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sdb_err - Database errors

Database errors describe errors in the database access system.

Error overview

  • -704 (S)- DBStat terminated abnormally.
  • -703 (S)- Number of write protected entries : %1\n
  • -702 (S)- Instance Statistics for deleted entries in '%1' :\n
  • -701 (S)- Instance Statistics for '%1(%2)' in '%3' :\n
  • -604 (S)- DBShow terminated abnormally.
  • -602 (S)- Content of instance '%1(%2)' in '%3' :\n
  • -601 (S)- Description for '%1' in '%2' :\n\n
  • -510 (S)- Structure description '%1' deleted.
  • -504 (S)- Delete terminated abnormally.
  • -503 (S)- %1 instance(s) deleted.
  • -501 (S)- Delete '%1'('%2') from '%3'.
  • -416 (S)- Importing extent/collection '%1'
  • -415 (S)- Importing data from file '%1'
  • -414 (S)- Exporting data to file '%1'
  • -413 (S)- Exporting extent/collection '%1'
  • -412 (S)- Client %1 terminated (total number of calls: %2 in %3 ms)
  • -410 (S)- New or temporary indexes created for '%1'
  • -409 (S)- Client %1 started
  • -408 (S)- Copy Extent '%1' from '%2' to '%3'.
  • -407 (S)- Instance '%1' not found.\n
  • -406 (S)- %1 of %2 instance(s) copied.
  • -405 (S)- Instance '%1' copied.\n
  • -404 (S)- \nDBCopy terminated abnormally.
  • -403 (S)- Structure description '%1' copied to '%2'.
  • -401 (S)- Copy Structure '%1' from '%2' to '%3'.
  • -302 (S)- Database creation for '%1' terminated abnormally.
  • -301 (S)- Database '%1' created.
  • -201 (W)- Include file '%1' does already exist. \nOverwrite ?
  • 0 ()- Reserved errors
  • 1 (I)- Error reading or writing file '%1'
  • 2 (E)- I/O error reading file '%1'
  • 3 (E)- Accessing deleted Entry
  • 4 (E)- Data area '%1' is locked by another user.
  • 5 (E)- Open Error on data base '%1'.
  • 6 (E)- Error reading, locking, unlocking or writing file position '%1'
  • 7 (E)- Invalid entry number
  • 8 (E)- Database file '%1' could not be opened or read
  • 9 (E)- No Node available
  • 10 (W)- Cannot re-initialize existing database file '%1'
  • 11 (W)- Invalid structure meta-type, automatically corrected (ST_USER).
  • 12 (E)- Enumeration (value list) '%1' not available.
  • 13 (E)- Sort key required for set field must not contain multiple field.
  • 14 (E)- Sort key required for set field is not defined for appropriate datatype.
  • 15 (E)- KEY structure must be unsorted or sorted by itself ('*').
  • 16 (E)- Key can contain one dimension component, only.
  • 17 (E)- Keys can be defined for USER structures, only.
  • 18 (E)- Field '%1' not defined in data base.
  • 19 (E)- Field definition '%1' could not be changed or deleted, field is used in a key.
  • 20 (E)- Structure definition '%1' not found (for '%2')
  • 21 (E)- Structure '%1' - key '%2': Key component property '%4' in key component '%3' not defined
  • 22 (E)- %1
  • 23 (E)- MEMO fields or INTERNal or single REFERENCEs must not be used as key components.
  • 24 (E)- Exclusive or large reference sets can not be used as key component.
  • 25 (E)- Identification key required for user defined type when used as key component.
  • 26 (E)- Open access nodes left - data base might be damaged.
  • 27 (E)- Single node access required for global reference.
  • 28 (E)- Access handle '%1' not opened for required access.
  • 29 (E)- Invalid database header
  • 30 (E)- Error reading RootBase header
  • 31 (E)- Error reading Main Base definition entry
  • 32 (E)- Invalid Main Base identification
  • 33 (E)- Error reading SubBase definition entry
  • 34 (E)- Error writing Base Header
  • 35 (E)- Error reading DataArea definition entry
  • 36 (E)- Database/file '%1' does not exist - creation needs write mode.
  • 37 (E)- File '%1' could not be opened
  • 38 (E)- Persistent Write Protection can not be set within a transaction
  • 39 (E)- Maximum DataArea size exceeded
  • 40 (E)- Write mode requested for file '%1'
  • 41 (E)- Invalid position reading from data area '%1'
  • 42 (E)- Invalid entry number reading the Main Base
  • 43 (E)- No entry found in EntryBuffer.
  • 44 (E)- Invalid entry number reading Main Base entry
  • 45 (E)- Invalid SubBase reference
  • 46 (E)- Cannot reset data version - object space versions not synchronized
  • 47 (E)- Can not update write protected entries
  • 48 (E)- Can not delete cluster entry
  • 49 (E)- Cluster pool entry not found
  • 50 (W)- Cluster buffer contains one or more entries
  • 51 (E)- Entry expected in cluster but not found
  • 52 (E)- Length error updating entry
  • 53 (E)- Cluster use count became less than zero
  • 54 (E)- Database file '%1' has an invalid database header
  • 55 (E)- Invalid interval for entry base numbers
  • 56 (E)- Database file '%1' is not a RootBase
  • 57 (E)- Illegal access mode requested
  • 58 (E)- Entry '%1' in the ini file contains too many characters
  • 59 (E)- Invalid index given for indexed access.
  • 60 (E)- No programming language defined
  • 61 (E)- Database '%1' could not be initialized, because opened for reading, only.
  • 62 (E)- Object not found.
  • 63 (E)- Object '%1' not found.
  • 64 (E)- A '%3' instance with key value '%5' (%2) does already exist in '%1'.
  • 65 (E)- Duplicate key value for identification key or unique sort key.
  • 66 (E)- A '%3' instance with sort key value '%5' (%2) in '%1' does already exist.
  • 67 (E)- Instance updated by another user (type: %1, loid: %2)
  • 68 (E)- Extent '%1' not found
  • 69 (E)- No structure defined for extent '%1'
  • 70 (E)- Invalid object or database handle
  • 71 (E)- No primary key defined for Structure '%1'.
  • 72 (E)- Illegal access mode requested
  • 73 (E)- Useless generic attribute type for non generic access key '%1'.
  • 74 (E)- Attempt to add or delete Invalid inverse reference
  • 75 (E)- Invalid/missing key definition in %1.%2 for key %3
  • 76 (E)- No instance selected in property '%1'.
  • 77 (E)- Instance in property handle '%1' is not write protected.
  • 78 (E)- Can not lock/unlock local instance.
  • 79 (E)- Access key '%4' not found in property '%1(%2)' in structure '%3'.
