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TextFile :: linePosition - Positions the write cursor within the current line

The position passed in iLinePosition is interpreted relatively 1. If the new position is located after the current write cursor position. Blanks are filled in up to the new position passed in iLinePosition. When passing a value greater than 0 in the iForward parameter, the function ensures, that at least iForward characters are skipped, even though this might exceed the requested position. The new position will never become less than the current position.

The function throws an exception, when iLinePosition is less than 1, when the access mode is not Update or Write or when processing mode is not FormattedProcessing.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Set line position
    TextFile  :: linePosition ( int32 iLinePosition )

    The function sets the position for writing to the value passed in iLinePosition.

    • iLinePosition - Line position relative 1
  2. to list
  3. Set line position with minimum distance to the last line position
    TextFile  :: linePosition ( int32 iLinePosition, int32 iForward )

    The function sets the line position to the value passed in iLinePosition, but at least iForward characters after last line position.

    • iLinePosition - Line position relative 1
    • iForward - Minimum number of characters to skip
  4. to list