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Application :: cacheOutput - System output cache

The system output cache property indicates, whether system output messages are written to application/console or cached. The output message cache may be obtained by calling outputCache().

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get output chache state
    bool Application  :: cacheOutput (  )

    The function returns, whether system messages are cached or not.

  2. to list
  3. Enable/disable system output cache
    bool Application  :: cacheOutput ( bool bCache )

    In order to suppress output messages and collecting those in a output cache, true should be passed in bCache. In order to re-activate system output, false has to be passed. When reactivating system output, the output cache will be cleared. In order to obtain output cache content, outputCache() may be called before.

    • bCache - - internal feature (not documented)
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