Email :: open - Open email handle
When using the email handle in C++, it will be opened automatically when being constructed. Using email handles in OSI, those have to be opened explicitly. When opening an email handle, that had already been opened, it will be re-initialized, i.e. all previous setting will get lost.
Implementation overview
- Create empty email handle
Email :: open (  ) - Create email handle with host and port
Email :: open ( cHost, iPort )
Implementation details
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Create email handle with host and port
Email  :: open ( odaba::String &cHost, int32 iPort )
- cHost - - Title unknown
- iPort
- Port number
The port number must be the same the server has been started with (e.g. 6123). When no port number is passed, the client expects the port number being defined in a system variable SERVER_PORT or in a system environment ini-file on the ODABA installation folder.
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