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BNF for Object Interchange Format (OIF)

The Object Interchange Format (OIF) is used for exchanging data, but also for defining initial values or constants. The ODABA OIF definition is a slight extension of the OIF suggested by ODMG.

// OIF - Object Interchange Format


// OIF provides entries for variable initialization and object exchange file structures

// (database dumps):


// scoped_name   locator      prop_value   tag                                 inst_value  

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Persons     { ["Miller"] { name "Miller",

//      (value_list)     |    first_name {    [0] "Anton",

//                       |                    [1] "Emil"  },

//      (prop_list)      |    address    {    zip 12345,

//                       |                    street "xxx"},

//      (value_list)     |    children   {    ["Miller|Eva"]            Person { name "Miller", first_name "Eva" },

//                       |                                              Person { name "Miller", first_name "Paul"},

//                       |                                                     { name "Miller", first_name "John" } } } }

OIF                   := [ schema_dcl ] OIFData

OIFData               := _data '{' OIFInit '}' [';']

OIFInit               := prop_list | inst_list | properties

properties            := prop_init [ next_prop(*) ]

next_prop             := oif_sep [ prop_init ]

prop_init             := identifier ['='] prop_value              // property name and value

prop_value            := inst_init | inst_list

inst_list             := '{' instances '}'

instances             := inst_init [ next_inst(*) ]

next_inst             := oif_sep [ inst_init ]

inst_init             := [ locator ] [ scoped_name ] ['='] [ inst_value ]

locator               := update_locator | create_locator

update_locator        := '(' loc_init ')'

create_locator        := '[' loc_init ']'

loc_init              := constant | properties

inst_value            := constant | prop_list

prop_list             := '{' properties '}'

oif_sep               := ','

_data                 := 'data' | __data

__data                :: 'DATA'

// OIF specifications END

// comment line characters

CC                    := '//'

// bnf references

odl_symbols          ::= class(OSI)

schema_dcl           ::= ref(schema_dcl)

common_symbols       ::= class(OSICommon)

block_intro          ::= ref(block_intro)

comment_block        ::= ref(comment_block)

identifier           ::= ref(identifier)  

scoped_name          ::= ref(scoped_name)  

std_symbols          ::= class(BNFStandardSymbols)

constant             ::= ref(std_constant)