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Property :: cursorCopy - Create copy for property handle

The function returns a property handle with a cursor copy of the handle passed in cProperty (see also use()).In order to obtain a property handle sharing the cursor, use() should be called. When a filter condition had been set for cProperty, the filter condition is copied as well. When an instance had been located in the original property handle, the cursor copy is located. The cursor copy is unselected, i.e. selection is not copied from the source.

When the property handle passed in cProperty is not valid, the property handle remains invalid.

// fragment

.... function ( Property &person ) {

  Property     my_cursor(person.cursorCopy());

  if ( my_cursor.located() )

    my_cursor.get();          // select located instance




Return value:  Property reference ( odaba::Property  )

A property handle refers to a (usually) opened property. Invalid properties may cause an exception.

Implementation details

odaba::Property Property  :: cursorCopy (  )

The function creates a copy of the property handle. A copy of a property handle has its own cursor but refers to the same data source (collection, instance, value).