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OSI/ODL Element definition

OSI/ODL elements are the essential parts defined in an OSI or ODL script. Mainly, elements define types and members. Members are properties and behavior in type definitions. The OSI/ODL Element BNF provides the entry points type and OSI and ODL element definitions.

// The OSI Member BNF provides entry points type and member definitions

OSIMember             := '$@'                    // defined for providing the bnf class name

osi_definition        |= type_dcl | view_dcl | osi_class_dcl | expr_def | templ_def | xml_def

odl_definition        |= type_dcl | view_dcl | interface_dcl | class_dcl | const_dcl | extent_dcl

extensions_dcl        := _extensions extensions_def ';'

extensions_def        := '{' [ext_exports(*)] '}'

ext_exports           := [ comment_block(*) ] ext_export_dcl

ext_export_dcl        |= attr_dcl | ref_dcl | rel_dcl

// type_dcl

//type_dcl              := type_def | struct_dcl | union_dcl | enum_dcl

type_dcl              := type_def | struct_dcl | enum_dcl

type_def              := [update_option] _typedef type_spec [ declarators ] ';'

// structure

struct_dcl            := [update_option] struct_type ';'

struct_type           := _struct syn_ident [persistent] [struct_def] // ODABA allows forward declarations and references for structures

struct_def            := '{' member(*) '}'

// union

//union_dcl             := [update_option] union_type ';'

//union_type            := _union identifier _switch '(' switch_type_spec ')' '{' case_def(*) '}'

//switch_type_spec      := base_int | char_types | boolean_type | enum_type | scoped_name

//case_def              := case_label(*) element_spec ';'

//case_label            := case_inst | default_def

//case_inst             := _case operand ':'

//default_def           := _default ':'

//element_spec          := type_spec declarator

// enumeration

enum_dcl              := [update_option] enum_type ';'

enum_type             := _enum identifier [base_class] [enum_def]      // ODABA allows forward declarations for enumerations

base_class            := '(' scoped_name ')'                           // base class for discriminators, ODABA extension

enum_def              := '{' enumerator(*) '}'

enumerator            |= identifier [ref_type] [ enum_value ] [enum_def] [',']

ref_type              := '(' scoped_name ')'                           // type for discriminators, ODABA extension

enum_value            := '=' number [enum_condition]                   // ODABA extension

enum_condition        := '(' operand ')'

// const_dcl

const_dcl             := _const const_type identifier assigned_value ';'

const_type            := base_int | char_types | boolean_type | string_type | scoped_name

// osi_class_dcl  - ODABA specific

osi_class_dcl         := [update_option] class_header [ osi_class_def ] ';'

osi_class_def         := '{' osi_exports(*) '}'  

osi_exports           := [ comment_block(*) ] osi_export_dcl

osi_export_dcl        |= attr_dcl | ref_dcl | rel_dcl | expr_def

// interface

interface_dcl         := [update_option] interface_header [ interface_spec ] ';'

interface_spec        := '{' [exports(*)] '}'

interface_header      := _interface syn_ident [ inheritance_spec ]

// class_dcl : in contrast to ODL ODABA supports multiple class inheritance via EXTENDS relationship

class_dcl             := [update_option] class_header [ class_def ] ';'

class_def             := '{' [exports(*)] '}'

class_header          := _class syn_ident [persistent] [extends_spec] [inheritance_spec] [type_property_list]

persistent            := _persistent [type_option(*)]

type_option           := guid | type_id | version

type_id               := _type_id '=' number

type_property_list    := '(' type_property(*) ')'

type_property         := key_spec | extent_spec | alignment_spec | context_class

alignment_spec        := _alignment '=' number ';'

exports               := [ comment_block(*) ] export_dcl

export_dcl            |= type_dcl | const_dcl | attr_dcl | ref_dcl | rel_dcl | except_dcl | method