  • 80 (E)- Instance '%1' does not exist.
  • 81 (E)- Initial Instance or key required, but not provided.
  • 82 (E)- Primary key must not be specified.
  • 83 (W)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Properties having sources should be marked as transient
  • 84 (E)- ODABA enumeration type required for enumeration access.
  • 85 (E)- Enumeration (value list) '%1' not available.
  • 86 (E)- Recovery file could not be opened
  • 87 (E)- Recursive reference of embedded structure in key or structure
  • 88 (W)- Undelete called for deleted entry
  • 89 (E)- Invalid recovery number (valid range 0-65534).
  • 90 ()- - internal feature (not documented)
  • 91 (E)- Conversion from '%1(%2)' to '%3(%4)' not supported
  • 92 (E)- Conversion error converting '%2' to '%3'
  • 93 (E)- %1 exception (%2) caught by exception handler (in %3)
  • 94 (I)- Force reloading database replicate from server?
  • 95 (E)- Memory allocation failed
  • 96 (E)- Error in memory management
  • 97 (E)- Function '%1' could not be executed.Type conflict for parameter(s) or return value.
  • 98 (I)- New database created at '%1'
  • 99 (E)- Undefined Error (%1, %2, %3, %4, %5)
  • 100 (E)- Function '%1' not defined
  • 101 (E)- Invalid action type for action '%1'
  • 102 (E)- Can not use generic type member as key component
  • 103 (E)- Can not use pointer member as key component
  • 104 (E)- The called database feature needs exclusively database access.
  • 105 (E)- Internal database error (type conflict - current %4/expected %5)
  • 106 (E)- Dictionary not opened
  • 107 (E)- Database not opened
  • 108 (E)- Object not opened or extent name invalid
  • 109 (E)- '%1' : invalid property name or path in '%2'
  • 110 (E)- Cannot rename referenced instance.
  • 111 (E)- Missing second index for processing rebuild index.
  • 112 (W)- Automatic recovery for object type '%1' !\n Instance : '%2'
  • 113 (E)- Undefined Export/Import request
  • 114 (E)- Import/Export file '%1' could not be opened
  • 115 (E)- Recovery File could not be opened.
  • 116 (E)- Error writing recovery file.
  • 117 (E)- Recovery requested. Database must be opened in write mode
  • 118 (E)- Setup terminated with error, old data data base remains unchanged.
  • 119 (E)- Reference could not be created
  • 120 (E)- Insufficient access mode on database.
  • 121 (E)- Invalid access mode requested for property '%1'
  • 122 (E)- Missing structure or extent name
  • 123 (E)- Cannot replace different length strings in component keys
  • 124 (E)- Type of extent '%1' differs from type of ODABA structure '%2'.
  • 125 (E)- Name conflict renaming Extent '%1' to '%2'
  • 126 (E)- Structure '%1' undefined
  • 127 (E)- Extent '%2' already exists
  • 128 (E)- '%2' does already exist as Structure definition
  • 129 (E)- No extent definition for Enumeration '%1'
  • 130 (E)- '%2' does already exist as Enumeration
  • 131 (E)- Ready Structure(%2) can not be replaced
  • 132 (E)- Different access type for structure '%1' and '%2'
  • 133 (E)- ODABA structure (%1) differs in type from Structure '%2'
  • 134 (E)- Version conflict for structure '%2'
  • 135 (E)- Structure '%1' not defined as ODABA structure
  • 136 (E)- '%1' - Structure version not ready
  • 137 (E)- '%1' - Structure is marked as view, but view definition not available.
  • 138 (E)- Structure / Object Type '%1' - property '%2': basic type '%3' only supported for attributes / characteristics (DataModel / TerminologyModel).
  • 139 (E)- Extent '%1' has no Enumeration reference
  • 140 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Type '%3' not available in database.
  • 141 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Structure '%3' not checked.
  • 142 (E)- Data type '%1' not found in resource data base.
  • 143 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Static property '%3' not supported as key component.
  • 144 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Virtual property '%3' not supported as key component.
  • 145 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Property '%3' with generic type not supported as key component.
  • 146 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Property '%3' with reference level greater zero not supported as key component.
  • 147 (E)- Error reading shared Base Structure instance
  • 148 (E)- Structure '%1' - key '%2': More than one reference property '%4' referenced in key component path '%2'
  • 149 (E)- Structure '%1' - key '%2': Can not refer to relationship '%4' in key component path '%3'
  • 150 (E)- Structure '%1' - key '%2': Key component '%3' refers to more than one collection
  • 151 (E)- Structure '%1' - key '%2': Property name in key component '%3' contains more than 40 characters
  • 152 (E)- Insertion error for Inverse Reference - not added
  • 153 (E)- No primary key defined for '%1(%2)' in structure '%3'
  • 154 (E)- Operation '%5' not supported for '%1(%2)' in structure '%3'
  • 155 (E)- Incompatible operation return type
  • 156 (E)- Can not delete derived instance via inverse reference
  • 157 (E)- Invalid type for weak-typed reference
  • 158 (E)- Reference is neither untyped nor weak-typed
  • 159 (E)- Can not add an existing instance to an owning reference
  • 160 (E)- Type is valid for extended enumerations, only
  • 161 (E)- Extended Enumeration requires type for Enumerator
  • 162 (E)- Maximum number of instances exceeded
  • 163 (E)- Cannot remove dominant instance from Relationship in dependent instance
  • 164 (E)- Can not delete instances from intersect extents
  • 165 (E)- Can not add instances to union Extents
  • 166 (E)- Instance already exists in Extent: %1
  • 167 (E)- Expression '%2' not defined in class '%2'
  • 168 (E)- Base extent '%2' for temporary extent '%1' not defined
  • 169 (E)- Temporary Main Base required but not found
  • 170 (E)- Creating an instance ('%2') is not allowed (collection '%1' not owning).
  • 171 (E)- Type conflict for set operation
  • 172 (E)- Sort order for collection '%1' is missing.
  • 173 (E)- Incompatible keys in property handle list
  • 174 (E)- No key defined for property '%1'
  • 175 (E)- Database '%2' required in write mode
  • 176 (E)- Software does not correspond to the database version
  • 177 (E)- Maximum version number exceeded
  • 178 (E)- Version numbers must be created in ascending order
  • 179 (E)- Version conflict when writing an instance
  • 180 (E)- Can not delete an older instance version
  • 181 (E)- Can not reset write protection for older instances replaced by newer versions.
  • 182 (E)- File '%1' could not be opened.
  • 183 (E)- Inserting instance not implemented for binary access, yet.
