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Icon :: Icon - Constructor

The constructor creates an icon definition object. Before applying the icon to a GUI resource, the icon definition might be modified.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Copy constructor
    Icon  :: Icon ( odabagui::Icon &cIcon )

    The copy constructor creates an image definition from the definition passed in cIcon.

    • cIcon - Icon data

      Icon data defines three pixmaps for displaying images with different states.

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  3. Create icon from path definitions
    Icon  :: Icon ( odaba::String &sActivePath, odaba::String &sNormalPath, odaba::String &sDisabledPath )

    The icon definition is created from the path definitions passed in sActivePath, sInactivePath and sDisabledPath.

    • sActivePath - Path to active image

      The path is a file path to an image resource stored as bitmap (.bmp), compressed image (.jpg) or in platform independent image format (.png).

    • sNormalPath - Path to inactive image
    • sDisabledPath - Path to disabled image

      The path is a file path to an image resource stored as bitmap (.bmp), compressed image (.jpg) or in platform independent image format (.png).

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  5. Create an empty image definition
    Icon  :: Icon (  )

    The function creates an empty icon definition. Before using an empty (invalid) icon definition, at least the path to the active pixmap needs to be set (active())

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  7. Create icon from resource name
    Icon  :: Icon ( odaba::String &sResource )

    The constructor creates an icon definition from the icon resource (ADKC_Bitmap) with the name passed in sResource.

    • sResource - Name of resoure

      "ok_button"        // button in the current window

      "address.street"   // line edit in the address subwindow

      ".name"            // line edit in the upper control (window)

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