execute function for function action implementation

    A name other than AUTO is interpreted as name for the global function pattern to be used for initialization. As long as AUTO is set for this option the used global function pattern depends on the current interface implementation type:

    <ExecuteFunction> for IFT_ odabaSystemCPP

    <executeFunction> for IFT_ odabaInterfaceCPP


    Code: 253
    to list
  134. Plugins - Plugin options

    This section provides options for several plug-ins. Each plug-in gets a separate option section according to the plug-in name. In order to ignore plug-in options, IGNORE might be set.

    Default: ACCEPT

    Code: 300
    to list
  135. DefaultLanguage - Default Language

    When a language is used that is not defined in Options.Language the value of this option is used to search for the dictionary. The default behavior is to disable the spellchecker for this languages

    Default: empty

    Code: 311
    to list
  136. DictionaryPath - Dictionary Path

    The dictionary path refers to the location where the dictionary files (e.g. en_US.dic) are searched. By default the 'dict' directory in the current working directory is searched as well as some general places where Hunspell dictionaries are expected.

    Default: empty

    Code: 312
    to list
  137. UserDictionaryPath - User Dictionary Path

    The user dictionary path refers to the location where the user dictionary file (e.g. User_en_US.dic) is searched. By default the current work or '%HOME%' directory is searched. In order to use a project or group dictionary, several users may refer to the same user dictionary path.

    Default: empty

    Code: 313
    to list
  138. ImageRoot - Root folder for storing images

    The option contains a relative or absolute folder name containing image files for the documentation. In Browsing applications, the image root is used in order to extend the image name with the root path. When generating HTML sites, the image root will precede the file path for the images.



    Used for HTML generation

    Code: 424
    to list
  139. HierarchyTopic - Topic to be generated

    The hierarchy topic selected for document or HTML generation is a hierarchy topic (topic from the theme hierarchy in Terminus) referenced by name. When the topic name contains spaces, it should be quoted within OShell or OSI. Within an ini-file, it must not be quoted.

    Options.Documentation.HierarchyTopic=My top topic

    Code: 425
    to list
  140. DocumentPath - Complete document path

    Some document generations require a complete document path instead of a document root. In this case, the option must contain the document root folder and the document name.


    Code: 426
    to list
  141. GenerateHTML - Options for WEB site generation

    Several options might be set in order to generate different types of WEB sites. These options are refereed to e.g. when calling HTMLCreateDocu.

    Default: ACCEPT


    Code: 427
    to list
  142. Header - Tex for HTML page header

    The header as provided in the current template (VOID::HTMLPageInit()) contains specific RUN-Software references. In order to replace those, one may pass your application specific header in this option. Header and footer must correspond to each other concerning the open and close tags. The default header opens <html>, <div class="mainview">, <body> and<div class="content">, which will be closed in the default footer.

    When defining a header via options, the header definition must not contain line breaks.


    Option values must not contain line breaks.

    Code: 428
    to list
  143. Footer - Tex for HTML page footer

    The footer as provided in the current template (VOID::HTMLPageTerminate()) contains specific RUN-Software references. In order to replace those, one may pass your application specific footer in this option. Header and footer must correspond to each other concerning the open and close tags. The default header opens <html>, <div class="mainview">, <body> and<div class="content">, which are closed in the default footer.

    The footer also provided navigation elements, which you might extend or reduce. The section refers to several OSI functions and template variables, which might be refereed in an modified footer, too.

    When defining a footer via options, the footer definition must not contain line breaks.


    Template variables as $previous_topic$, $next_topic$ or $upper_topic$ are filled by the template before calling the footer.

    Code: 429
    to list
  144. TemplateEntryPoint - Main function or section within the template

    The template entry point is the function or section, which is called for document generation. This allows using the same template document for generating different types of documents.

    Default: template document name

    Code: 430
    to list
  145. ProjectMenu - Customizing project menu

    Several actions supported in the project many are not of interest for usual developers. Thus, those items are normally hidden. In order to activate these actions, corresponding values for sub options have to be changed.