  • 184 (E)- The current key can not be used for adding new instances to '%1'
  • 185 (E)- Generic attribute '%1' not defined
  • 186 (E)- Invalid or missing dictionary path
  • 187 (E)- Output path for statistics file missing or wrong - function aborted.
  • 188 (E)- OSI class '%1' is not defined
  • 189 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Key '%4' is not defined in Structure '%3' .
  • 190 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Extent/property path '%4' is not defined.
  • 191 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Inverse '%4' is not defined in Structure '%3' .
  • 192 (I)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Reference has been marked as secondary.
  • 193 (I)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Secondary mark has been reset.
  • 194 (I)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Inverse '%4' in structure '%3' has been set to secondary.
  • 195 (E)- Structure '%1' - base structure '%2': inverse '%4' in structure '%3' is base structure member, too.
  • 196 (E)- Structure '%1' - base structure '%2': More than one index defined.
  • 197 (E)- Structure / Object Type '%1' - key '%2': No key components defined.
  • 198 (E)- Version could not be created - object not opened for write access.
  • 199 (E)- Can not create or modify older object instance versions
  • 200 (E)- Invalid file path '%1'
  • 201 (W)- Structure '1' - property '%2': 'multiple key' should be set for index lists with more than 1 entry, only
  • 202 (E)- External defined DLL '%1' could not be loaded
  • 203 (E)- Can not set new object version
  • 204 (E)- Instance not available for selected version
  • 205 (E)- Invalid version number
  • 206 (E)- Invalid time limit for object version
  • 207 (E)- Object could not be opened - invalid object version
  • 208 (E)- Internal transaction aborted due to an error in a lower level transaction
  • 209 (E)- Empty key values can not be added
  • 210 (E)- Data exchange '%1' not defined.
  • 211 (E)- Invalid collection count
  • 212 (E)- Structure '%1' - relationship '%2': Type '%3' of inverse relationship conflicts with current type '%4'
  • 213 (E)- Invalid version number (valid range 1-65534).
  • 214 (E)- Versioning mode does not allow creating a new major version
  • 215 (E)- Minor versions require database or synchronized versioning mode
  • 216 (E)- File '%1' is not a valid zip-file
  • 217 (E)- Database '%1' could not be renamed to '%2'
  • 218 (E)- Invalid collection name '%1' for copy database
  • 219 (E)- Terminator string '%1' is longer than field size of '%2'
  • 220 (E)- Missing or wrong generic attribute type
  • 221 (E)- Invalid entry type detected in index '%2' of collection '%1'
  • 222 (E)- Error accessing ODBC extent: %1 / %2 / %3 / %4
  • 223 (E)- Structure import : %1
  • 224 (E)- Recovery action pending (database inconsistent)
  • 225 (E)- No basic collection available. Instance not added.
  • 229 (E)- Headline differs from structure definition. ESDF file not opened.
  • 230 (E)- The property handle does not allow block mode access
  • 231 (E)- Dictionary '%1' older than database '%2'
  • 232 (W)- Dictionary version '%1' higher than database '%2' schema version. Increase and continue?
  • 233 (W)- Dictionary '%1' version higher than database '%2' schema version. Continue?
  • 234 (E)- Invalid name in property path
  • 235 (E)- Parent property handle '%1' not positioned
  • 236 (E)- Type conflict when adding an instance
  • 237 (E)- Invalid system version for database '%1'
  • 238 (E)- Versioning possible for DataArea 0 up to 4 GB
  • 239 (E)- Cannot read instance for extent '%1'
  • 241 (E)- Operation '%1' is a text operation and not valid for field '%2'
  • 242 (E)- Error storing transaction. Data might be lost.
  • 243 (E)- Old structure version not available
  • 244 (E)- Cannot change mode when running in block access mode
  • 245 (E)- Invalid expression defined for '%1' in '%2'
  • 246 (E)- Missing or invalid number of source paths for view extent '%1'
  • 247 (E)- Invalid extent definition '%2' in view extent '%1'
  • 248 (E)- No ident key defined for generic attribute '%2' in structure '%1'
  • 249 (E)- Ident key defined for generic attribute '%2' in structure '%1' does not has one component
  • 250 (E)- Ident key defined for generic attribute '%2' in structure '%1' does not refer to enumerated attribute
  • 251 (W)- Type changed to INT/ Number (DataModel / TerminologyModel) for '__AUTOIDENT'
  • 252 (W)- Extent definition '%1' requires valid access type; set to AT_ODABA.
  • 253 (I)- Extent definition '%1': property 'controlled' is set to YES.
  • 254 (I)- Extent definition '%1': property 'update' is set to YES.
  • 255 (E)- Local extent '%1' could not be positioned
  • 256 (E)- Property path '%1' must not contain position parameters
  • 257 (E)- Invalid transaction number %1 passed from replication client (current TA: %2)
  • 258 (E)- No index defined for extent %1
  • 259 (W)- Extent definition '%1' requires multiple key indexes. Option has been set.
  • 260 (W)- Root extent '%1' has been set to instance owner
  • 261 (W)- Instance owner option for derived extent '%1' has been reset
  • 262 (W)- Root extent '%1' must allow creation of new instances. Option has been set.
  • 263 (E)- Can not disable/enable write access while running in a transaction
  • 264 (E)- Error writing instance - write disabled for database
  • 265 (E)- From declaration '%1' in '%2' differs from source definition '%3' in '%4'
  • 266 (E)- Source path missing for relative from path '%1'
  • 267 (E)- Source path must not be defined for absolute from path '%1'
  • 268 (E)- Invalid name scope '%1'
  • 269 (E)- Could not find source for from element '%1'
  • 270 (E)- Structure(%1) Member(%2) - Structure '%3' is not persistent, but required by structure '%1'.
  • 271 (E)- Structure(%1) Member(%2) - Internal type number missing for persistent Structure '%3'.
