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ActionItem :: ActionItem - Create action item

The ActionItem object refers to action items defined for the control passed as control context in rControlContext. When a resource name is passed in sResource, the ActionItem object manages all action items with the resource name. Passing an action name in sAction, the ActionItem object manages all action items matching the action name. Passing both parameters, only action items matching both names are managed.

In order not to pass one of the parameters, an empty string value (String()) should be passed.

Implementation details

  1. - Title unknown
    ActionItem  :: ActionItem ( odabagui::ControlContext &cControlContext, odaba::String &sAction, odaba::String &sResource )
    • cControlContext - Control context

      ControlContext classes are created for field (ADK_Field) as well as for control (ADK_FieldControl) resources.

      When referring a field resource, the field context will overload the context implemented for the subordinated field control (control context).

    • sAction - Action name
    • sResource - Name of resoure

      "ok_button"        // button in the current window

      "address.street"   // line edit in the address subwindow

      ".name"            // line edit in the upper control (window)

  2. to list
  3. Create unselected action item
    ActionItem  :: ActionItem ( odabagui::ControlContext &cControlContext )

    The function creates an empty action item for the context passed in cControlContext.

    • cControlContext - Control context

      ControlContext classes are created for field (ADK_Field) as well as for control (ADK_FieldControl) resources.

      When referring a field resource, the field context will overload the context implemented for the subordinated field control (control context).

  4. to list
  5. Create action item copy
    ActionItem  :: ActionItem ( odabagui::ActionItem &cActionItem )
    • cActionItem - Action items

      The action items handler allows managing a number of action items identified by resource and/or action name.

  6. to list
  7. Create empty action item
    ActionItem  :: ActionItem (  )

    The action creates an action item not associated with a control.

  8. to list
  9. Create action items by resource name
    ActionItem  :: ActionItem ( odabagui::ControlContext &cControlContext, odaba::String &sResource )

    The constructor creates an action item by resource name (action control). The action name is taken from the resource. Action items created by resource name refer to all action items referring to the corresponding action control (menu items, tool bar buttons etc).

    • cControlContext - Control context

      ControlContext classes are created for field (ADK_Field) as well as for control (ADK_FieldControl) resources.

      When referring a field resource, the field context will overload the context implemented for the subordinated field control (control context).

    • sResource - Name of resoure

      "ok_button"        // button in the current window

      "address.street"   // line edit in the address subwindow

      ".name"            // line edit in the upper control (window)

  10. to list