// view_dcl is an ODABA specific extension, which combines ODL and OQL elements

view_dcl              := [update_option] view_header [ view_def ] ';'

view_def              := '{' view_member(*) '}'

view_member           |= attr_dcl | ref_dcl | rel_dcl | method

view_header           := _view identifier view_spec [inheritance_spec] [type_property_list]

// except_dcl

except_dcl            := _exception exceptions_def

exceptions_def        := exception_def | exception_specs

exception_specs       := '{' sexception_spec(*) '}'

sexception_spec       := exception_def ';'

exception_def         := identifier '{' [member(*)] '}'

// inheritance_spec and extends_spec, which include some important ODABA extensions (multiple class inheritance,

// set based relationships)

inheritance_spec      := ':' base_types

extends_spec          := extends base_types                            // handled as based_on inheritance in ODABA

base_types            := base_type [base_type_suc(*)]

base_type_suc         := ',' base_type

base_type             := [base_option(*)] extended_type_spec [rel_option(*)] [base_declarator]

base_option           := _virtual | priv_option | _transient

base_declarator       := syn_ident [col_ext_rel(*)] [context_class]

// extent_spec, which includes substantial extension for ODABA (multiple extents)

extent_dcl            := [update_option] extent type_name extent_def ';' // ODABA supports global extents

type_name             := identifier

extent_spec           := extent extents_def ';'                        // ODABA requires a semicolon, here

extents_def           := extent_def | extent_specs

extent_specs          := '{' sextent_spec(*) '}'

sextent_spec          := extent_def ';'

extent_def            := [_transient] [rel_option(*)] syn_ident [extent_option(*)]

extent_option         := col_ext_ref | super_sets | sub_sets

sub_sets              := subset [subset_options(*)] extent_names

subset_options        := distinct | complete

super_sets            := superset [intersect] extent_names

extent_names          := '(' extent_name [extent_names_suc(*)] ')'

extent_names_suc      := ',' extent_name


// key_spec

key_spec              := key keys_def ';'                                 // ODABA requires a semicolon, here, instead of comma

keys_def              := key_def | key_specs

key_specs             := '{' skey_spec(*) '}'

skey_spec             := key_def ';'

key_def               := [ident_key] identifier [key_components_ext]

key_components_ext    := key_components | key_components_odmg

key_components_odmg   := '(' key_components ')'

key_components        := key_component [key_component_suc(*)]

key_component_suc     := ',' key_component

key_component         := key_path [component_option(*)]

key_path              := identifier [property_extension(*)]

component_option      := ignore_case | descending

// attribute(s), which include specific ODABA extensions

attr_dcl              := attribute attr_def ';'

attr_def              := attr_spec | attr_specs

attr_specs            := '{' sattr_spec(*) '}'

sattr_spec            := attr_spec ';'

attr_spec             := type_ref declarators

// reference(s)

ref_dcl               := reference refs_def ';'

refs_def              := ref_def | ref_specs

ref_specs             := '{' sref_spec(*) '}'

sref_spec             := ref_def ';'

ref_def               := type_ref [ ref_option(*) ] references

ref_option            := guid | weak_typed | owner | update | unique | multiple_key | delete_empty | no_create

references            := ref_declarator [references_suc(*)]

references_suc        := ',' ref_declarator

ref_declarator        := collection [col_ext_ref(*)]

// relationship(s)

rel_dcl               := relationship rels_def ';'

rels_def              := rel_def | rel_specs

rel_specs             := '{' srel_spec(*) '}'

srel_spec             := rel_def ';'

rel_def               := type_ref [ rel_option(*) ] relationships

rel_option            := ref_option | dependent | secondary | auto_delete

relationships         := rel_declarator [relationships_suc(*)]

relationships_suc     := ',' rel_declarator

rel_declarator        := collection [col_ext_rel(*)]                   // in ODABA optional, but always sugested