  • 272 (E)- Execution operator before '%1' requires operation
  • 273 (E)- Could not setup path element
  • 274 (W)- Redefinition of global variable %1(%2) with different types
  • 275 (E)- Operand or operation '%1' not defined in class '%2'
  • 276 (E)- Error parsing expression
  • 277 (E)- Expression or operand expected
  • 278 (E)- Could not provide code blocks for expression or operand
  • 279 (E)- Invalid option value '%1' for exception or null value handling operand
  • 280 (E)- Invalid option value '%1' for null-value handling operand
  • 281 (E)- Set operation cannot apply on iteration or instance operand
  • 282 (E)- Operation '%1' does nor refer to a template
  • 283 (E)- Parameter in expression '%1' requires declarator
  • 284 (E)- Cannot evaluate field expression - missing dictionary
  • 285 (E)- No structure available for field source
  • 286 (E)- Invalid expression path '%1'
  • 287 (E)- Return value definition for expression overload '%1' in '%2' differs from original definition in '%3'
  • 288 (E)- Cannot initialize reference field '%1' with constant value '%2'
  • 289 (E)- Instance not available in '%1(%2)'
  • 290 (E)- Cannot add instance to union base extent '%1'
  • 291 (E)- Type conflict storing instance of type '%2' in extent '%1'
  • 292 (E)- Null value exception when assigning variable or parameter %3(%4)
  • 293 (E)- Index error encountered in index '%1' for '%2' - auto-corrected
  • 294 (E)- Cannot assign value or parameter %1(%2) to %3(%4)
  • 295 (E)- Cannot assign value or parameter %2 to %4(%3)
  • 296 (E)- Function or expression definition '%2::%1' failed to initialize
  • 297 (E)- Function or expression definition '%2::%1'
  • 298 (E)- Search string is empty
  • 299 (E)- Cannot add object to multiple index collection
  • 300 (E)- To many parameters have been passed to function or expression
  • 301 (E)- Type definition '%1' was generated with different internal identification numbers.
  • 302 (E)- Type definition '%1' was generated with different virtual function option.
  • 303 (E)- Type definition '%1' was generated with different counts for properties.
  • 304 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2' : illegal changes for generated property
  • 305 (E)- Base collection '%1' does not refer to a relationship
  • 306 (E)- No basic collection available. Instance not added.
  • 307 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Property path '%4' must start with '..'
  • 308 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': '%5' in property path '%4' is not a relationship.
  • 309 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': '%5' in property path '%4' has no inverse reference.
  • 310 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Dimension for '%5' in property path '%4' is not 1.
  • 311 (W)- Structure '%1' - property ''%2': Invalid option (owning, depend or secondary) for '%5' in property path '%4'.
  • 312 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Invalid structure for '%5' in property path '%4'.
  • 313 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': Invalid structure for base collection '%4'.
  • 314 (E)- Database expired. Not opened.
  • 315 (E)- Storing transaction failed. Database might be damaged!
  • 316 (E)- Error storing transaction. Data might be lost.
  • 317 (E)- Database could not be opened (not licensed).
  • 318 (E)- Invalid license number for '%1'
  • 319 (E)- Missing parameter '%3' for uninitialized parameter declarator
  • 320 (E)- Cannot move instance in ordered list
  • 321 (E)- Save not allowed in current context
  • 322 (E)- Cannot discard workspace '%1' with subsequent workspaces
  • 323 (E)- Cannot pause server because of long transaction
  • 324 (E)- Cannot start transaction commit: Server paused.
  • 325 (E)- Workspace '%1' cannot be opened - invalid user
  • 326 (E)- Workspace '%1' cannot be deleted - not empty.
  • 327 (E)- Workspace '%1' cannot be deleted - not bottom workspace.
  • 328 (E)- Cannot open workspace - running transaction
  • 329 (E)- Cannot open workspace - feature not activated
  • 330 (E)- Cannot locate shadow database definition
  • 331 (E)- No path defined for shadow database
  • 332 (E)- Error creating shadow database
  • 333 (E)- Workspace cannot be disabled - not bottom workspace.
  • 334 (E)- Cannot enable/disable workspace or shadow database features in shared mode
  • 335 (E)- Invalid workspace - missing identification.
  • 336 (E)- Invalid workspace - file does already exist.
  • 337 (E)- Invalid workspace location - directory or file not found..
  • 338 (E)- When workspace is enabled, persistent indexes can not be created.
  • 339 (E)- Shadow database already established in '%1'
  • 340 (W)- A %2 - instance with key value '%5' (%2) in '%1' was updated by another workspace.
  • 341 (E)- When workspace is enabled extents can not be deleted.
  • 342 (E)- Path '%1' could not be positioned
  • 343 (E)- Filter expression not supported in this context
  • 344 (E)- Cannot set key selection - no key definition for collection (%1 in %2)
  • 345 (E)- Sort order cannot be changed when automatic key selection is activated (%1,%2)
  • 346 (E)- Cannot create instance for automatically positioned handle
  • 347 (E)- GUID cannot be generated for instance (read-only access)
  • 348 (E)- Cannot change node for static property handle
  • 349 (E)- Could not open extent '%1'
  • 350 (E)- Missing 'From' clause in view definition
  • 351 (E)- Invalid file path for view output
  • 352 (E)- Failed to open output data source '%1' for view
  • 353 (E)- Missing SELECT clause in view definition
  • 354 (E)- Invalid Query identifier when executing predefined query
  • 355 (E)- Invalid instance identifier '%1' passed as scope
  • 356 (E)- Invalid expression '%1' defined for view base
  • 357 (E)- View expression '%1' is not a collection
  • 358 (E)- Instance cache requires sort or identifying key
  • 359 (E)- Missing identifier for target object
  • 360 (E)- No source object selected for copying
  • 361 (E)- Target object '%1' does already exist
  • 362 (E)- Error reading database entry in data area '%1'
  • 363 (E)- Workspace(s) are active - no version created
  • 364 (E)- Operation '%1' requires left operator
  • 365 (E)- Missing operation rule for operation '%1'
  • 366 (I)- SID: %1, Type: %2, Size: %3
  • 367 (W)- Invalid index entry '%1' (%2) will be deleted.
  • 368 (E)- Could not delete index entry '%1'
  • 369 (W)- Invalid count for index entry '%1(%2)'. Count replaced by %3.
  • 370 (E)- Invalid key '%1' for index entry. Key replaced by '%2'.
  • 371 (W)- Entry count for index entry '%1' is 0. Index entry deleted.
  • 372 (E)- Path element '%3' in '%1...' not defined in '%2'
  • 373 (E)- Index damaged - collection deleted
  • 374 (E)- Empty value not allowed for '%1'
  • 375 (E)- Reference %1 in %2 contains links and cannot be deleted
  • 376 (E)- Global variable '%1' already exists
  • 377 (E)- Invalid key definition for extent '%1'
  • 378 (E)- Error parsing expression
  • 379 (E)- Expression '%1' does already exist
  • 380 (E)- Invalid type declaration in ODL schema definition
  • 381 (E)- Function '%1' not supported in client/server mode
  • 382 (E)- Missing group clause definition
  • 383 (E)- Online versioning for compact tables not yet supported - upgrade database
  • 384 (E)- File does not contain 'schema' element
  • 385 (E)- 'name' attribute missing for %1 element in an ODABA XML schema
  • 386 (E)- 'Choice' element in '%1' not supported in ODABA XML schema
  • 387 ()- - internal feature (not documented)
  • 388 (E)- Invalid schema definition '%1' for XML dictionary
  • 389 (E)- Cannot copy an instance to itself
  • 390 (E)- Invalid child node
  • 391 (E)- Cannot lock instance or collection within internal transaction
  • 392 (E)- Synchronization error for replication client - version conflict
  • 393 (T)- Cannot reload replication database
  • 394 (T)- Database '%1' is replication DB - stop application (OK) or disable RDB (CANCEL)
  • 395 (I)- Replication DB disabled for '%1'
  • 396 (E)- Could not open Replication database '%1'
  • 397 (E)- Database '%1' not enabled as replication master database
  • 398 (E)- Instance already exists with different identity
  • 399 (E)- Instance not found in owning root base collection
  • 400 (E)- Open Dictionary: Error in generation phase.
