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Option browser

Besides using configuration or ini-files for setting options, options may also be defined in an option hierarchy in the application database. The OptionBrowser has been provided in order to configure application databases or in order to examine application options. Since options are easy to handle, many application refer to manifold types of options. Hence, it is suggested to define an option template in the resource database, which is a hierarchical enumeration, that allows defining options, option values and providing a description for each option value.

Usually, option values can be changed from the applications options dialog, which is a standard feature and will be copied, when creating a GUI application. The options dialog, however, only displays the option names and its values, but no explanation about the effect of the option and values, that might be set for the option.

One may run the OptionBrowser after installing ODABA without additional prerequisites. The OptionBrowser is platform independent and can be used on Windows and Linux.. The OptionBrowser requires an application resource database (dictionary), which contains option schemata (configuration templates).