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ODABA schema definitions

Keywords:  schema

ODABA schema definitions include the definition of the object model, the functional model and the dynamic model. A schema definition may consist of a number of (sub)schemata. Each schema can be located in a different database, but one may also define a number of schemata in the same database.

Schema definitions are stored in a dictionary or repository, which is an ordinary ODABA database that can be accessed with ODABA access methods.

ODL differs between state and behavior. Usually, an interface describes behavior, while a literal (structure or enumeration) describes a state. Classes may define states and behavior. Inheritance relationship is restricted to behavior. Thus, classes and interfaces may inherit behavior from other interfaces but not from a class. Classes may inherit from other classes by EXTENDS relationships, only.

Details for data source definitions are described in "Common symbols".


ODL := [data_source] sc_elements