  • 401 (E)- Access handle object not defined
  • 402 (E)- No lexical term selected for object association
  • 403 (E)- Could not start indexing process
  • 404 (E)- '%1' does not support keywords
  • 405 (E)- File header for data area '%1' locked
  • 406 (E)- Error reading or writing data area '%1'
  • 407 (E)- Binary files do not support internal file definitions
  • 408 (E)- Missing file path for external file
  • 409 (E)- Undefined file type
  • 410 (E)- Missing file definition for file '%1'
  • 411 (E)- No path defined for local folder (Options.Documentation.DocumentTarget)
  • 412 (E)- No path defined for document template (Options.Documentation.Templates)
  • 413 (E)- Cannot replace instance in '%1(%2)' in structure '%3'
  • 414 (E)- Missing calling object for OSI operation
  • 415 (E)- Synonyms '%1' are not allowed for '%2'
  • 416 (E)- Instance in '%1' reselected during insert - insertion aborted
  • 417 (E)- '%1': cannot switch to scope type in '%2'
  • 418 (E)- '%1': data type '%2' for property invalid or not ready
  • 419 (E)- '%1': invalid property path for '%2'
  • 420 (E)- Trying to create generic attribute with invalid type
  • 421 (E)- ODABA url '%1' is not valid
  • 422 (E)- ODABA url '%1' is not valid - invalid identity
  • 423 (E)- ODABA url '%1' is not valid - invalid path
  • 424 (E)- ODABA url '%1' is not valid - could not locate instance
  • 425 (E)- ODABA url '%1' is not valid
  • 426 (E)- Error open server dictionary '%1' on server '%2'
  • 427 (W)- To many parameters passed to function or expression '%2::%3'
  • 428 (E)- Cannot open server dictionary '%1' for local client
  • 429 (E)- Replication not enabled; disable failed.
  • 430 (E)- Can not set object version starting in future
  • 431 (E)- Reset major version is supported for managed versioning modes, only
  • 432 (E)- Data source '%1' not found (as section).
  • 433 (E)- Invalid scope in new scoped name '%1'.
  • 434 (E)- %1 not yet supported
  • 435 (E)- Error loading expression
  • 436 (E)- Error reading script file '%1'
  • 437 (E)- Invalid entry number for index - index recreated
  • 438 (E)- Invalid programming language defined
  • 439 (E)- Generic attribute '%1': value differs from selected generic access key
  • 440 (E)- TypeDefinition '%1' is not specialized to a database type definition
  • 441 (E)- No TypeDefinition available
  • 442 (E)- Multidimensional arrays not supported
  • 443 (E)- TypeDefinition '%1' does not define an enumeration.
  • 444 (E)- No valid access available for enumeration (TypeDefinition) '%1'
  • 445 (E)- Global parameter '%1' in '%2' differs from function or expression declaration
  • 446 (E)- Cannot run single process when process queue is working
  • 447 (E)- Opening database '%1' denied (invalid user name or password)
  • 448 (E)- Internal transaction not terminated
  • 449 (E)- Transaction '%2' canceled database: ('%1')
  • 450 (E)- Cannot open dictionary - invalid minor schema version
  • 451 (W)- Minor dictionary version higher than minor database schema version. Setup and continue?
  • 452 (W)- Minor dictionary version higher than minor database schema version. Continue?
  • 453 (E)- In valid position for removing string from '%1'
  • 454 (E)- TypeDefinition '%1' is not a view definition.
  • 455 (E)- No PropertyDefinition available
  • 456 (E)- PropertyDefinition '%1' is not specialized to a database property definition
  • 457 (E)- PropertyDefinition '%1' is not an extent definition.
  • 458 (E)- No IndexDefinition available
  • 459 (E)- Cannot close or reopen property handle'%1', which is not user property handle
  • 460 (E)- No valid Context available.
  • 461 (E)- Generic attribute type in initialized instance differs from attribute type, set for the generic property.
  • 462 (E)- Invalid cast from DBBaseContext to '%1'.
  • 463 (E)- Function '%1' not supported for context type '%2'.
  • 464 (E)- The function 'open' is not allowed for the main client.
  • 465 (E)- Cannot copy context class instance
  • 466 (E)- No value instance available for '%1(%2)' in structure '%3'
  • 467 (E)- Invalid property type referenced as value: '%1(%2)' in structure '%3'
  • 468 (E)- Cannot assign (%5) value to constant property: '%1(%2)' in structure '%3'
  • 469 (E)- Invalid subaction '%1' called from switch action '%2'
  • 470 (E)- Temporary procedure '%1' is not generate
  • 471 (E)- temporary procedure '%1' cannot suppress export
  • 472 (E)- Error loading ContextDLL (%1). Entry point '%2' is missing
  • 473 (E)- Ambiguous root extents ('%2', '%3') defined for type '%1'
  • 474 (E)- Calling operation '%1:%2' while closing the dictionary
  • 475 (E)- property '%2': Inverse '%4' in structure '%3' does not refer to the relationship.
  • 476 (E)- No SQL table name defined for '%1'
  • 477 (E)- No SQL field name defined for '%2' in table '%1'
  • 478 (E)- Cannot change order for attribute '%1'
  • 479 (E)- Property-function 'append' is supported only for unordered collections.
  • 480 (E)- Error accessing sql database
  • 481 (E)- Could not initialize clients '%1' with settings from '%2'
  • 482 (E)- Too many parameters for OSI function call.
  • 483 (E)- Invalid number of parameters for OSI function call
  • 484 (E)- Invalid parameter for OSI function call.
  • 485 (E)- Too few parameters for OSI function call.
