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GlobalVariable :: create - Create Global variable

A global property with the name of the global variable will be created, i.e. global variable name will be set as property name in the global property handle(propertyDefinition().name()). Since name of the property cannot be changed for subordinated properties, a transient property will be created in this case and set to the property passed.

Global variables created are available in the thread in which they have been created, only. When a global variable with the given name already exists, the function replaces the variable with the property passed.

// fragment

  GlobalVariable  userName("userName");

  GlobalVariable  userAge("age");

  userName.create(Value("Paul")); // creates a string variable

  if ( !userAge.exist() )         // create only, when not yet created

    userAge.create(Value(20));    // creates an integer variable

Return value:   - internal feature (not documented) ( odaba::GlobalVariable & )

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Create global Variable from property handle
    odaba::GlobalVariable & GlobalVariable  :: create ( odaba::Property &cProperty )

    The property handle passed in cProperty is used as pattern for setting the global variable. When passing an invalid property handle, the function throws an exception.

    • cProperty - Property reference

      A property handle refers to a (usually) opened property. Invalid properties may cause an exception.

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  3. Create global Variable from value handle
    odaba::GlobalVariable & GlobalVariable  :: create ( odaba::Value &cValue )

    The value handle passed in cValue is used as pattern for creating the global variable. When passing an invalid value handle, the function throws an exception.

    • cValue - Value handle

      A value handle refers to a (usually) opened value. Invalid value handles may cause an exception.

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