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Region :: linkRegion - Replace subregions

For a region in a list view or tree one may dynamically create new sub regions. By linking the region passed in cRegion to the current region, sub regions defined in the passed regions will be used as submissions for the current region as well. This allows re-using region definitions as well as defining recursive list schemata.

When the current region does already has got sub regions, those will be removed as well as the columns already defined for the current region.

Note, that the sub region list from the referenced region is used directly. Adding new sub-regions to this list will affect both, the current region, but also the passed region. Column lists are inherited as well. Thus, adding columns will affect also the original region and all linked regions.

Return value:   - internal feature (not documented) ( int32  )

Implementation details

int32 Region  :: linkRegion ( odabagui::Region &cRegion )

The function links the current region with the region passed in cRegion.

  • cRegion - - internal feature (not documented)