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Application :: shutDown - Shut down application

The function will deinitialize system resources opened by initialize(). Since system resources are not available after shutting down, all access handles should be closed before.

Shutting down the application is the only way to close internal application resources explicitly. In order to avoid late destruction by garbage collections used in high level languages, applications written in .NET or other high level languages should call the function before exiting.

In order to ensure scalability, the function should be called always before exiting a main program in order to close client server connections properly. When shutting down the application, server connections for the main client are disconnected regardless on the connection count. The application should care about disconnecting all clients or data sources, which might refer to the main client before shutting down.

In order to avoid late destruction by garbage collectors, client, data source, and access handles should be closed explicitly.

Implementation details

Application  :: shutDown (  )