  • 486 (E)- Path '%1' is not a directory
  • 487 (E)- Synonym '%1' already defined as data type
  • 488 (E)- Cannot move instances within a collection
  • 489 (E)- Cannot move instances between collections with different ownership
  • 490 (E)- Invalid parameter '%1' passed
  • 491 (E)- Variable or parameter '%1' defined in '%2' already defined as class member of '%3'
  • 492 (E)- Function or expression '%1' defined in '%2' no defined as method of '%3'
  • 493 (E)- Invalid member type '%1' for inverse '%2' in structure '%3'\n
  • 494 (E)- Type '%1' of inverse relationship '%2' in structure '%3' differs from property type '%4'\n
  • 495 (E)- Inverse relationship '%1' in structure '%2' could not be renamed into '%3'\n
  • 496 (I)- Inverse relationship '%1' in structure '%2' renamed into '%3'\n
  • 497 (E)- Inverse relationship '%1' could not be added to '%2'\n
  • 498 (I)- Inverse relationship '%1' added to '%2'\n
  • 499 ()- Inverse relationship '%1' created in '%2'\n
  • 500 (E)- Could not connect to server
  • 501 (E)- Host not found
  • 502 (E)- Could not connect or reconnect to host
  • 503 (E)- Listening error
  • 504 (E)- Bind error
  • 505 (E)- Invalid server identification (connection string)
  • 506 (E)- Client version '%1' does not correspond to server version '%2'
  • 507 (E)- Unknown machine type
  • 508 (E)- Invalid data type for instance
  • 509 (E)- Invalid server function call
  • 510 (E)- Instance link can be created within one database, only.
  • 511 (E)- Instance areas can be allocated for free property handles, only.
  • 512 (E)- Instance descriptions can be allocated for free property handles, only.
  • 513 (E)- Sort key conflict between client and server.
  • 514 (E)- Missing field description for property handle.
  • 515 (E)- One ODABA client cannot connect to different servers
  • 516 (E)- Object can not be opened before transaction is stopped.
  • 517 (X)- Connection not opened or disconnected - application terminated
  • 518 (E)- Action failed (Class: %1, Function: %2)
  • 519 (E)- Server dictionary required for '%1'
  • 520 (E)- Dictionary not opened
  • 521 (E)- Object space or database not opened
  • 522 (E)- Operation not defined or invalid
  • 523 (E)- No connection to server object
  • 524 (E)- Error accessing weak typed copy property handle
  • 525 (E)- ODABA extents can be opened for physical database extents, only.
  • 526 (E)- An operation needs a calling object from the same DBObjectHandle as the result.
  • 527 (W)- Not all sub handles closed on the server
  • 528 (E)- Cannot delete instances selected in the property handle hierarchy
  • 529 (E)- Type conflict reading an instance.
  • 530 (S)- Server start failed. Error reason %1.
  • 531 (S)- Server started successfully (ODABA version: %1).
  • 532 (E)- Server is shutting down. Cannot create new clients.
  • 533 (T)- No server connection. Function terminated.
  • 534 (W)- Wrong intermediate file specification '%1%. Intermediate file ignored.
  • 535 (W)- Invalid release quote definition '%1'. Default 25% used.
  • 536 (E)- Could not start thread for 'write to database'. Database not opened.
  • 537 (E)- Client event handler failed (Event: %1)
  • 538 (E)- Internal error: Invalid server object
  • 539 (E)- Structure '%1' - property '%2': inverse '%3' not found in type '%4', but in a base type, which is not allowed.
  • 540 (E)- Error - Handle function '%1' not supported
  • 541 (E)- Cannot move instance to not owning collection '%1' that has not got a super set
  • 542 (E)- Cannot start update transaction from within an internal transaction
  • 543 (W)- Shadow database not activated, because the shadow base feature is not enabled.
  • 544 (W)- Shadow database not deactivated, because the shadow base feature is not enabled.
  • 545 (E)- Cannot change versioning mode after being set once
  • 546 (E)- Could not remove transaction file - no transaction started
  • 547 (E)- Extent reference '%1' could not be renamed to '%2'.
  • 548 (E)- Function '%1' not executed, because buffer feature is not enabled.
  • 549 (E)- Invalid buffer size.
  • 550 (E)- Missing view path definition
  • 551 (E)- Invalid or missing postcondition
  • 552 (E)- Invalid or missing precondition
  • 553 (E)- Missing or invalid sort key name '%1' in '%2' of view '%3'
  • 554 (E)- Missing or invalid filter expression '%1' in '%2' of view '%3'
  • 555 (E)- Invalid or missing source '%1' for '%2' in '%3'
  • 556 (E)- Invalid source type defined for '%2' in view '%3'
  • 557 (E)- Invalid port number - server terminated
  • 558 (E)- Invalid or missing ini-file - server terminated
  • 559 (E)- Type definition for key required
  • 560 (E)- Invalid cache size.
  • 561 (E)- '%1' - Versioning mode for database does not support instance versioning.
  • 562 (E)- Cannot create individual version for '%1' (read-only)
  • 563 (E)- Cannot create instance version for local instance in '%1'
  • 564 (E)- Handle does not support versioning
  • 565 (E)- Access key required but not defined.
  • 566 (E)- No key definition for property '%1'
  • 567 (E)- Cannot create shared base of '%2' for local reference '%1'
  • 568 (W)- Read access supported, only, for not owning relationship '%1' in '%2'
  • 569 (E)- Primary key required for '%1' but not defined in '%2'
  • 570 (E)- Missing type name
  • 571 (E)- Generic attribute '%1' not found in property '%2'.
  • 572 (E)- Invalid value '%1' for generic attribute type in '%2'
  • 573 (E)- Cannot provide old instance for transient properties or attributes
  • 574 (E)- Dynamical length not supported for this kind of property.
  • 575 (E)- Result node required but not available or not accessible
  • 576 (E)- Class '%1' is not a valid context class
  • 577 (E)- System type parameter '%1' in '%2::%3' has to be passed by reference
  • 578 (E)- System type variable '%1' in '%2::%3' requires constructor parameter list
  • 579 (E)- Constructor parameter list for variable '%1' in '%2::%3' are allowed for system types, only
  • 580 (E)- Constructor parameter list for reference variable '%1' in '%2::%3' is not allowed
  • 581 (E)- Cannot assign system class instances by operator= - use assign() function
  • 582 (E)- Cannot assign system class instances by operator= - use assign by reference.
  • 583 (E)- Invalid Option (name is missing).
  • 584 (E)- Directory property handles have to inherit from 'DirectoryEntry'
  • 585 (E)- Cannot copy to fixed system type: '%3' in %2::%1
  • 586 (E)- Initialize instances (not yet stored to database) can not be reset.
  • 587 (E)- Cannot refer to "Property" type in OSI
  • 588 (W)- To much data converting '%2' to '%3'
  • 589 (E)- Access to invalid string/data position
  • 590 (E)- DataExchange could not be initialized for %1 data.
