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XMLString :: nextElement - Get next element

The function returns the next element with the element name passed in sName. The first element may be selected calling element(). The function returns the next XML element as XMLString. When no more elements with the name passed incould be located, the function returns an invalid XMLString.

void   fragment(XMLString &xstring) {  // OSI implementation


  XMLString    &xelement;


  xelement &= xstring.element("author"); // look for first author

  while ( xelement.isValid() ) {

    // do something

    xelement &= xstring.nextElement("author");




The function relies on the element cursor in the XMLString, which may be changed when calling element() or nextElement().

Return value:   - internal feature (not documented) ( odaba::utils::XMLString  )

Implementation details

odaba::utils::XMLString XMLString  :: nextElement ( odaba::String &sName )
  • sName - Name