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  1. ODABA Database and tools
  2. Quick Starter Guide
  3. ODABA features
  4. Reference Documentation
    1. ODABA Application Program Interface
    2. Language reference for ODABA Script Interface (OSI)
      1. Introduction
      2. OSI, OIF and ODL entry points
        1. ODABA Script Interface (OSI)
        2. ODABA schema definitions
        3. Property and type definitions
          1. Entries to OSI element definitions
          2. Supported user-defined types
          3. Variable definitions
            1. Constant definition
            2. Member variables
            3. Database variables
            4. Independent variables
            5. Option variables
            6. Parameter variables
            7. Collection options
            8. Method declarations
            9. Type references
            10. Variable declarators
            11. Common variable keywords
        4. Method definition
        5. OSI Statements
        6. Common symbols
        7. Object Interchange Format (OIF)
      3. Complete OSI/ODL BNF
      4. Operation reference
    3. OShell Command Reference
      1. Process flow control commands
      2. Common OShell Commands
      3. OShell data source commands
      4. OShell data collection commands
      5. Debug commands
    4. ODABA Server Commands
    5. ODABA built-in data types
    6. ODABA Model reference
      1. Data model
      2. Administration model
      3. Documentation model
      4. Functional model
      5. Dynamic model
    7. Database references
    8. ODABA XML Schema extension
      1. XML schema attribute extensions
      2. Extent definition
      3. Data type definitions
    9. ODABA system interface
    10. Plugin libraries
  5. User's Guide
    1. Running ODABA tools and services
    2. Model definition
    3. Database access
      1. Creating Handle hierarchy
      2. Access by data source
      3. Accessing data
      4. Accessing metadata
      5. Advanced property handles
      6. Buffered Access (buffer mode)
      7. Client/server applications
    4. Database maintenance tools
    5. ODABA error definitions
    6. Locking and write protection
    7. Special Features
      1. Property and attribute extensions
      2. Database views
      3. Aggregation schema
      4. Object Identities
      5. Instance ownership
      6. Merged object spaces
      7. Using shared database resources
      8. Versioning
      9. Encoded database
      10. ODABA data storage formats
      11. Workspaces
      12. Copy model
      13. Check model
      14. Recovery log file
      15. Text cache
    8. Data exchange
    9. Document exchange
    10. Sending and receiving emails
    11. Database context programming
    12. Building applications and context libraries
  6. Terminology Model II
  7. ODABA concept system
    1. Concept definitions
      1. Boolean
      2. C++ class
      3. DLL
      4. DPA
      5. ESDF file
      6. GSRT
      7. GUI tool
      8. GUID
      9. INTERVAL
      10. Identifying key
      11. LOID
      12. ODBC relation
      13. OQL method
      14. ORM
      15. SET
      16. XML file
      17. aas
      18. access handle
      19. access key
      20. access path
      21. access type
      22. action
      23. action sequence
      24. action type
      25. activity state
      26. aggregation type
      27. any type
      28. application
      29. application license
      30. arithmetical operation
      31. array
      32. array instance
      33. ascending order
      34. assignment operation
      35. association
      36. attribute
      37. attribute extension
      38. auto locate
      39. auto-identifying attribute
      40. auto-identifying key
      41. automatic extension
      42. bag
      43. base collection
      44. base extent
      45. base type
      46. basic data type
      47. binary data
      48. binary file
      49. binary operation
      50. bit type
      51. bounded transient collection
      52. bounded transient instance
      53. built-in types
      54. case insensitive key
      55. category
      56. causality
      57. character
      58. characteristic
      59. check model
      60. class
      61. class expression
      62. class function
      63. class method
      64. class type operation
      65. classification
      66. classified collection
      67. client
      68. client event
      69. cluster
      70. coded character
      71. collection
      72. collection index
      73. collection instance
      74. collection method
      75. collection owner scope
      76. collection type operation
      77. collection value
      78. combined event
      79. command line tool
      80. comparison operation
      81. complex attribute
      82. complex data type
      83. complex instance
      84. complex state
      85. complex state transition
      86. complex value
      87. concept
      88. concept system
      89. conceptual namespace
      90. condition
      91. conditional action
      92. consistent version
      93. consistent versioning
      94. constant
      95. constant action
      96. constant value
      97. constraint
      98. context
      99. context class
      100. context extension
      101. context function
      102. control
      103. control sequence function
      104. controlled extent
      105. copy model
      106. copy on write
      107. csv schema
      108. data area
      109. data conversion
      110. data exception
      111. data exchange schema
      112. data item
      113. data reference
      114. data source
      115. data type
      116. database
      117. database entry
      118. database extent
      119. database handle
      120. database license
      121. database model
      122. database reference
      123. database schema
      124. database type
      125. database version
      126. date
      127. delimiter file
      128. dependent instance
      129. derivation
      130. derivation rule
      131. derived extent
      132. descending order
      133. development resource
      134. dictionary
      135. dictionary collection
      136. dictionary handle
      137. dimension
      138. direct variable
      139. distinct relation
      140. document action
      141. document template
      142. double
      143. dynamic model
      144. dynamic property handle
      145. elementary instance
      146. elementary value
      147. empty value
      148. enumerated data type
      149. enumeration
      150. enumerator
      151. event
      152. exception
      153. exception class
      154. exclusive base type
      155. explicit property extension
      156. expression
      157. expression action
      158. extendable data type
      159. extendable object instance
      160. extended keyword
      161. extension property
      162. extension schema
      163. extensional feature
      164. extent
      165. external extent
      166. external file
      167. external presentation
      168. fact
      169. far property
      170. feature
      171. file schema
      172. file server
      173. filter
      174. fixed attribute
      175. flat file
      176. float
      177. floating type
      178. form
      179. from method
      180. function
      181. function action
      182. functional model
      183. general object
      184. general object collection
      185. general state
      186. generalization
      187. generic attribute
      188. generic index
