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Email :: attach - Attach file to email

The function may be called for attaching files to an email. In order to attach more that one file, the function may be called several times.


Before adding attachments, all email properties have to be set (including subject and message). Usually, attachments will be added immediately before calling send().

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Attach file to email
    bool Email  :: attach ( odaba::String &cFilePath )
    • cFilePath - - internal feature (not documented)
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  3. Add inline attachment to email
    bool Email  :: attach ( odaba::String &cFilePath, odaba::String &cString )

    The function attaches the file referenced in cFilePath. as inline attachment. The path passed in cFilePath has to refer to a valid file position. The value passed in cString is an identifying string for the inline attachment.

    • cFilePath - - internal feature (not documented)
    • cString - Constant string object

      When iPosition exceeds the string length or when the string is empty, the the function returns -1 (lower).

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