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ODABAClient :: CheckDB - Check database

The function calls the check database service. The service is executed on the local machine, when running in a local network (file server mode) or on a local database. In this case, the database must be available exclusive.

When running on a server, the request is passed to the server. All clients are paused as long as CheckDB is running. The function waits the path number of seconds to allow the clients closing all running transactions.

Return value:  Return value ( logical  )

The function returns YES when the question was answered positively. Otherwise it returns NO.

Implementation details

logical ODABAClient  :: CheckDB ( NPath &dict_path, NPath &cpath, CheckOptions check_opts, NString &extent_path, NString &nresult, int32 wait_sec=300 )
  • dict_path - Complete path to dictionary

    The file path is passed as 0-terminated string.

  • cpath - Complete file or directory path
  • check_opts - Check options

    Check options define the check functions to be performed and the database extents included in the check.

  • extent_path - Extent path
  • nresult - - internal feature (not documented)
  • wait_sec - Number of seconds to wait

    The system waits the given number of seconds before executing the request.

    Default: 300