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Application :: systemDictionary - Get dictionary handle for system dictionary

The system dictionary is a built-in dictionary, which will be created for each ODABA application. The system dictionary provides type definitions for all system object types (complex data types and enumerations). This includes following groups:

  • object type definitions (SDB)
  • causality definitions (CAU)
  • functional model definitions (ODC)
  • documentation objects (DSC)
  • administration object types (ADM)
  • standard types (DATE, LOGICAL, ...)
  • internal types (interface classes)

Moreover, the system dictionary provides extent definitions for system extents. In order to obtain object type or extent definitions from the system dictionary, Dictionary::typeDefinition() or Dictionary::extentDefinition() might be called.

Return value:  Dictionary handle ( odaba::Dictionary & )

The dictionary handle usually refers to an opened dictionary. Calling functions with invalid dictionary handles may cause an exception. For checking the dictionary handle, isValid() can be called.

Implementation details

odaba::Dictionary & Application  :: systemDictionary (  )