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BNFNode :: print - Print BNF tree

The function prints (part of) a BNF tree beginning with the current BNF tree node. The symbol name as well as the value are printed. When passing true in bRecursive, all BNF tree nodes in the hierarchy below are printed.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Write BNF tree structure to standard output
    BNFNode  :: print ( bool bRecursive )
    • bRecursive - Process recursive

      The function is called recursively for subordinated elements.

  2. to list
  3. Write BNF tree structure to file
    BNFNode  :: print ( odaba::String &sPath, bool bRecursive )

    The function writes the BNF tree structure to the file passed in sPath.

    • sPath - File path
    • bRecursive - Process recursive

      The function is called recursively for subordinated elements.

  4. to list