// collections

collection            := syn_ident [collection_size] [assigned_value]

collection_size       := '[' [ number ] ']'                                // ODABA extension

col_ext_rel           := inverse_spec | base_collection | col_ext_ref

inverse_spec          := inverse inverse_traversal_path

inverse_traversal_path:= scoped_name

base_collection       := based_on base_path

base_path             := member_path | '*'

member_path           := extent_name | property_extension(*)

extent_name           := scoped_name | any_type

property_extension    := '.' identifier

col_ext_ref           := order_keys | attr_ext_decl

attr_ext_decl         := sources | constraint | version | context_class | copy_level | check_level

constraint            := _constraint '(' operand ')'

sources               := _source operand_list

version               := _version '=' number

order_keys            := ordered_by '(' [index_specs] ')'                        // ODABA extension

index_specs           := index_spec [index_spec_suc(*)]

index_spec_suc        := ',' index_spec

index_spec            := [key_name] [index_option(*)]

key_name              := identifier

index_option          := unique | not_empty | temporary | main_order | large

context_class         := _context_class '=' scoped_name

copy_level            := _copy_level '=' copy_level_name

copy_level_name       := 'all' | 'default' | 'link' | 'instance' | 'local' | 'model' | 'none'

check_level           := _check_level '=' check_level_name

check_level_name      := 'automatic' | 'mandatory' | 'optional' | 'suggested' | 'valid' | 'mandatory_valid'

// meth_dcl - Method declaration

mtype_ref             := [type_ref_options(*)] [_const] simple_type_spec

meth_dcl              := [oneway] [mtype_ref] [ref_symbol(*)] meth_ident parameter_dcls [_const] [raises_expr] [context_expr]

meth_ident            := [identifier] [scope(*)] midentifier_ [ impl_ident ]

scope                 := sidentifier scope_op

sidentifier           := identifier | any_type

midentifier_          := op_rator | midentifier

op_rator              := _operator cun_op

midentifier           := ['~'] identifier

impl_ident            := '.' identifier

parameter_dcls        := '(' [params_dcl] ')'

raises_expr           := raises '(' scoped_name ')'                   // not supported

context_expr          := context '(' string_literals ')'               // not supported

string_literals       := string_literal [string_literal_suc(*)]

string_literal_suc    := ',' string_literal

string_literal        := string

// parameter declarations, parameters, categories, declarators

params_dcl            := param_dcl [param_dcl_suc(*)]

param_dcl_suc         := ',' param_dcl_

param_dcl_            := param_dcl | '...'

param_dcl             := [param_attribute] [_const] simple_type_spec [declarator]

param_attribute       := in | out | inout

parm_list             := opt_parameter [parm_ext(*)]

parm_ext              := ',' opt_parameter

opt_parameter         := [parm_options(*)] parameter

parameter             := parm_spec | operand | '*'

parm_spec             := simple_type_spec [ref_symbol(*)] identifier [fixed_array_size(*)] [assigned_value]

parm_options          := ignore_case | descending | not_empty | unique | _static

assigned_value        := assign_op exp_oper

exp_oper              := operand | expr_code | OIFInit

// members, categories, declarators

member                |= imember

imember               := [type_ref_options(*)] type_spec declarators ';'

declarators           := declarator [declarator_suc(*)]

declarator_suc        := ',' declarator

declarator            := [ref_symbol(*)] syn_ident [fixed_array_size(*)] [ operand_list ] [assigned_value] [attr_ext_decls]

attr_ext_decls        := attr_ext_decl(*)

ref_symbol            := '*' | '&'

fixed_array_size      := '[' size_spec ']'

size_spec             := size [ dimension ]

size                  := number

dimension             := ',' number

syn_ident             := identifier [alias]

alias                 := _alias '(' name_list ')'

name_list             := identifier [name_successor(*)]

name_successor        := ',' identifier

// type_ref, which includes ODMG 3.0 as subset (common definition)

type_ref              := [type_ref_options(*)] domain_type             // ODABA extension

type_ref_options      := priv_option | prop_option

prop_option           := _static | _collection | _transient | _virtual | not_empty | _generic | _global | _const // ODABA extension

priv_option           := _private | _public | _protected               // ODABA extension

domain_type           := simple_type_spec | struct_type | enum_type

// type_spec

type_spec             := simple_type_spec | constr_type_spec

//constr_type_spec      := struct_type | union_type | enum_type

constr_type_spec      := struct_type | enum_type

simple_type_spec      := base_type_spec | extended_type_spec

base_type_spec        := floating_pt_type | integer_type | char_len_types | boolean_type | octet_type | date_type | time_type | _timestamp | bit_type | binary_type | any_type

extended_type_spec    := scoped_name | generic_type | coll_type | array_type | interval_type