  • 591 (E)- CSharp does not support more than one base class.
  • 592 (E)- Externally defined DLL '%1' could not be loaded - not found
  • 593 (E)- Invalid character.
  • 594 (E)- Cannot update sensitive property '%1' via VOID property
  • 595 (E)- Entry could not be located in collection '%1(%2)'
  • 596 (E)- Extension property '%1' not defined in database or dictionary
  • 597 (E)- Extension attributes '%1'e xceeds a size of 8 bytes
  • 598 (E)- Cannot create property extension for '%1' on demand
  • 599 (E)- '%1' is not an extension property
  • 600 (E)- Inverse relationship error '%1' - relationship '%2::%3' already refers to inverse '%4'
  • 601 (E)- Cannot relocate instance in source property '%1'
  • 602 (E)- Invalid context class type for context class '%1' linked to resource '%2(%3)'
  • 603 (E)- Calling object required when calling '%1::%2'
  • 604 (E)- Size error in index entry
  • 605 (E)- Could not load template '%1' for '%2' - error in template
  • 606 (E)- Missing 'body' element in template file
  • 607 (E)- Variable definition in code block in '%2'
  • 608 (E)- No table row defined in row template '%2'
  • 609 (W)- Dimension and size in '%1' are 0. Reference level changed from direct to reference
  • 610 (E)- Opration requires a selected instance in property '%1'
  • 611 (R)- Type mismatch for property handles
  • 612 (E)- Instance unselected in '%1' while running event handler '%2'
  • 613 (E)- Invalid size of %2 (maximum length: %3) for write operation at '%1'
  • 614 (E)- Position %2 exceeds maximum size of %3 for property '%1'
  • 615 (E)- Read/Write for property '%1 ('%2')' denied - not a BLOB field or text reference (MEMO)
  • 616 ()- Relative access not supported for property '%1'
  • 617 (E)- Languge '%1' not supported by ODABA
  • 618 (E)- Property '%1' is not a MEMO or BLOB property
  • 619 (E)- Property '%1' is not a BLOB property
  • 620 (E)- Invalid value '%1' - must be between 0 and 255
  • 621 (E)- Cannot compare BLOB property '%1'
  • 622 (E)- OSI function or entry point '%1' not found
  • 623 (E)- Maximum stack limit of %1 exceeded
  • 624 (E)- Cannot remove property definition from '%1' by synonym '%2'
  • 625 (E)- Key component '%2' from data type '%1'
  • 626 (E)- Complex operation '%2' in order by specification for '%1' requires member declaration
  • 627 (E)- Property '%1' does already exist. Extension attribute not created
  • 628 (E)- Cannot set value for attribute '%1' having a data source
  • 629 (E)- Invalid or empty parameter list when calling orderBy for '%1'
  • 630 (E)- Maximim one key component may be multi-dimensional
  • 631 (E)- Parameter declaration required instead of '%1'
  • 632 (E)- Missing database path in data source
  • 633 (E)- Cannot load hierarchical namespace '%1'
  • 634 (E)- Recursivly storing '%1' instance
  • 635 (E)- Type mismatch for '%1' - '%2' is expected instead of '%3'
  • 636 (E)- Implicit string conversion not supported for system data type (call toString())
  • 637 (E)- Database %1 already opened with different version or access mode
  • 639 (W)- Could not open external file %1
  • 650 (E)- Size for attribute %2 must be greater than 0
  • 651 (E)- No property path defined for '%1'
  • 652 (E)- Property path '%2' for '%1' is invalid (syntax error)
  • 653 (E)- Position operand '%3' in property path '%2' for '%1' must be a constant
  • 654 (E)- Path member '%3' in path '%2' not found in structure '%4'
  • 655 (W)- Member '%3' in '%4' has no type
  • 656 (E)- Property path '%2' cannot continue after '%3', which is an enumeration
  • 657 (E)- Invalid enumeration or extent name in '%2'
  • 658 (E)- Missing value(s) for classification '%1'.
  • 659 (E)- Missing property for object type '%1'.
  • 660 (E)- Classification '%1' could not be selected in global Classification list.
  • 661 (E)- Object type '%1' could not be selected in global ObjectType list.
  • 662 (E)- Structure / Object Type '%1' - property '%2': Type VOID / Any (DataModel / TerminologyModel) not supported for attributes / characteristics.
  • 663 (E)- Structure / Object Type '%1' - property '%2': The Object Type '%3' contains associations, which is not allowed for the type of a characteristic.
  • 664 (E)- Structure / Object Type '%1' - property '%2': Type '%3' not defined in database.
  • 665 (I)- Structure / Object Type '%1' - property '%2': Type '%3' could not be checked for association(s) because it is a referenced type not defind in the current database.
  • 666 (E)- Structure / Object Type '%1' - property '%2': classification (%3) is not allowed for the type of a part.
  • 667 (E)- Structure / Object Type '%1' - property '%2': Name '__AUTOIDENT' is reserved and allowed only for attributes / characteristics (DataModel / TerminologyModel).
  • 668 (E)- Cannor erase or rename extent reference when top nodes are opened in property handles
  • 669 (W)- Object type '%1' is used as weak-typed reference in collection '%2' but does not have any (exclusive) specialisation
  • 670 (W)- Structure / Object Type '%1' - property '%2': system type '%3' could not be checked for use as generic attribute type.
  • 671 (E)- Collection '%1' could not be selected in global Collection list.
  • 672 (W)- Attribute size for '%1' exceeded 8 bytes - corrected
  • 673 (E)- Object type '%1': Terminology must be checked before providing data model.
  • 674 (E)- Multilingual is supported for characteristic/attribute and part-of/references, only.
  • 675 (E)- Multilingual is not supported for identifying characteristic/attribute.
  • 676 (E)- Identifier is not supported for multilingual property.
  • 677 (E)- Identifier is not supported for large text (text reference).
  • 678 (E)- Object type '%1' has a termonology error status.
  • 679 (E)- Object type/Complex Data Type '%1' is not usable as generic for '%2'.
  • 680 (E)- Object type '%3' is not part of current termonology; Inverse association '%4' can not be added .
  • 681 (I)- Object type '%1' : property '2' moved from characteristics to part-of (large text).
  • 682 (E)- Object type '%1' : property '2' could not be moved from characteristics to part-of (large text).
  • 683 (E)- Collection '%1': Terminology must be checked before providing data model.