    Default: ACCEPT

    Code: 431
    to list
  146. GenerateICEInterface - Generate Ice interface
    Code: 432
    to list
  147. MakeClientServerInterface - Generate client/server interface
    Code: 433
    to list
  148. BuildOldstyleContextInterface - Create system context interface
    Code: 434
    to list
  149. MakeServerClientInterface - Create server/client interface
    Code: 435
    to list
  150. CreateProjectCInterface - Create C-interface for project
    Code: 436
    to list
  151. GenerateSystemInclude - Generate internal database model (system schema)
    Code: 437
    to list
  152. ProcessAction - Actions to be processed

    Some of the process options are shown for system development purposes, only. For normal application development, they will be suppressed.

    Code: 439
    to list
  153. Graph - UML diagram settings

    UML diagram settings allow defining default settings for displaying UML diagrams. The settings might be changed also while running the ClassEditor using the settings menu item in the diagram window.

    Code: 441
    to list
  154. DepthBasingOn - Basing on Depth

    The option allows setting the maximum count of classes that are searched to contain the class, which is a time consuming operation.

    Code: 442
    to list
  155. DepthBasedOn - Based On Depth

    The option defines the maximum count of base classes that should be displayed in the UML diagram.

    Code: 443
    to list
  156. ShowBasedOn - Show Based On

    When the option is set to YES, the graph shows base classes of the selected class or structure in the UML diagram.

    Code: 444
    to list
  157. ShowBasingOn - Show Basing On

    Show the classes that are based on the selected class/structure in the UML

    Code: 445
    to list
  158. ShowFunctions - Show Functions

    Include the Functions into the display of the selected class.

    Code: 446
    to list
  159. ShowMember - Show Member

    Include the Member into the display of the selected class/structure.

    Code: 447
    to list
  160. Language - Language

    The option supports language to locale conversion. One may map an existing language (opa/Enumerations/Language) to a (POSIX) locale, that is used for string conversions and spell checking.

    Code: 500
    to list
  161. English - English Language

    Default Locale for English Language is en_US.

    English (Australia): en_AU

    English (Canada): en_CA

    English (India): en_IN

    English (Ireland): en_IE

    English (Malta): en_MT

    English (New Zealand): en_NZ

    English (Philippines): en_PH

    English (Singapore): en_SG

    English (South Africa): en_ZA

    English (United Kingdom): en_GB

    English (United States): en_US

    English : en

    Code: 501
    to list
  162. Chinese - Chinese Language

    Default Locale for Chinese Language is zh_CN

    Chinese (China): zh_CN

    Chinese (Hong Kong): zh_HK

    Chinese (Singapore): zh_SG

    Chinese (Taiwan): zh_TW

    Chinese : zh

    Code: 502
    to list
  163. Esperanto - Esperanto Language

    Esperanto does not have a Region. The default is eo.

    Code: 503
    to list
  164. French - French Language

    Default Locale for French Language is fr_FR.

    French (Belgium): fr_BE

    French (Canada): fr_CA

    French (France): fr_FR

    French (Luxembourg): fr_LU

    French (Switzerland): fr_CH

    Code: 504
    to list
  165. German - German Language

    Default Locale for German Language is de_DE.

    German (Austria): de_AT

    German (Germany): de_DE

    German (Luxembourg): de_LU

    German (Switzerland): de_CH

    Code: 505
    to list
  166. Hebrew - Hebrew Language

    Default Locale for Hebrew Language is iw_IL.

    Hebrew (Israel): iw_IL

    Hebrew: iw

    Code: 506
    to list
  167. Russian - Russian Language

    Default Locale for Russian Language is ru_RU.

    Russian (Russia): ru_RU

    Russian : ru

    Code: 507
    to list
  168. Spanish - Spanish Language

    Default Locale for Spanish Language is es_ES.

    Spanish (Argentina): es_AR

    Spanish (Bolivia): es_BO

    Spanish (Chile): es_CL

    Spanish (Colombia): es_CO

    Spanish (Costa Rica): es_CR

    Spanish (Dominican Republic): es_DO

    Spanish (Ecuador): es_EC

    Spanish (El Salvador): es_SV

    Spanish (Guatemala): es_GT

    Spanish (Honduras): es_HN

    Spanish (Mexico): es_MX

    Spanish (Nicaragua): es_NI

    Spanish (Panama): es_PA

    Spanish (Paraguay): es_PY

    Spanish (Peru): es_PE

    Spanish (Puerto Rico): es_PR

    Spanish (Spain): es_ES

    Spanish (United States): es_US

    Spanish (Uruguay): es_UY

    Spanish (Venezuela): es_VE

    Spanish : es

    Code: 508
    to list
  169. PostExpression - Expression on the generated DOT

    Expression to be evaluated on generated DOT code. This may be used to update node-types or do more fancy stuff but is disabled by default

    Code: 509
    to list
  170. ShowReferencingClasses - Referenced by Classes

    For ODC_ImpClasses this option controls if the information from the Properties tab should be evaluated. This is a very time consuming option as all classes have to be read in order to generate the information.

