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Client :: applicationType - Application type property

The property provides the type of application assigned to a client. Usually, the application type is assigned to the main client. The application type set for the main client decides e.g. the way, messages will be displayed to the user.

Besides, each further client might have its own application type, which might differ from the main client's application type.

The property can be changed by calling the setApplicationType() function.

Return value:  Application type ( odaba::ApplicationTypes  )

This option indicates that the application will run as console or windows application.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. - Title unknown
    odaba::ApplicationTypes Client  :: applicationType (  )
  2. to list
  3. Set application type
    odaba::ApplicationTypes Client  :: applicationType ( odaba::ApplicationTypes eApplicationType )

    The function sets the application type for the client to the value passed in eApplicationType. Setting the application type for a client will change the way messages are displayed to the user.

    Setting the application type to ConsoleApplication will disable GUI messages, i.e. messages are not displayed in message boxes anymore, but written to console. Setting application type to WindowsApplication will enable GUI messages, i.e. messages will be displayed in message boxes further on.

    • eApplicationType - Application type

      This option indicates that the application will run as console or windows application.

  4. to list