//extended_type_spec    := array_type | gstring_type | coll_type | interval_type | generic_type | scoped_name

array_type            := array_spec '<' simple_type_spec [array_dim] '>'

array_spec            := array | sequence

array_dim             := [','] number

// gstring_type          := string_type string_size

// string_size           := '<' number '>'

coll_type             := dict_coll | coll_coll

coll_coll             := coll_spec '<' simple_type_spec '>'

coll_spec             := set | list | bag

dict_coll             := _dictionary '<' simple_type_spec ',' simple_type_spec '>'

interval_type         := interval '<' simple_type_spec '>'

generic_type          := identifier gentype_parm                       // ODABA extension

gentype_parm          := gentype_parm_new | gentype_parm_old           // ODABA extension

gentype_parm_new      := '<' simple_type_spec '>'                      // ODABA extension

gentype_parm_old      := '(' simple_type_spec ')'                      // ODABA extension

// basic types

date_type             := _date [ len_spec ]

time_type             := _time [ len_spec ]

char_len_types        := char_types [ len_spec ]

len_spec              := '(' size ')'                                  // ODABA extension

char_types            := string_type | local_type | ascii_type | latin1_type | utf8_type | utf16_type | utf32_type | char_type | coded_type

integer_type          := [_unsigned] int_types

int_types             := base_int | int_spec

base_int              := short_int | long_int | long_long_int | big_int

long_long_int         := long_int long_int

int_spec              := int_type [int_size]                           // ODABA extension

int_size              := '(' size [','] [precision_val] ')'            // ODABA extension

precision_val         := number                                        // ODABA extension

// base types

_date                 := 'date'         | __date_type

__date_type           :: 'DATE'

_time                 := 'time'         | __time_type

__time_type           :: 'TIME'

_timestamp            := 'timestamp'    | 'datetime' | __timestamp_type

__timestamp_type      :: 'TIMESTAMP'    | 'DATETIME'

coded_type            := 'coded'        | __coded_type                 // ODABA extension

__coded_type          :: 'CODED'        | 'CCHAR'            

string_type           := 'string'       | __string_type                // ODABA extension

__string_type         :: 'STRING'      

ascii_type            := 'ascii'        | __ascii_type                 // ODABA extension

__ascii_type          :: 'ASCII'

latin1_type           := 'latin1'       | __latin1_type                // ODABA extension

__latin1_type         :: 'LATIN1'          

local_type            := 'local'        | __local_type                 // ODABA extension

__local_type          :: 'LOCAL'          

utf8_type             := 'utf8'         | __utf8_type                  // ODABA extension

__utf8_type           :: 'UTF8'          

utf16_type            := 'utf16'        | __utf16_type                 // ODABA extension

__utf16_type          :: 'UTF16'          

utf32_type            := 'utf32'        | __utf32_type                 // ODABA extension

__utf32_type          :: 'UTF32'          

char_type             :: 'char'         | 'CHAR'  | 'int8'

floating_pt_type      :: 'double'       | 'float' | 'real'  | 'REAL'

boolean_type          :: 'boolean'      | 'bool'  | 'BOOL'  | 'logical' | 'LOGICAL'

bit_type              :: 'bit'          | 'BIT'                        // ODABA extension

short_int             :: 'int16'        | 'SHORT' | 'short' | 'uint16'

long_int              :: 'int32'        | 'LONG'  | 'long'  | 'uint32'

big_int               :: 'int64'        | 'uint64'

int_type              :: 'int'          | 'INT'   | 'DEC'              // ODABA extension

