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Initialize Application Options

When starting an ODE application, several application options are set as default options. In order to open the options dialog, select Tools/Options... from the main menu.

The meaning of different options is explained on the right side. Some special options will be discussed further on in the documentation. By default, all users not explicitly registered with an own configuration are referring to the configuration marked as default configuration.

When running GUI framework application, user specific options are loaded when opening the project (after the database has been opened). Before, common options defined in the COMMON configurations are loaded. Thus, user-specific options may overwrite options taht had already been defined in the COMMON configuration.

When all developers are going to use the same settings, the default configuration should be updated according to specific requirements. Otherwise, one may create user specificconfiguration by clicking the create new configuration buttonThen, a configuration name, which is typically the user's log-in name, has to be passed and a new configuration with the given name will be created from the default configuration. When starting an ODE application, the configuration name is taken from the environment or configuration file variable USER (Unix) or _USER_NAME (windows). When this variable is not set, ODE tools use the system log-in name (when available). When no configuration with the detected name is available, the configuration marked as default is used.

More details about administrating options are described in "Option Browser".

Related topics


  1. Special Options