  • 684 (E)- Cannot create copy for string owner
  • 685 (E)- XML string is not an XML element
  • 686 (E)- XML string is not an XML attribute
  • 687 (E)- Cannot provide specialized instance to non-weak-typed collection '%1'
  • 688 (E)- Cannot rename/delete extent '%1' (open extent properties)
  • 689 (E)- Cannot remove index '%1' (persistent index)
  • 690 (E)- Owner scope version number limit exceeded
  • 691 (E)- Cannot change version for database entries in transaction
  • 692 (E)- Cannot update version for local instances in '%1'
  • 693 (E)- Owner scope version number exceeds maximum of 65535
  • 694 (E)- Version number required for '%1' lower than current version
  • 695 (E)- Version number required for '%1' greater than last version
  • 696 (E)- Cannot update version for '%1'
  • 697 (E)- Function requires managed versioning mode
  • 698 (E)- Invalid version number for resetting database version
  • 699 (E)- Property handle '%1' cannot create collection version for local collections or subsets
  • 700 (E)- Cannot set access version for '%1' - no versioning mode defined for database
  • 701 (E)- Cannot reset version for non synchronized versioning mode
  • 702 (E)- Property handle type of '%1' does not support versioning
  • 703 (E)- Data type fpr property handle '%1' does not inherit from __OBJECT
  • 704 (E)- Invalid combination of version modes
  • 705 (E)- Objerct space versioning is not supported
  • 706 (E)- Property '%1' does not support versioning functions
  • 707 (E)- Funktion requires synchronized versioning feature
  • 708 (E)- Version number lower than current scope version
  • 709 (E)- Version number higher than current scope version
  • 710 (E)- Entry number exceeds maximum value
  • 711 (E)- Type mismach for inverse reference in '%1' ('%2', '%3')
  • 712 (E)- Invalid path '%1' or file for OSI library
  • 713 (E)- Property '%1' does not support filters
  • 714 (E)- Cannot reduce version number for '%1'
  • 715 (E)- Trying to upgrade '%1' to invalid version number
  • 716 (E)- Cannot update instances in not owning relationship '%1' - base collection required
  • 717 (E)- Mirror check error at position '%1(%2)'
  • 718 (E)- Directory '%1' could not be opened
  • 719 (E)- Connection '%1' already used for other client
  • 720 (E)- Caching connection '%1' denied
  • 721 (E)- Mirror database already opened
  • 722 (E)- Transaction cacelled because of error locking database
  • 723 (E)- Function failed - client object not nonnected to server
  • 724 (E)- Function not supported for attribute '%s'
  • 725 (E)- Cannot apply operator on system class
  • 726 (E)- Version '%1' not available for database entry '%2'
  • 727 (E)- Error parsing file '%1'
  • 728 (E)- Error parsing expression
  • 729 (E)- No BNF node found at position '%1' below '%2'
  • 730 (E)- Symbol '%1' nor found in BNF tree below '%2'
  • 777 (E)- Database function '%1' terminated with errors but without error code.
  • 778 (E)- Database function '%1' on '%2' terminated with errors but without error code.
  • 779 (E)- Function '%1::%2' not supported in this version
  • 780 (E)- Property '%1' defined as extension property in extension schema
  • 781 (E)- Cammor create more than one server in a process
  • 782 (E)- Cannot overload subordinated object space handles
  • 783 (E)- Cannot activate object space overload. No object spaces connected.
  • 784 (E)- Adding key references in '%1' requires identifying key
  • 785 (E)- Adding key references in '%1' requires identifying key order
  • 786 (E)- Cannot assign value to operation result
  • 787 (E)- Configuration file '%1' is not an XML file
  • 788 (E)- Redefinition of expression '%1' in data type '%2'.
  • 789 (E)- Error loading OSI script file '%1'.
  • 790 (E)- Cannot assign element '%1' to attribute
  • 791 (E)- Could not find namespace '%1'
  • 792 (E)- No instance found in collection '%1' when running aggregation function '%2'
  • 793 (E)- Non numeric attribute '%1' selected in collection '%2' when running aggregation function '%3'
  • 794 (E)- Invalid number of parameters for aggregate function '%1'
  • 795 (E)- 'partition' not defined for aggregation function
  • 796 (E)- Duplicate definition of 'partition'
  • 797 (E)- Missing grouping attributes for GROUP operation
  • 798 (E)- Missing operands for '%1' in '%2'
  • 799 (E)- Field source '%1' for field '%2' in data type '%3' contains invalid expression
  • 800 (E)- View operand '%1' requires identifier as first operand
  • 801 (E)- View operand '%1' is not an assignment ooperation
  • 802 (E)- No key defined for aggregation definition '%1'
  • 803 (E)- Identitity '%1' does not refer to an instance
  • 804 (E)- Cannot lock index - property '%1' has key locks
  • 805 (E)- Index '%1' of '%2' with entry number '%3' already locked
  • 806 (E)- Index '%1' of '%2' with entry number '%3' is locked by other application
  • 807 (E)- Cannot unlock collection '%1' with entry number '%2' - not locked by application
  • 808 (E)- Database header for database '%1' already locked
  • 809 (E)- Database header for database '%1' cannot be unlocked - not locked by application
  • 810 (E)- Entry with entry number '%1' is write-protected
  • 811 (E)- Cannot unlock database entry with entry number '%1' - not locked by application
  • 812 (E)- Database entry with entry number '%1' is locked by application
  • 813 (E)- Database entry with entry number '%1' not locked by application
  • 814 (E)- Lock error locking/unlocking/reading recovery file '%1'
  • 815 (E)- Error reading, locking, unlocking or writing file position '%2' in database file '%1'
  • 816 (E)- Entry with entry number '%1' is locked
  • 817 (E)- Cannot lock/unlock key cache entry with entry number '%1'
  • 818 (E)- Could not create member '%1' with data type '%2'
  • 819 ()- Missing data source for view '%1'
  • 820 (E)- Maximum file size exceeded
  • 821 (E)- Could not locate library '%1'
  • 822 (E)- Cannot assign resource database from different client
  • 823 (E)- Cannot assign local resource database to server database
  • 824 (I)- Updating file '%1'
  • 825 (E)- Invalid encoding type '%1' for access key string
  • 826 (E)- Invalid access key headlint '%1'
  • 827 (E)- Key string file '%1' does not exist
  • 828 (E)- Invalid collection options for persistence type at '%1'
  • 829 (E)- Invalid function call (class: %1, function: %2)
  • 830 (W)- Handle check failed
  • 831 (W)- Starting server transaction failed
  • 931 (E)- Index error in index '%1' of collection '%2'
  • 991 (I)- %1
  • 992 (I)- %1 %2
  • 993 (I)- %1 %2 %3
  • 994 (I)- %1 %2 %3 %4
  • 995 (I)- %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
  • 996 (E)- %2: System exception '%1' thrown