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PIREPL - Replace options

Replace options are passed to copy operations in order to control the copy behavior. Usually, a replace option and a copy type can be passed.

Enumarators overview

Enumerator details

  1. REPL_GUID - Copy GUID value

    When this value is set, GUID settings from the source are copied. Usually, GUIDs are created when creating the copy for an instance carrying a GUID.

    Code: -2
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  2. REPL_direct - Copy direct values, only

    Only attributes and base structures will be copied.

    Code: -1
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  3. REPL_none - Do not replace instances

    The option causes the copy process not to overwrite existing instances.

    Code: 0
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  4. REPL_local - Copy local resources

    When passing this value as replace option, only local resources of an instance will be copied, i.e. relationships to their instances and all instances owned by the instance.

    Code: 1
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  5. REPL_all - Replace all

    When all is set, local and global instances will be copied and replaced. Since this may cause unlimited recursion, this option should not be used for copying instances.

    When passing this option as copy option, it indicates, that instances and relationships are to be copied.

    Code: 2
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  6. REPL_no_create - Do not create new instances

    Links to related instances will be copied (updated) only, when instances do already exist in the target location.

    Code: 99
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