    Code: 511
    to list
  171. ShowReferencingMember - Show Referencing Member

    When this option is set, the attributes, relationships and references are evaluated and displayed.

    Code: 512
    to list
  172. Size - Size

    The value defines a maximum size for height and width in Inch. When this size is set, all information is rendered into this size, which can render unreadable results.

    When defining a single number, it is used for both, width and height. When the drawing is larger than the given size, the drawing is uniformly scaled down so that it fits within the given size.

    When size ends in an exclamation point (!), then it is considered as desired size. When both dimensions of the drawing are less than size in this case, the drawing is scaled up uniformly until at least one dimension reaches size.

    Code: 513
    to list
  173. SUPPRESS_TM_CHECK - Do not check terminology object types

    In order to suppress terminology check for structures that have already been checked, this option has to be set to true. Since check doe sometimes not succeed, e.g. when referring to system types, terminology model object types cannot upgrade to database model types. In order to walk around this problem, one may set the checked state for the terminology object to checked before upgrading the type.


    Code: 514
    to list
  174. ExecuteProgram - Run document generation in a separate process

    Usually, document generation runs as application task, i.e. the application is busy until document generation has finished. In order to run document generation separately, this option has to be set to true (YES).

    Since document templates are loaded once, only, when running document generation within the application, changes in a template are used after restarting the application. The option should also be set for testing document templates, because than, templates are loaded each time when starting document generation.

    Default: NO

    Code: 515
    to list
  175. TemplateOutput - Output folder for document templates

    In order to debug document templates, template expressions generated from a document template may be stored to an external file. When no directory has been set for this option, templates are not saved. The OSI template name is the same as the document template name, except the file name extension, which has been replaced by .OSI.

    Code: 516
    to list
  176. Email - Options for Email exchange in ODE

    In the ODE tools one may send emails from various places, most notably the notices. In order to send emails, this section has to be configured. For disabling all subordinated options, this option may be set to IGNORE.

    Enhanced email communication requires the cURL package. When no cURL is available, emaila may be sent or retreived by POP and SMTP, only, using POP3 authentification.


    Code: 517
    to list
  177. Host - Hostname for sending or receiving emails

    The host name is the full host name for the SMTP(S) enabled email server, which will be used with the port number passed in Options.Email.Port for connecting to the email server.

    Code: 518
    to list
  178. PortOut - Port number for outgoing emails


    Code: 519
    to list
  179. User - User name to authenticate with

    The user name is the user's email account name, which is used for authentication on the remote system. By default, user name is assumed to be the sender's name, but this not necessarily the case.

    When no User option is set, the application must pass user name and password to the Email::send() function.

    Code: 520
    to list
  180. Password - Password for email service

    The password set has to be a valid password in connection with the user names set in Options.Email.User.

    In order to avoid entering secret password information in the development database, an application option variable might be defined(e.g. Email_Password) , which can be set in the system environment and may be referenced in the Email settings. When sending an email, the password will then be replaced by the option variable.

    In case of external email program via command line defined in the Command option, the password is passed to the internal mail_pwd option.

    When no Password option is set, the application must pass user name and password to the Email::send() function.

    // in emeil options


    // in application environmanet

    set Email_Password=pa55w0rd

    Code: 521
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  181. Sender - Sender's email address

    When sending an email, this address is used as the 'sender address' which can be different from the user that authenticated. Not all mail-servers do support this feature.

    Code: 522
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  182. HighlightMembers - Highlight Members

    Additional afford to add the members of this class and its bases to the syntax highlighter rules

    Code: 524
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  183. HighlightParameters - Highlight Parameters

    Highlight the use of the currently selected parameter in the code controls

    Code: 525
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  184. HighlightSelection - Highlight Selection

    Highlight other occurrences of the currently selected text in the current implementation

    Code: 526
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  185. DefaultSingleControl - Default control for single references

    When a data source for a singular reference or relationship property is added to a form, the field will be initialized with a drop list control defined in the class referenced by the property (default drop list control). This option contains the name for default drop list control to be used for initializing. When no such drop list control has been defined in the class, the field will be initialized with the _Single control from the COLLECTION class.

