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ControlContext :: setDisplayLevel - Change the display level

For tab controls or windows with level controls (controls with different display levels) only fields for the selected display level are shown. The function allows changing the display level.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Change display level by number
    ControlContext  :: setDisplayLevel ( int32 iDisplayLevel, bool bFill )

    Changing the display level according to the number passed in iDisplayLevel will switch the display level (or tab). Passing 0 results in displaying standard controls, only (controls with display level 0 are always visible).

    Passing true in bFill causes refilling all controls, which become visible.

    • iDisplayLevel - Display level

      The display level is be a value greater or equal to zero. The value must not exceed the number of display levels in the control (e.g. the number of tabs in a tab control).

      Display level 0 causes hiding all controls except those defined on level 0, which are visible on any display level.

    • bFill - Fill option

      In order to refill data, this option must be set to true.

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  3. Set Display level according to current property handle type
    ControlContext  :: setDisplayLevel ( odaba::Property &cProperty )

    Changing display level by property handle passed in cProperty allows switching to a level associated with the type of the currently selected instance in the property handle. This feature is mainly used with dynamic control stacks (virtual controls). The current type has to refer to the GUI class, from which the tab-control for the dynamic control stack is to be loaded.

    • cProperty - Property handle reference
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  5. Changing display level by type
    ControlContext  :: setDisplayLevel ( odaba::String &sTypeName )

    Changing display level by type name passed in sTypeName allows switching to a level associated with the type name passed to the function. This feature is mainly used in connection with dynamic control stacks, which provide an invisible tab-control for each type.. The type name is interpreted as class name for the GUI class, from which the tab-control for the dynamic control stack is to be loaded.

    • sTypeName - Type name

      The type name is the name of a data type (usually) defined in the database. The type name might be passed as simple identifier or as scoped name with preceding namespace names separated by double colon '::'.

      In order to pass no type name, an empty string ( String() ) may be passed.

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