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OperationHandle :: ProvideExpression - Create expression definition

The function checks the expression and creates an internal expression presentation.

Return value:  Success ( logical  )

Implementation details

  1. Provide operation from BNF tree
    logical OperationHandle  :: ProvideExpression ( DictionaryHandle &dictionary, DBObjectHandle &res_obhandle, DBObjectHandle &obhandle_ref, BNFData *expr_data )

    The expression is build from the BNF-tree passed in expr_data.

    • dictionary - Dictionary handle

      The dictionary handle usually refers to an opened dictionary. To check whether a dictionary is opened one may use the !-operator.

    • res_obhandle - Reference to resource database object handle

      The resource database handle usually is a database handle, which is referred to as database object handle.

    • obhandle_ref - Reference to database object handle

      The reference refers to an opened or not opened database object handle.

    • expr_data - BNF-tree for expression
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  3. - internal feature (not documented)
    logical OperationHandle  :: ProvideExpression ( DictionaryHandle &dictionary, DBObjectHandle &res_obhandle, DBObjectHandle &obhandle_ref, NPath &dict_path, NPath &file_names )
    • dictionary - Dictionary handle

      The dictionary handle usually refers to an opened dictionary. To check whether a dictionary is opened one may use the !-operator.

    • res_obhandle - Reference to resource database object handle

      The resource database handle usually is a database handle, which is referred to as database object handle.

    • obhandle_ref - Reference to database object handle

      The reference refers to an opened or not opened database object handle.

    • dict_path - Complete path to dictionary

      The file path is passed as 0-terminated string.

    • file_names - File name
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  5. Provide operation from in line expression
    logical OperationHandle  :: ProvideExpression ( DictionaryHandle &dictionary, DBObjectHandle &res_obhandle, DBObjectHandle &obhandle_ref, NString &cexpression )

    The expression is build from the in line expression passed in expression.

    • dictionary - Dictionary handle

      The dictionary handle usually refers to an opened dictionary. To check whether a dictionary is opened one may use the !-operator.

    • res_obhandle - Reference to resource database object handle

      The resource database handle usually is a database handle, which is referred to as database object handle.

    • obhandle_ref - Reference to database object handle

      The reference refers to an opened or not opened database object handle.

    • cexpression - - Title unknown
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