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ODABAClient :: Open - Open ODABA client

The function opens an ODABA client. The first client that is opened is considered to be the main client. Open can be used to open an empty client. When opening an ODABAClient handle, which is already opened, it will be closed before being opened again.

Return value:  Success ( logical  )

Implementation details

  1. Open client handle copy
    logical ODABAClient  :: Open ( ODABAClient &client_refc )

    The client handle copy refers to the same client object as its origin.

    • client_refc - Reference to client handle
  2. to list
  3. Open with ini-file
    logical ODABAClient  :: Open ( NPath &ini_file, NString &application_name=NString::Null(), NPath &progpath=NULL, ::ApplicationTypes application_type=APT_Console )

    Reopens the client handle with settings from the ini-file. When being opened, the client handle is closed before reopening.

    • ini_file - Application ini-file
    • application_name - Allocation name Default: NString::Null()
    • progpath - Program path

      This is the path that is usually passed as first argument to the application.

      Default: NULL
    • application_type - Application type

      This option indicates that the application will run as console or windows application.

      Default: APT_Console
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  5. - internal feature (not documented)
    logical ODABAClient  :: Open (  )
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  7. - internal feature (not documented)
    logical ODABAClient  :: Open ( ::ApplicationTypes application_types )
    • application_types - Application type

      This option indicates that the application will run as console or windows application.

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