_unsigned             :: 'unsigned'     | 'UNSIGNED'

octet_type            :: 'octet'                                       //not supported in ODABA

binary_type           :: 'binary'       | 'BINARY' | 'BLOB'            // ODABA extension

//   standard key words

_operator             := 'operator'     | __operator

__operator            :: 'OPERATOR'

context               := 'context'      | __context

__context             :: 'CONTEXT'

raises                := 'raises'       | __raises

__raises              :: 'RAISES'

in                    := 'in'           | _in

_in                   :: 'IN'

out                   := 'out'          | _out

_out                  :: 'OUT'

inout                 := 'inout'        | _inout

_inout                :: 'INOUT'

oneway                := 'oneway'       | __oneway                     // not supported in ODABA

__oneway              :: 'ONEWAY'                    

_exception            := 'exception'    | __exception

__exception           :: 'EXCEPTION'

_extensions           := 'extensions'   | __extensions

__extensions          :: 'EXTENSIONS'

_private              := 'private'      | __private

__private             :: 'PRIVATE'

_protected            := 'protected'    | __protected

__protected           :: 'PROTECTED'

_public               := 'public'       | __public

__public              :: 'PUBLIC'

_static               := 'static'       | __static

__static              :: 'STATIC'       | '__cdecl'

_virtual              := 'virtual'      | __virtual

__virtual             :: 'VIRTUAL'

_transient            := 'transient'    | __transient

__transient           :: 'TRANSIENT'

_typedef              :: 'typedef'      | 'TYPEDEF'

_enum                 :: 'enum'         | 'ENUM'

_struct               :: 'struct'       | 'STRUCT'

//_union                :: 'union'        | 'UNION'

_interface            := 'interface'    | _interface_

_interface_           :: 'INTERFACE'

_view                 := 'view'         | __view

__view                :: 'VIEW'

_const                :: 'const'        | 'CONST'

_class                :: 'class'        | 'CLASS'

