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Configuration templates

There are two reasons for using configuration templates in an application.

  • A configuration template helps ordering options in an option hierarchy. Moreover, it allows describing the options and the way, how to use. This is not only of importance for other users, but also for developers, who might forget the meaning of an option after a while.
  • A configuration template allows defining default values for configurations, which will be copied when creating a new configuration (e.g. a new user configuration).

Usually, configuration templates are defined as enumerations in the resource database (see ODC_Options,in Functional model reference). The default name for for the enumeration for a configuration template is _OptODE. One may, however, define other configuration templates. When referring to those templates as default configuration template, one should set the DEF_CONFIG_TEMPLATE option variable to the corresponding enumeration name.

In order to use configuration templates in the Option Wizard, options should be described within the template enumeration, from which the description is taken to be displayed in the Configuration Wizard.

The configuration template for initializing ODE tools is stored in the database as enumeration _OptODE.