    Default: drop_edit


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  186. StyleFile - File that contains QSS for the user interface

    A QSS file that describes the details of the user interface. Using this file it is possible to set gradients/background images/round corners in existing applications without changing the binaries.

    Restart the application each time the style file has been modified to make the changes effective.


    will search for a file


    to change the root of the application (eg unix) the option 'datarootdir' can be set:

    $ export datarootdir=/usr/share/myapp

    $ start_myapp

    will search the file in


    Code: 529
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  187. SSL - Use secure connection (SSL/TLS)

    In order to send emails via SSL/TLS, this option has to be set to true (YES). When using POP, the option will be ignored. The option will be ignored in case of external email program call via Command option.

    Code: 530
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  188. Incomming - Protocol for incomming messages

    The protocol for incoming messages is usually POP3 or IMAP. IMAP is supported only, when ODABA has been installed with cURL. Requesting IMAP and not having cURL does not support receiving mails.


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  189. Outgoing - Protocol for outgoing messages

    The protocol for outgoing messages is, usually, SMTP (or SMTPS). In case of not using cURL library. POP-login is required before sending a message via SMTP. This simplified way of sending emails may be forced by defining POP/SMTP as outgoing protocol. When defining AUTO, POP/SMTP is selected when cURL is not available and SMTP otherwise.

    In case of using an external email program via the command option, the option value is set to the internal mail_protocol option.


    Code: 532
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  190. Command - Send email via command

    One way of sending emails when cURL library is not available is calling an email program (typically sendmail or executable curl). In this case, the command call has to be defined as option (Options.Email.Command). When a command has been defined, the mail is sent via the command most of other options defined below Options.Email are used to initialize command options. The command defined as option may contain the following command options (enclosed in %...%):

    • mail_host (Host): host (mail server) URL or ip address
    • mail_protocol (Outgoing): protokol name (smtp, smtps ...)
    • mail_port (PortOut): port number for outgoing mail
    • mail_options (Options): variable options that might be added to the command
      • mail_user (User): user account for mail server
      • mail_pwd (Password): mail account password
      • The following options might be used in the command, but are, usually, not necessary. The information is passed by internal Email class properties:

      • mail_sender: senders email address, which is either the user or the address set by Email::sender() property(e.g.
    • mail_receiver: receiver's email address, which is usually set by Email::receiver() property(e.g.
    • mail_header: mail header, which has been created internally. Data for the header is provided by several Email class properties as body(), htmlBody()
    • mail_subject: message subject without header, which is usually set by Email::subject() function
    • mail_message: complete message, which is constructed internally (header, text, appended items)

    Options.Email.Command=curl %mail_protocol%://%mail_host%:%mail_port% %mail_options% --mail-from "%mail_sender%" --mail-rcpt "%mail_receiver%" -u %mail_user%:%mail_pwd% -T %mail_message%

    Code: 533
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  191. ACTIVITY_LOG - ACTIVITY_LOG - Settings for activity log file

    The Section allows configuring activity log file behavior. The activity log file may be configured for recording or replaying activities. When recording user activities, each action done within an application is written to an activity log file. Activity log files may contain activities for several users. Later, one may replay the recorded activities for one or more users.

    Code: 535
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  192. PATH - Path for the acivity log file

    The activity log file PATH option refers to the activity log file to be created or replayed. One be record any number of session within the same activity log file. When recording activities for several sessions, the file must be accessible for all involved users.

    Code: 536
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  193. USER - User name

    When writing multiple session log files, each session should be identified by a process id (session number). In order to assign a session to a certain user, a user name is stored in activity log records. This is, usually the system login name. When setting the USER option while recording a session, the defined user name is recorded instead of the login name.

    When replaying activity logs (REPLAY=YES), the USER option might be set in order to filter activities for a specific user. When running several applications on the same machine or under same user login, it suggested using the SESSION option for replay rather than the USER option.

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  194. REPLAY - Replay activities

    In order to replay activities, this REPLAY option has to be set to YES. When the option is set, the application immediately starts running the activity log file defined in the the PATH option. When the option is not set, replay may be started explicitly by pressing Ctrl-F12.