      189. generic key
      190. generic method
      191. generic terminology model
      192. global instance
      193. global owner scope
      194. global variable
      195. group by method
      196. hierarchical classification
      197. hierarchical file
      198. identity index
      199. identity key
      200. implementation
      201. implicit property extension
      202. in line expression
      203. independent extent
      204. independent versioning
      205. indexing process
      206. individual object
      207. individual object collection
      208. individual state
      209. inheritance
      210. inheritance graph
      211. instance
      212. instance collection
      213. instance events
      214. instance identifier
      215. instance method
      216. instance owner scope
      217. instance property node
      218. instance scope
      219. instance value
      220. instance version
      221. integer type
      222. intensional feature
      223. interface
      224. intersect method
      225. intersect relation
      226. inverse relationship
      227. item
      228. join method
      229. key
      230. keyword
      231. keyword search
      232. language exception
      233. lexical base term
      234. license
      235. list
      236. local client
      237. local collection
      238. local instance
      239. local variable
      240. logical operation
      241. main base
      242. main client
      243. major version
      244. managed extension
      245. managed version
      246. managed versioning
      247. member
      248. memo
      249. menu action
      250. meta-attribute
      251. metadata resource
      252. method
      253. method error
      254. method exception
      255. method overload
      256. minor version
      257. minus method
      258. mirror database
      259. module
      260. named object
      261. namespace
      262. near property
      263. node instance
      264. numeric type
      265. numeric type operation
      266. numerical constant
      267. object
      268. object collection
      269. object definition language
      270. object instance
      271. object model
      272. object rating
      273. object server
      274. object server client
      275. object space
      276. object space handle
      277. object space scope
      278. object type
      279. object type extension
      280. odl schema
      281. on line schema evolution
      282. operation
      283. operation path
      284. operation type
      285. operational view
      286. order by method
      287. output method
      288. overload
      289. owner scope
      290. owner scope version
      291. owner version
      292. owning collection
      293. oxml schema
      294. parameter
      295. part
      296. path element
      297. path property
      298. permanent temporary collection
      299. permanent temporary instance
      300. permanent transient collection
      301. permanent transient instance
      302. persistence type
      303. persistent attribute
      304. persistent collection
      305. persistent instance
      306. persistent name space
      307. persistent object instance
      308. persistent property
      309. persistent structure
      310. physical resource
      311. platform independent format
      312. pointer reference
      313. post-handler
      314. pre-handler
      315. precision
      316. primary key
      317. processing type
      318. product method
      319. program action
      320. program exception
      321. project
      322. projection method
      323. property
      324. property control
      325. property extension
      326. property handle
      327. property instance
      328. property method
      329. property node
      330. property overload
      331. property path
      332. property reference
      333. property state
      334. property state transition
      335. rating object
      336. reaction
      337. reference
      338. reference assignment
      339. reference collection
      340. reference level
      341. reference property handle
      342. reference variable
      343. relationship
      344. replication bridge
      345. replication client
      346. replication database
      347. replication master
      348. replication server
      349. replication server client
      350. resource
      351. resource database
      352. resource descriptor
      353. root extent
      354. root object space
      355. rule
      356. schema
      357. schema element
      358. schema resource
      359. schema version
      360. schema view
      361. scoped name
      362. secondary relationship
      363. select method
      364. semi-near property
      365. sequence
      366. server
      367. server client
      368. server commands
      369. server event
      370. server variable
      371. set
      372. set method
      373. set operation
      374. set relation
      375. shared base type
      376. shared collection
      377. simple versioning
      378. sort key
      379. sort key value
      380. state
      381. state event
      382. state transition
      383. static attribute
      384. static member
      385. static method
      386. static property
      387. static relationship
      388. status method
      389. stop word
      390. string
      391. string constant
      392. string operation
      393. string type operation
      394. structure
      395. subset relation
      396. super set relation
      397. symbol
      398. synchronized version
      399. synchronized versioning
      400. synonym
      401. system events
      402. system state
      403. system state transition
      404. system template type
      405. system variable
      406. template type
      407. template type extension
      408. temporary collection
      409. temporary index
      410. temporary instance
      411. term
      412. terminology model
      413. terminology module
      414. text
      415. text type
      416. time
      417. time event
      418. time type
      419. timestamp
      420. tool
      421. transient attribute
      422. transient collection
      423. transient index
      424. transient instance
      425. transient property
      426. transient reference
      427. type
      428. type definition
      429. type operation
      430. typed classification
      431. typed collection
      432. typed enumeration
      433. unary operation
      434. unicode
      435. union method
      436. union relation
      437. union type
      438. untyped collection
      439. user-defined data type
      440. user-defined exception
      441. user-defined method
      442. value
      443. value assignment
      444. value list
      445. value list item
      446. value size
      447. value system
      448. variable
      449. version
      450. version interval
      451. versioning
      452. versioning consistency
      453. versioning feature
      454. versioning level
      455. versioning scope
      456. versioning strategy
      457. view
      458. view path
      459. virtual base type
      460. virtual collection
      461. virtual feature
      462. virtual instance
      463. weak-typed collection
      464. well-formed classification
      465. where method
      466. window action
      467. word
      468. workspace
      469. xml schema
    2. Keyword index
  8. Error classes
  9. Practical hints