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_OptServer - Server options

Server settings are defined in the server configuration or ini-file, which is passed as parameter to the sever. The server ini-file contains several sections for describing catalogs and files as well as run-time parameters for the server.

Besides different sections, several global (non-prefixed) option variables may be defined.

In order to support automatic update feature, an update data directory has to be defined in the ini-file via the UPDATE_FILES option variable. The UPDATE_FILES option variable has to be defined either in the FILE_CATALOG section or on global level (before first section in the ini-file).











; System databases


; Application databases

UPDATE_FILES=... update file directory (optional)


Enumarators overview

Enumerator details

  1. SYSTEM - System section

    The system section contains setting allowing the system to run properly.

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  2. SERVER - Server run-time options

    The server section contains several option variables controlling the behavior of the server.

    The server section contains a location for storing the server process identification number when running the server (SERVERPID) as demon process and other server options.

    This section may also contain additional option variables that are referenced in the context-library (business rules) associated with the object model. If the context library refers to prefixed option variables, appropriate sections have to be added to the server's configuration or ini-file.

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  3. CACHE - Server cache section

    In order to activate the cache, the [CACHE] section is required in the server's configuration or ini-file that is passed when starting the server. The server allows defining only one cache section that applies on all data bases opened by the server.

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  4. DATA_CATALOG - Data catalog

    ODABA allows registering data sources in a data catalog. Instead of defining several data source sections in the server's configuration or ini-file, data source definitions may be stored in a maintenance database (e.g. using the ObjectCommander). Defining data sources in a data catalog makes data access easier and more flexible, since the administrator may define the access parameter for each data source in advance.

    When using a data catalog, the clients do not refer to dictionaries and databases but to catalog entries instead (e.g. DATA_SOURCE=Sample).

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  5. FILE_CATALOG - File catalog

    The file catalog allows defining file variables that can be referenced in the client data sources or in the data catalog. When running the system with a data catalog the file catalog is usually part if the data catalog. One may, however, provide the file catalog in the server configuration or ini-file as well. When not using the data catalog, a file catalog section has to be defined in the server's configuration file.

    The file catalog contains a number of file variable definitions. Each file variable consists of a variable name and the file location on the server machine:

    • file_variable=path

    The location (path) must be defined in a way that allows the server to locate the file correctly. File variables can be referenced in data source definitions on client side as %file_variable%:


    In this case the file variable SYSTEM_DICT referenced in the client application will be resolved to the complete path defined for the file variable in the server configuration file.

    The file catalog should at least contain a definition for the system database, e.g.


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  6. DICTIONARY - System dictionary

    Points to the system dictionary (ode.sys). If this path is not defined correctly the system is not able to display explanatory error messages, Instead you will get only error numbers and location.


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  7. ODABA_PATH - ODABA installation path

    Contains the location where the ODABA system resides (ODABA installation path). Some functions need this location for extended services.


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  8. TRACE - Location for error log

    Here, the location for the error log can be defined. Usually this value is set in the system environment. It is, however, also possible to define the location in the option file.

    In the directory defined in the TRACE option an error.lst file is created that contains detailed error messages. This file should be checked in case of errors on server side.

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  9. SERVERPID - Server process identifier (PID)

    Location to the path for storing the servers PID when running the process as demon.

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  10. BACKUP_FILES - Backup files

    The BACKUP_FILES directory is an optional location for storing database backup files for replication server databases. Usually, backup files are stored in the same directory as the database, but one may also chose a different location defined here.

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  11. REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Timeout interval

    The timeout interval defines the time in seconds the system will wait until a server request will be canceled. Timeout intervals are used in order to limit locking requests from clients, which may have been stopped working.

    Default: 600

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  12. MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - Block mode buffer size

    When accessing data in block mode the number of blocks requested by the application program might conflict with optimal package sizes. To synchronize the server with the optimal package size you can set the optimal network package size as buffer limit for block access mode.

    Default: 0 (no restriction).

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  13. DSC_Language - Server language

    Server resources (mainly error messages) are defined in several languages. In order to chose the language for running the server, this option has to be set.

    Default: English

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  14. NO_CONSOLE_MESSAGES - Suppress console messages

    Usually, the server writes notifications for starting and terminating clients to the console. This is not desired, when running the server as demon or service. In this case, this variable should be set to YES.

    Default: NO.

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  15. IGNORE_CACHE_LOCK - Ignore cache lock

    In order to open the database regardless of the state of the cache lock flag, this option variable has to be set to YES. This may become necessary, when the server has been killed or terminated abnormally for other reasons.

    Default: NO

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  16. SIZE - Cache size in megabytes

    The maximum cache size is passed in megabytes. The size option must be set to activate the cache. In order to activate the cache, a cache size greater than 0 has to be defined.

    Default: 0 (cache inactive).

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  17. RELEASE - Release space in percent

    When the maximum cache size is reached the cache will be reorganized by removing entries not recently used. The size of area to be released in the cache is the percentage of area that will be released.

    Default: 25

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  18. CHECK - Check time for write cache

    The interval in seconds for checking the cache for updates. This value must be set to enable the write cache.

    High check time will improve the performance but reduce safety since modifications that are stored in the cache only, may get lost when the server is killed or the system crashes for some reason. Suggested check values are between 60 and 300 seconds.

    Default: 0 (write cache disabled)

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  19. INTERMIDIATE - Write data to intermediate file

    To avoid risks when writing back updates from the cache to the disc the cache can be written to an intermediate file before being stored to the database by defining a path for writing an intermediate file.

    Default: none (direct write to database).

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  20. STATISTICS - Provide cache statistics

    One may request cache statistics setting this option to YES.

    Default: NO (no statistics provided).

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  21. CONNECTIONS - Cache connections

    Caching connections is a feature supported in order to increase performance for stateless applications as web applications. Connection caching is required by clients by passing a connection identifier string to the server. The application must make sure, that connection strings are unique for each client.

    Caching a connection means to leave database and property handles open when the client closes the database or terminates its task. Thus, open handle may be reused when the client accesses the database next time.

    In order to allow connection caching, this option has to be set to YES.


    In order to request connection caching by the client, the client has to set the CACHE_CONNECTION option variable.

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  22. DICTIONARY - Dictionary

    The dictionary for the catalog is usually the system database (ode.sys). When storing the data catalog in a maintenance database for the application, this may also contain also application specific resources, i.e. in this case, the application resource database should be used, instead.



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  23. DATABASE - Data catalog database

    The database for the catalog is either a maintenance database for the application or a specific data catalog database.

    When running several applications on the server, it is suggest to use a specific catalog database for the server.


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  24. ACCESS_MODE - Catalog access mode

    Usually, the data catalog is opened in read mode. In order to allow update operations in the catalog (e.g. defining new data sources), the data catalog has to be opened in write mode.


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  25. NET - NET option

    Since using the catalog in a network environment, NET has to be enabled always.


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  26. UPDATE_FILES - Update files directory (Server)

    The update files directory defines a server location, where files for automatic update are stored. Automatic updates are made when a client connects to the server. The client defines a list of files to be updates in its UPDATE_FILES option variable. Update files are referenced by file name, only and have to be made available in the directory referenced here.


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  27. HANDLE_CHECK - Handle check

    In order to check the validity of access handles passed to the server, this option has to be set to true. The prevents the application from crashing because of invalid handle pointers passed to the server.

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