    Default: NO

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  195. SPEED - Replay speed

    When replaying an activity log, all actions are executed immediately without considering real time relations. In order to take into account the time relations (especially when replaying actions for several users in an activity log file), one may define a speed factor using the SPEED option. 1 defines the original speed, i.e. replay works nearly the same as the original user's session. Higher numbers will increase replay speed by the factor defined in this option.

    In order to replay the session as fast as possible, 0 (default) may be set as speed value.

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  196. START - Start time for replay

    In order to start the replay process at a certain time, the time value may be set in the START option. This allows synchronizing several user sessions stored in an activity log. Several replays may be started by setting the same start time. In this case, all activities are executed relative to this start time, i.e. asynchronous applications behave similar as in the original situation.


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  197. SESSION - Session number

    Sessions within an activity log are defined by application start and end (operation 'A' and 'a'). In order to replay a certain session, one may pass the session number (process id) in the SESSION option. Passing 'ALL' or 0 will replay all sessions in the activity log file.

    Code: 541
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  198. STEP - Number of lines for stepwize execution

    In order to run an activity log file step by step (line by line), one may set the STEP option (typically to 1). One may use any other value for running a defined number of lines in one step. For running the next block of activity log file lines, the action ActionLogRun has to be activated (ctrl+alt+F12).

    Setting the value to 0 will replay all lines in the action log.

    Code: 542
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  199. LevelIndent - Level indent

    When editing code a default level indent may be defined for indenting lined within brackets (e.g. {...}). Line indent is a string that contains usually spaces or tabs ('\t'). The string has to be enclosed in double quotes.

    "  "


    Code: 543
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  200. DefaultLineBreak - Default line break

    Depending on operating system, the default line break is either \n (Linux) or \r\n (Windows). Usually, the default line break is set according to the operating system conventions. In order to support different target systems (e.g. producing windows files on Linux systems) line break encoding may be set explicitly.



    Code: 544
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  201. Edit - Edit options for code implementation
    Code: 545
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  202. Indent - Block indent )

    Block indenting applies after commands like if, while for etc. The block indent defines the a string to be inserted when indenting is required. In order to use tabs for indenting, one may define "\t".

    Defaut: 2

    Code: 546
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  203. Style - Coding style

    In order to support special coding guide lines as being used in an organization, coding styles (CodingStyle) may be defined and referenced by name, which define places for setting parenthesis, comments and indenting. Currently, default and run are provided as coding styles.

    Default: default

    Code: 547
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  204. TopicNamePrefix - Default topic name prefix

    In order to create default named topics, this option may be set for prefixing topic name created from resource name. When no topic name prefix has been defined, the resource name of the first associated resource is used as topic name.

    Default: empty

    Code: 548
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  205. ContextMenu - Context menu option

    In order to create default context menus for different control styles, this option should be set to ACCEPT. For disabling default context menus and using user-defined context menus, only, USER may be defined as option value. Defining IGNORE will disable context menus completetly.

    Default: ACCEPT

    Code: 549
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  206. OutputAreaLimit - Output area limitation

    Standard output area in GUI framework applications becomes slowly when growing. In order to limit output area text, the option GUIFrameWork.OutputAreaLimit may be set to maximum number of lines to be displayed. In order to specify unlimited number of lines, a negative value may be set for the option. It is suggested to set this option when providing continuous output without clearing output area.

    Default: 0 (no limit)


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  207. reload - Reload OSI functions at run time

    In order to reload updated OSI functions at run time, the reload option has to be set to true. Only OSI functions defined in the dictionary or resource database will be reloaded. OSI functions loaded from OSI libraries (external files) are not reloaded and require restarting the application.



    Code: 551
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  208. DATEX - Data exchange options
    Code: 552
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  209. FORCE_QUOTES - Use string delimiters for all values

    When the option is set to true (YES), string delimiters are added at beginning and end of each value. When the option is set to false (NO), string delimiters are added only, when required, i.e. when the value contains string delimiters, field separators or line breaks.

    Default: false

    Code: 553
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  210. FIELDSEP - Field separator

    Field separator between field assignments or values (OIF, ESDF, CSV). In order to define tab as field separator, one may set the option to \t.

    Default: ;

    Code: 554
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  211. STRINGSEP - String delimiter

    String delimiters are required, when string values contain special characters as separators or line break characters.


