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TypeDefinition :: displayAlignment - Display data type alignment information

The function shows the data alignment information for a complex data type and its members. The value passed in iCount is the number of bytes reserved for data type instances in C or C++ environment. The alignment information is shown on system output.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Display data type alignment information
    TypeDefinition  :: displayAlignment ( int32 iCount )

    The value passed in iCount is the number of bytes reserved for data type instances in C or C++ environment. The output is always preceded by a headline.

    • iCount - Number of items

      The value contains the number of items to be processed or stored in a collection.

  2. to list
  3. Display data type alignment information
    TypeDefinition  :: displayAlignment ( int32 iCount, bool bHeadline )

    The value passed in iCount is the number of bytes reserved for data type instances in C or C++ environment. When passing true in bHeadline, the output is preceded by a headline.

    • iCount - Number of items

      The value contains the number of items to be processed or stored in a collection.

    • bHeadline - Head line option

      OIF and ESDF files may provide a headline, which carries structure definition details for the data contained in the file. When the file contains a headline, the structure definition (especially field names) are extracted from the headline and the second line or record is considered as data record.

      The structure for the headline depends on the file type and is described in the corresponding file type documentation (ESDF/CSV or OIF documentation).

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