Cell :: setProperty - Set property handle or value
The function sets the property handle for the column in the currently selected region. The property handle passed is set for the column by internal number, which has been stored for the cell. The function is typically called in the doBeforeDataSet() handler.
When cell is not valid, the function throws an exception.
// calling the function from whithin a context class function
int32 doBeforeDataSet() {
Cell cell(line(),"column1"); // column in the current line
cell.setProperty(MyProperty()); // change property to teh one retrned fro function MyProperty
return true );
When the cell does not apply to the current line, an invalid column might be selected.
Implementation overview
- Set property handle by property
Cell :: setProperty ( cProperty ) - Set property by value
Cell :: setProperty ( cValue )
Implementation details
Set property handle by property
Cell :: setProperty ( odaba::Property &cProperty )
The column property handle is set to the property passed in cProperty. When cell is not valid, the function throws an exception.
- cProperty - Property handle reference
to list
Set property by value
Cell :: setProperty ( odaba::Value &cValue )
The property handle for the data source is set to the value passed in rValue. When cell is not valid, the function throws an exception.
- cValue - - Title unknown
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