    Code: 555
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  212. STRINGSEP_IN_STRING - String delimiters in strings

    The option alows definig the presentation of string delimiters within strings (e.g as double quotes ""). When defining special replacement for quotes, default string transformation will be disabled (see REPLACEMENT option). When defining both, string delimiters in strings and replacements, string delimiters are replaced before running replacements.

    Default: \"

    Code: 556
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  213. OSI - ODABA Script Interface Options

    Several options for ODABA Script Interface (OSI) allow activating additional script features. Most OSI Options have to be set in configuration file or envirenment and cannot be changed in running applications.

    Code: 557
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  214. debug - Activate script debugger

    In order to debug OSI functions, this option may be set to true. The option may be overwritten by the -DB option when calling OSI or OShell.

    Code: 558
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  215. exceptions - Default exception handling mode

    The default exception handling can be changed by using the exceptions directive in an OSI function or setting the OSI exception option to a valid exception handling mode before starting the application:

    accept: When, setting exception handling to accept, the line throwing the exception is executed by assuming NULL values or the operand(s) causing the exception.

    ignore: Setting exception handling to ignore,causes the statement throwing the exception to be ignored. Processing continues with the statement following.

    exception: is the default setting, which causes the function to continue with the nearest ON_ERROR block in the calling hierarchy.

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  216. nullvalue - Null-value handling

    In order to change the default for NULL-value handling when running OSI functions, the OSI nullvalue option or environment variable might be set to one of the valid values.

    exception: In case of exceptions, OSI throws an exception when a null-value is passed as paramenetr or used as calling object. Control is passed to the next ON_ERROR block in the calling hierarchy (as long as exception handling does not define different behavior).

    accept: When setting null-value handling to accept, the line is executed and a null-value is passed to the function.

    ignore: When setting null value handling to ignore, instead, the line will not be executed and processing continues with the next statement.

    Default setting is exception. Invalid settings will be ignored.

    Code: 560
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  217. trace - Trace OSI function calls

    In order to measure time used for function calls, a trace option may be set. Default trace options may be set by the trace option. Default settings may be overwritten in OSI functions using the #trace directive. Tracing function calls allows measuring time but also listing function calls sequences. When combining trace options, those must be separated by comma.

    top: Measures total time for function calls that are called as top functions, which is typically the case when calling a function via OSI utility or when calling an event handler in a context class. Usually this option is used to measure time used by context class functions. The option should not be combined with all.

    all: Measures total time for all function calls. The measured time is the total time, i.e. when calling sub functions, their time is included. The function does not measure time used for ODABA API function calls. The option should not be combined with top.

    interface: Measures total time for API function calls

    hierarchy: this option should be set in #trace directive, only in order to trace function calls within a certain function call.


    trace=all, interface

    Code: 561
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  218. stack - Stack limit

    For detecting recursion errors (infinitive recursive function calls), one may set the stack option, which limits the number of stack frames for calling OSI functions.

    Usually, a stack limit of 100 or 200 should be sufficient for running most OSI applications: When no stack limit has been set, the number of stack frames is not limited.



    Code: 562
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  219. run - Run without inital break

    In order to start an OSI application without breaking at first statement, the run option may be set to true. When not being set, the debugger breaks at first OSI statement, which also might be a selection condition or a context function.



    Code: 563
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  220. calls - Trace function calls

    When setting the OSI option calls to true, Function calls are written to system output. In order to write function calls to a file, the output must be redirected.

    Code: 565
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  221. ODABA_TEST - Test option

    The test option has to be set to YES (true) in order to accept structure definitions that are not yet set to "ready" but checked. Usually, structure definitions are set to ready, when a project status is changed to "in production". Before, data type definitions are set to "checked", but not to "ready".

    Code: 566
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  222. library - OSI source file path

    A folder containing source files for OSI functions can be provided for loading OSI functions from the library folder. OSI files defined in the library folder are loaded prior to OSI functions loaded from the resource database. Thus, one may overload implemented behavior defined in the resource database.

    Several directories or files may be passed separated by semicolon. Each path may refer to a file, directory or directory with a file mask.




    Code: 567
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  223. REPLACEMENTS - String replacements

    Specifc text replacements may be defined while importing or exporting data. When exporting data, by default it will be is converted to c-string, i.e. new lines, tabs and quotes are replaced by escaped characters (\n, \t, \"). When defining replacements, c-string conversion will be disabled and replacements are executed.

