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Time :: toUnixTime - Set unix time from time value

The function returns a Unix timestamp from the time value. As date 'today' is assumed.

When true has been passed in bLocalTime, the time value is considered as local time and will be converted to Greenwich mean time (UTC) before storing the ODABA time value.

Return value:  Unix time stamp ( int64  )

The unix timestamp contains the number of seconds since 1.1.1970 0:00:00 (UTC), which is an absolute timestamp that might be converted into local time.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get unix standard time from local time
    int64 Time  :: toUnixTime ( bool bLocalTime )

    When true has been passed in bLocalTime, the value is considered as local time and will be converted to Greenwich standard time (UTC).

    When passing false in bLocalTime, no conversion takes place and it is up to the application interpreting the value as local or standard time.

    • bLocalTime - Local or standard time

      The option indicates, that a time value or timestamp contains local time (true) or Greenwich standard time (false).

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  3. Get unix timestamp
    int64 Time  :: toUnixTime (  )

    The function returns the Unix timestamp from the current ODABA time. It is up to the application interpreting the value as local or standard time.

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