Test suite tree
The test suite tree is a directory tree that contains entries for (hierarchical) test suites and subordinated test cases. Besides test suites and test cases, other directories not identified as test suite or test case are displayed.
The tree shows test cases with green letters and test suites with blue letters. Other directories are displayed with black letters. When test cases are associated with est runs, test runs are listed at the end of the subordinated directory list using the test run icon instead of the directory icon.
Except test runs the tree exactly reflects the directory structure in the file system below the test root directory.
Usually, each test root directory contains an action directory with default actions for preprocessing, run and postprocessing actions.
Since test cases require a test suite parent, the top level in the tree must not contain test cases. The application allows test cases on top level, but the command line test framework may get problems.
The parent of a test case or test suite (except top test suites) should be a test suite. Inheriting data, expected and actions stops when a parent is not a test suite.
Available actions for the tree are shown in the toolbar above the test suite tree. Default actions are provided via context menu (right mouse click on the list. Actions are described in following topics. Actions are listed according to toolbar button sequence from left to right.
Usually, the test suite tree automatically updates as soon as something has changed (e.g. new directories (expected, actions created because of marking a test suite as test case). When tree has not been refreshed, it may be refreshed explicitly via context menu action Refresh.
- Create or extend test run
- Create test environment directory
- Copy test environment directory
- Rename test environment directory
- Delete test environment directory
- Update test environment directory status
- Relaod test environment directory structure
- Import test environment from CSV file
- Export test environment to CSV file