    Any number of replacement rules may be defined separated by semicolon (;). Source and target string are separated by colon (:). Special characters as new lines, tabs or backslash have to be escaped.


    ; replacing quotes by double qoutes and new lines by '\n'


    Code: 568
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  224. SKIP_TRANSIENT - Ignore transient properties

    Wen the option is set for data exchange, transient properties are not exported. Since transient properties are never importes, this option has no effect fro import operations.

    Code: 569
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  225. NO_REPAIR - Suppress auto-repair

    ODABA automatically performs repainring indexes and instance references when detectng an error (e.g. when an instance had been deleted but not removed from the index). In order to suppress auto-repar, this option has to be set to true (or YES).

    Code: 570
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  226. BUFFER_SIZE - Data exchange buffer size

    In order to optimize data exchange, a buffer size might be defined. The data exchange buffer size must be at least as large as the longest property value in the external file. Usually, this are BLOB or large text fields. In case of BLOB fields (e.g. images), the size is doubled compared with the size in the database.

    Default: 64000

    Code: 571
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  227. EventNotification - Event notification handling

    The option refers to the event notification state. When event notification state is enabled (option set to true), all events/actions passed to any kind of GUI context class are passed to project context function eventNotification(), which has to be implemented in the application project context.

    The feature can also be en- or disabled in an application by calling ProjectContext::eventNotificationEnabled().

    Code: 573
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  228. SaveAfterValueChanged - Save data after value has been changed

    In order to save instances that have been changed via GUI form, save has to be called explicitly or the edit form has to be closed or filled (with same or new instance data.). In order to force the GUI framework storing data always when leaving a field that had been changed, this option has to be set to true.

    The feature can also be en- or disabled in an application by calling ProjectContext::saveDataEnabled().

    Code: 574
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  229. ReplyTo - Reply address

    Usually, the reply address is the same as the sender address. In order to use a different reply address, this option has to be filled. When this option is set, it will overwrite the reply address that might have already been set in header attribute Reply-To.

    Code: 580
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  230. PortIn - Port number for incomming emails


    Code: 581
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  231. FileAssociations - File associations

    File associations may be defined in order to associate an action with a file extension. In order to run different actions for the same file extension, for each extension any number of additional actions may be defined. Usually, the action passed to the command open, which will open the file according to its extension type. One may, however, pass any other action name and parameters, which are supported by the program called for the file extension. Typical actions are edit, print, browse and find. When the required action is not defined, the call defined as default for the extension is used.

    File associations have to be defined in an option section FileAssociations, which has to be provided in the configuration file or via database option settings. The structure of this section is as follows:


    extension default_call

    action_name action_call

    action_name action_call


        extension (section for next extension ...)


    The option hierarchy has three levels, which requires extended ini-file specification or use of xml configuration files, instead.

    extension - name of extension (e.g. odt for open office documents)

    action_name - name of action to be executed. For a file association, any number of actions may be defined. Typical actions used under Windows are open, print, browse, but any other kind of action may be defined.

    action_call, default_call - fuction call for the required action

    Action call strings may contain following placeholders:

    • %f - replaced by complete file path
      • %d - replaced by directory path
      • %p - replaced by parameter(s)
    • %a - replaced by action name

    The call string may also contain any number of option settings as %option%., which are replaced by appropriate option values before calling the application.

    When no action has been passed to the function, the default call as being defined for the extension option is used. The default call is also used, when passing an unknown action. When passing an unknown action and not defining a default call, the function throws an exception.

    When the context handle does not refer to a valid context instance the function throws an exception.

    FileAssociations  ACCEPT

      odt             libreoffice "%f" %p

        open          libreoffice "%f" %p

        print         libreoffice -p "%f" %p

        to_pdf        libreoffice --invisible --convert-to pdf "%f" %p


    File associations are used by the odaba::BaseContext::executeShell() function.

    Code: 582
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  232. File - Intermediate file

    When delivering an email, the message is (by default) passed via pipe (standard input) to the email program. In some environments and some email programs do not support streaming the message. In this case, the message may be written to an external (intermediate) file at the location defined here. Instead of of piping the content, the internal mail_message option will be replaced by the file name, which might be passed to the mail program as parameter.


    Code: 583
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  233. Send - Send email

    In order to suppress sending emails, this option may be set to false or NO. Suppressing emails makes sense in case of testing email send processes.

    Code: 584
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