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DictionaryHandle :: OpenDictionary - - internal feature (not documented)

Return value:  Success ( logical  )

Implementation details

logical DictionaryHandle  :: OpenDictionary ( ODABAClient &odaba_client, NPath &cpath, PIACC accopt, logical w_netopt, ::ResourceTypes local_ressources=RES_automatic, char sysenv=NO )
  • odaba_client - ODABA Client Handle
  • cpath - Complete file or directory path
  • accopt - Access mode
  • w_netopt - Multi-user option

    Passing this value as true (YES) indicates that multi-user access is requested. False (NO) indicates exclusive use of database. Accessing a database in update or write mode, NO guarantees absolute exclusive access.

  • local_ressources - Resource type

    Depending on the resource type the database or dictionary is opened on the client or server side.

    Default: RES_automatic
  • sysenv - System application

    This option indicates that the application is running as system application. In this case context functions are disabled and will not be executed. This option should never be set in normal applications because this may lead to logical inconsistency of the database.

    When running a replication client, this option contains the value 2. Running a replication client in a system application, the option contains the value 3.

    For maintenance purposes, 4 might be passed in the variable. In this case, versions will not be upgraded automatically.

    Default: NO