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Action design

Besides actions as function or program actions, the ODABA GUI framework supports several GUI actions:

  • Project and application actions
  • Window actions

Other action types supported are

  • Function actions - calling a function implemented in the context class or a default action

Project actions are usually called from a command line or via a program link. Application and window actions might be called from command lines, but also from within the application. Other types of actions are called from within the application, only.

From within an application, actions are either called in a context class function (GUIBaseContext::executeAction())or via event action control or event action resources. Event action resources might be referenced in event actions (ADK_EventAction) or event action controls (ADK_EventActionControl). Defining action resources allows invoking an action by selecting a menu item, tool bar or push button or specific key sequences.

Project, application and window actions might be called via command line. The actions are called by calling ode.exe or code.exe and passing appropriate option variables. The configuration or ini-file passed to the program contain typical database and resource database definitions.

ode.exe ini-file -Project=project_action_name

Typically, project actions are called via command line. Instead ow the option PROJECT,APPLICATION might be passed in order to run a specific application defined in a project. The option variable might also be set in the ini-file instead of being passed as parameter.