extends               := 'extends'      | __extends

__extends             :: 'EXTENDS'

array                 := 'array'        | __array

__array               :: 'ARRAY'

sequence              := 'sequence'     | __sequence

__sequence            :: 'SEQUENCE'

set                   := 'set'          | __set

__set                 :: 'SET'

list                  := 'list'         | __list

__list                :: 'LIST'

bag                   := 'bag'          | __bag

__bag                 :: 'BAG'

attribute             := 'attribute'    | ___attribute

___attribute          :: 'ATTRIBUTE'

relationship          := 'relationship' | __relationship

__relationship        :: 'RELATIONSHIP'

reference             := 'reference'    | __reference

__reference           :: 'REFERENCE'

_collection           := 'collection'   | __collection

__collection          :: 'COLLECTION'

inverse               := 'inverse'      | __inverse

__inverse             :: 'INVERSE'

extent                := 'extent'       | __extent

__extent              :: 'EXTENT'

key                   := 'key' | 'keys' | __key

__key                 :: 'KEY' | 'KEYS'

//    ODABA keyword extensions

_global               := 'global'     | __global

__global              :: 'GLOBAL'     | 'extern' | 'EXTERN'

multiple_key          := 'multiple_key' | __multiple_key

__multiple_key        :: 'MULTIPLE_KEY'

no_create             := 'no_create'    | __no_create

__no_create           :: 'NO_CREATE'

ordered_by            := 'ordered_by'   | __ordered_by

__ordered_by          :: 'ORDERED_BY'

unique                := 'unique'       | __unique

__unique              :: 'UNIQUE'

not_empty             := 'not_empty'    | __not_empty

__not_empty           :: 'NOT_EMPTY'

_generic              := 'generic'      | __generic

__generic             :: 'GENERIC'

temporary             := 'temporary'    | __temporary

__temporary           :: 'TEMPORARY'

main_order            := 'main_order'   | __main_order

__main_order          :: 'MAIN_ORDER'

large                 := 'large'        | __large

__large               :: 'LARGE'

_persistent           := 'persistent'   | __persistent

__persistent          :: 'PERSISTENT'

guid                  := 'guid'         | __guid

__guid                :: 'GUID'

weak_typed            := 'weak_typed'   | __weak_typed

__weak_typed          :: 'WEAK_TYPED'

owner                 := 'owner'        | __owner

__owner               :: 'OWNER'

dependent             := 'dependent'    | __dependent

__dependent           :: 'DEPENDENT'

secondary             := 'secondary'    | __secondary

__secondary           :: 'SECONDARY'

auto_delete           := 'auto_delete'  | __auto_delete

__auto_delete         :: 'AUTO_DELETE'

based_on              := 'based_on'     | __based_on

__based_on            :: 'BASED_ON'

subset                := 'subset'       | __subset

__subset              :: 'SUBSET'

superset              := 'superset'     | __superset

__superset            :: 'SUPERSET'

ident_key             := 'ident_key'    | __ident_key

__ident_key           :: 'IDENT_KEY'

complete              := 'complete'     | __complete

__complete            :: 'COMPLETE'

distinct              := 'distinct'     | __distinct

__distinct            :: 'DISTINCT'

intersect             := 'intersection' | __intersect

__intersect           :: 'INTERSECTION'

ignore_case           := 'ignore_case'  | __ignore_case

__ignore_case         :: 'IGNORE_CASE'  | 'IC'

descending            := 'descending'   | __descending

__descending          :: 'DESCENDING'   | 'DESC'

interval              := 'interval'     | __interval

__interval            :: 'INTERVAL'

_constraint           := 'constraint'   | __constraint

__constraint          :: 'CONSTRAINT'

_alignment            := 'alignment'    | __alignment

__alignment           :: 'ALIGNMENT'

delete_empty          := 'delete_empty' | __delete_empty

__delete_empty        :: 'DELETE_EMPTY'

_source               := 'source'       | __source

__source              :: 'SOURCE'

_type_id              := 'type_id'      | __type_id

__type_id             :: 'TYPE_ID'

_version              := 'version'      | __version

__version             :: 'VERSION'

_alias                := 'alias'        | __alias

__alias               :: 'ALIAS'

_context_class        := 'ContextClass' | __context_class

__context_class       :: 'CONTEXTCLASS'

_copy_level           := 'copy_level'   | __copy_level

__copy_level          :: 'COPY_LEVEL'

_check_level          := 'check_level'  | __check_level

__check_level         :: 'CHECK_LEVEL'

cun_op                := '++' | '--' | '!' | '()'  | '[]' | bin_op

// comment line characters

CC                    := '//'

// bnf references

std_symbols          ::= class(BNFStandardSymbols)

number               ::= ref(std_integer)

string               ::= ref(std_string)

common_symbols       ::= class(OSICommon)

identifier           ::= ref(identifier)  

comment_block        ::= ref(comment_block)  

scope_op             ::= ref(scope_op)

scoped_name          ::= ref(scoped_name)

any_type             ::= ref(any_type)

_switch              ::= ref(_switch)

_case                ::= ref(_case)

_default             ::= ref(_default)

_dictionary          ::= ref(_dictionary)

update_option        ::= ref(update_option)

update               ::= ref(update)

oper_symbols         ::= class(OSIOperand)

operand              ::= ref(operand)  

operand_list         ::= ref(operand_list)  

view_spec            ::= ref(view_spec)

assign_op            ::= ref(assign_op)

bin_op               ::= ref(bin_op)

method_symbols       ::= class(OSIMethod)

method               ::= ref(method)

expr_def             ::= ref(expr_def)

templ_def            ::= ref(templ_def)

xml_def              ::= ref(xml_def)

expr_code            ::= ref(expr_code)

oif_symbols          ::= class(OIF)

OIFInit              ::= ref(OIFInit)