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GUIBaseContext :: executeAction - Execute action

The function allows calling an action defined in the resource database. The action type must be passed in actype in order to determine the type of action to be executed. Actions are defined in global scope and do not need a class scope.

The function returns -1 when no appropriate action could be found. When the action had been executed successfully, the function returns 0, which usually indicates that not further processing is required (e.g. when handling events). In case of errors or incomplete processing, 1 will be returned. In this case, events calling the action are passed to the next event handler.

Action results to be returned have to be stored in the context result property. When calling a window action, the result of the window action (true or false) is also stored in the result property of the context.

Implementation details

int32 GUIBaseContext  :: executeAction ( odaba::String &sAction, odaba::ActionTypes eActionType )
  • sAction - Action name
  • eActionType - - internal feature (not documented)